
Make Your Character

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I want to see your guy's ideas and how creative other people can be with their characters backstories. I'm going to put a format that I use to make my characters and I want you guys to use it to make cool characters if your designs. Have fun :) 







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Name: Carl Mendano.

Appearance: Street casual and black hat, 6ft.

Race/ethnicity/nationality: White, British.

Personality: Cautious.

Education: Street smart.

Sexuality: Straight.

Misc Facts: Reasonable, loyal.

Background: Grew up and taught by gangs. Street life.

Edited by KennyBatin17
Better name.
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5 minutes ago, KennyBatin17 said:

Name: Kenny Batin.

Appearance: Street casual and black hat, 6ft.

Race/ethnicity/nationality: White, British.

Personality: Cautious.

Education: Street smart.

Sexuality: Straight.

Misc Facts: Reasonable, loyal.

Background: Grew up and taught by gangs. Street life.


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Name: Emma Solstice

Appearance: long brown hair, medium height, slender

Race/ethnicity/nationality: white, from Germany

Personality: Emma is very kind and has an easy going personality but you have to get to know her to get past her initial shyness. She is also rather careful and likes to think before she takes action. She wishes to be more courageous and tries her best to see every situation as an opportunity to grow.

Education: She went to a Christian school and university.

Sexuality: straight

Misc facts: She abhors violence.

Background: Emma grew up in rural Germany in a very religious family that is proud of its old roots. When she went to university in the neighboring town she met Markus Seefeld and they fell in love. They were just engaged to be married when he died in a bank robbery. This fateful incident changed her life. To get away from everything that reminded her of her lost love she left her family, her friends and even her country to start a new life from everything she held dear. She changed her last name from Sonnenwend to Solstice and started to live in Identity. She wanted to help those who needed help and so she became a paramedic, always trying to save lives and fighting against violence, in memory of her beloved Markus.

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Brian Hamilton


5"11, Brown, Medium-Long Hair, Blue Eyes.

No Hat, Black Suit, Navy-Blue Tie, Black Business Trousers, Black Business Shoes.

Signature clothing: Red Fingerless Gloves.


White / British / Scottish


Very empathetic, kind and friendly. Gets along with almost everybody and loves to entertain others. The kind of guy who, even though you don't know, would give you a passing smile on the street.

Also is very interested in politics and is running as Governor as Leader of The Hamilton Party.


Public School

Highest Qualification: "Drama"

Lowest Qualification: "Mathematics"


Biromantic, Demiormantic, Asexual

Misc Facts:

Loves acting and performing on stage to entertain people.

Loves making new friends.


Originally from Scotland, Brian moved to the United States at 18 years old in hope of starting a new life as he felt that there wasn't much left for him in Scotland other than family. He wanted to visit the U.S. in hope of seeing new things and finding new opportunities when he gained an interest in American politics and began studying it more and more until he eventually decided that he wanted to make a change in the community.

That's when he created The Hamilton Party.

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Lucious L. Times




Panthera Leo Leo: The Barbary Lion



Able To Delegate.

Extremely Extroverted...Open Book 








PhD. in Peace Studies, International Studies & Political Science



Misc Facts:

I'm a lion!



The Tale of Lucious Times

Lucious Lee Times ( aka Malka) grew up on the Mountains nearest and the plains of Pride Rock along with his brother Simba and his father Mufasa. An outcast Lucious was due to his interest in the humans, and his desire to be like them. At least on his mother's side, the side of the Mountains. Lucious eventually left the prides to be homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. In a city of crime Lucious had to be on the lookout at every turn. In Lucious' young life he grew to be very aware of the crime filled city and knew he had to do something to ensure his safety. At 15, Lucious started an organization with a few neighborhood boys called "The Peacekeepers". These boys were brutal. They cleaned the streets of crime in the most direct ways possible. Showing up to criminal hideouts and wasting away every member present, making fake visits to prisons and jails to poison and eliminate those criminals on the inside, making appointments with the LAPD to let THEM know how things would be done. The Peacekeepers were vigilantes at the finest. The city soon had a crime rate so low new schools were being built and more people migrated to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Through all the harsh deeds The Peacekeepers had done Lucious never was present for the actual action. He was the mastermind, the planner, the brain of the whole operation. Sitting behind a desk as leader of The Peacekeepers. Oh how things looked great! Lucious had made something out of nothing and became a city icon and hero as he grew older. Though soon, things made a turn for the worst. Lucious' closest partner, his beautiful fiance was capture by a man known by the name Gustavo Fring. A now well-known high profile methamphetamine drug lord. He did so because by cleaning up the city Lucious made distribution for Mr. Fring come to a complete stop in the area. Lucious grew furious, so furious he began to walk into a whole new light. The Peacekeepers became a weapon at Lucious' disposal. He thought long and hard and then finally had a plan. After finding where Fring was located Lucious and his team of over 200 men approached the location, guns loaded and ready for anything. However, Fring was already aware of Lucious' presence and decided to retaliate. Fring killed Lucious' fiance, then sent out total war upon Lucious and his men. In the end only two men were left standing; Fring and Lucious. After few words, Lucious caught leverage and killed Fring. Though Lucious was severely injured by gunshot. He called the LAPD. With quickness, Lucious was saved and had chance to speak with the LAPD Chief of Police. He thanked Lucious for his doings and after a long conversation of tears the chief left. Lucious began to realize how much he'd loss. All his men, his fiance, his hold on the city from crime all gone! Three weeks later Lucious walked out of the hospital, grab all $789,211 he'd raised with his people, and began to leave town for a new home. A place called Turtle Beach on Identity Island. However, when he got to the town line he found something waiting for him. Over half the city was standing their with gold-colored gold-scented candles. Some of them stood to give thanks, but many stood ready to follow him wherever he went. A woman by the name of Dorris Jean approached Lucious and told him this: "We give these candles to represent who you are to the city. Forever will you be the gold we all love, the gold we all know has provided, the gold we all know will pay the price. For to us you are a leader and friend. For you have become like royalty in this city. And with you royalty we be your royal family." Lucious was proud. All negative feelings previous washed away. Lucious now felt the obligation to continue to lead. For he knew he was wise and could give great leadership. This time he wouldn't limit himself to the leadership of a groups of boys who run a city, no. That was below him now. Now he needed to lead in higher heights where he could have greater impact and influence. A position of power such as Governor would do the trick! So he then decided to venture into the political field of leadership once he arrived in his new home. A few hours later after a celebratory evening Lucious and the now called Royal Family left. 12 days later they arrived in Turtle Beach on the Identity island and the rest is soon to be foretold...

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Name: Nicolette

Appearance: Brown Wavy medium to long hair, thin and average size

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Polish, Puerto Rican, and Dutch

Personality: Friendly, laid back, open minded!, workaholic, and party lover!

Education: PHD in medicine, highschool graduate, went to a pre-k to 8th private school before hand

Misc Facts: Loves animals, gaming, and most of all cooking!

Background: No known alive relatives besides her sister and looking to start one with at least 1 dog and 1 cat :)

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Name: Sebastian Triton

Age: 23

From: Los Angeles CA

Appearance Thin (but not very Muscular), Bluish Green Eyes, Brown Hair, and about 6 foot 1

Attire: Leather Jacket, Jeans, Tee-Shirt

Job: Vice President of Hetch Tech

Detail of House: Studio Apartment in Roseport

Detail of Car: Red Moter Cycle

Personality: Funny, Laid Back, Fair, Caring, Sweet, Shy, Polite, Honest, Sophisticated, Modest, A little Nerdy, Charming,


Education: A++ Student at Harvard University of Boston Massachusetts and all through grade and high school


Nationality: USA


Misc Facts: He Is a Break Dancer, He is a genius, his parents where named Mary And David Triton, His Mom was from Tokyo And His Dad Was from Paris But they only lived there the where fully Amiarican 

Backround: He moved to the island to start a new life because he was thrown out of his apartment in LA because he didnt have enough money to pay rent. but when he moved to the island he was offer'd the roll of Vice President Of Hetch Tech. at a very young age (11 to be Presice) both of his parents died in a plane crash. after living with his 20 year old sister for 4 years his sister passed on from Appendicitis and he was on the street till he was 17 years old he finaly was able to get the apartment but then he was thrown out and moved to the island and now things are looking up!

Edited by Odiggitydog
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Name: Marie-Clare Bouchard.


Image result for marion marechal le pen


Personality:Strong-Minded, Passionate, Intelligent, Outspoken and Ambitious!

 I speak my mind and do not stop working until I get what is best for my country!

I am a politician and I am running for Governor!

Education: I attended a private primary and secondary school.

I studied Political Science and International Law at Sorbonne University in Paris!


Misc Facts:Born and raised in Juan Les Pins in the South Of France.

I came from a wealthy family.

I survived a failed bomb attempt on her house when I just 9 years old, Islamist's were targeting my father.

I narrowly escaped the Nice truck attack.

Background: I was born and raised in Juan Les Pins in the South Of France. My grandfather was also a politician, he was right wing just like me!  He was runner up in the 2002 French Presidential Election. My aunt is also a politician, she is also right wing and she finished runner up in the 2016 French Presidential Election. I am known for speaking out against terrorism and my drastic ideas to combat terrorism. My family found their money by investing in political parties and through stock exchange, we are one of the richest families in France and quite high up in the wealth rankings in Europe!


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Name: Marco Kyle Love

Appearance: 6' 0, Black hair, light penciled beard, slight muscle

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Half Black Half White, Mom is Italian but his dad is from NC

Personality: Surprisingly sociable, especially for a bank robber. loves his money, and his power.

Education: Bachelors in criminology

Sexuality: Straight

Misc Facts: Always wears a mask when doing ANYTHING illegal

Background: Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down. in Raleigh born and raised... y'know what this shit ain't workin. ahh fuck, hi I'm Marco K. Love otherwise known as Not Here. I'm the one that robbed an armed truck in NC awhile back. I don't want to disclose anymore info. bye...

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Name: Xander James Royal

Appearance: Tall and thin, with Jet black hair, and blue eyes. Always has on a lab coat, with a gray shirt, and jeans. 

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Mutt

Personality: Shy at first, and tends to act crazy around new people. But once you get to know me I can be a lot of fun. I would die for my friends.

Education:Fresh out of high school. Looking into college if he can get the money. Also calls himself a Mad Scientist.

Sexuality: Pan

Misc Facts: Just wants people to try and under stand me.

Background: Was born on the main land. Before moving to the island with family. At the age of 4 both parents where killed in a car wreck. I was adopted by a family that didn't really care for me and began to to suffer from social disorders as well as depression. By the time I turned 15 I had fallen in love with the only thing I had to keep me company. Science. My goals where to one day show everyone how the world could be change by creating new forms of power and text actives home appliances. Then everything fell apart my senor year. As soon as I turned 18 my family kicked me out, and destroyed all of my creations. After many months of living off the streets and coach surfing with the few friends I have. I began to look in to buying a new apartment... and this is where the story really begans....

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10 hours ago, Xander21 said:

Name: Xander James Royal

Appearance: Tall and thin, with Jet black hair, and blue eyes. Always has on a lab coat, with a gray shirt, and jeans. 

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Mutt

Personality: Shy at first, and tends to act crazy around new people. But once you get to know me I can be a lot of fun. I would die for my friends.

Education:Fresh out of high school. Looking into college if he can get the money. Also calls himself a Mad Scientist.

Sexuality: Pan

Misc Facts: Just wants people to try and under stand me.

Background: Was born on the main land. Before moving to the island with family. At the age of 4 both parents where killed in a car wreck. I was adopted by a family that didn't really care for me and began to to suffer from social disorders as well as depression. By the time I turned 15 I had fallen in love with the only thing I had to keep me company. Science. My goals where to one day show everyone how the world could be change by creating new forms of power and text actives home appliances. Then everything fell apart my senor year. As soon as I turned 18 my family kicked me out, and destroyed all of my creations. After many months of living off the streets and coach surfing with the few friends I have. I began to look in to buying a new apartment... and this is where the story really begans....

Pretty good but wtf do you mean by mutt? lol

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On 27.8.2017 at 4:36 AM, nicolettesans said:

Name: Nicolette

Appearance: Brown Wavy medium to long hair, thin and average size

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Polish, Puerto Rican, and Dutch

Personality: Friendly, laid back, open minded!, workaholic, and party lover!

Education: PHD in medicine, highschool graduate, went to a pre-k to 8th private school before hand

Misc Facts: Loves animals, gaming, and most of all cooking!

Background: No known alive relatives besides her sister and looking to start one with at least 1 dog and 1 cat :)

Didn't know that there will be pets, now I definitely have to have some :D

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2 hours ago, EmmaSolstice said:

Didn't know that there will be pets, now I definitely have to have some :D

I think they are planning to do sometime in the future after the release! :) 

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Name: Alexander Payne

Appearance: Male between 23 -30 years old. Tall, average build, short red (or brown if I don't like red one)  hair, blue eyes, long beard. Wearing workwear or casual blue jeans with t-shirt and leather jacket


European. Swedish/Ukrainian 


Calm, friendly. Just a casual dude


Self taught how to work on vehicles in the garage at parenthome



Misc Facts:

Life is all about the cars. love dogs. and I possible will get a Siberian husky 


Born in early '90, Raised by alone farher (Mother left shortly after Alexander been born) Hard working family, nothing exciting. spent most of free time in the garage with dad fixing cars. in the age of 13 he bought one car and starter restoring it. spending all money he could gather to get the thing drivable.

Edited by Stebenev

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Name: Jose Sanchez

Appearance: 25 year old male noticeably Hispanic. Above average in height and weight, he would be built and strong. Black eyes, black hair, with a brown trimmed beard. 

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Mexican/Hispanic.

Personality: Wants to make the world a better place, wanting to do everything be can possible do. He is a good person that learned from his mistakes teaching others not do to them.

Education: Finished high school and got a bachelors degree in criminal justice.

Sexuality: Straight, finds interest in females.

Misc Facts: He was a ex gang member, has no tattoos or other gang items. He was just a dumb teenager in high school.

Background: Born on 1/10/1992 in a Mexican hood area. He was raised a hard worker and stayed that way to this day. He had bad friends that got him into the gang activity. Jose got his stuff together and finished through high school. His childhood experience made Jose want to be an officer due to the criminal rates, people murdered, drug and gun deals, etc.

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Name: Ramses Torres.

Appearance: Dark blonde hair, muscular, 20 years old.

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Caucasian.

Personality: Loyal to friends and family, loves money.

Education: Dropped out of highschool and has no real education.

Sexuality: Straight

Misc Facts: Works as a bodyguard day and night time, and when he got some time over he go and hit the gym.

Background: Crazy teenager who loved to party, smoke some pot with friends and jsut have fun. Went to jail when he was 18 years old for dealing cocaine. Now he live the life of a normal person working day and night time as a bodyguard for a nightclub/café

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Name: Ragnar Beliar

Appearance: 6´5, Blue/Greyish eyes, Brown short hair, strongman, a light brown beard.

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Nordic

Personality: Dont talks much, some would say he has an god complex.

Education: High Standart Private School with main focus on Psychology, War Strategics and Group Leading

Sexuality: Hetero

Misc Facts: Is the leader of a "Gang" 

Background: Born far in the North on Iceland he got raised by his Father until he died, with the age of 12 Ragnar was send to an old guy who made it possible for him to go to a Private school with the age of 14. He finnished the school at the age of 21 and then moved onto the Island. He started his own Crime Organization and well the rest we will see ^^ 

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6'4, Light Brown Hair, Light Blueish Green Eyes, Medium/Athletic Build, 210 Lbs, 24 Years of Age

Generally is seen wearing semi casual Sports Coat Jackets, Jeans, Patterned dress shirts, Skate Shoes, and expensive watches.

Hair is cut in a undercut style with the hair being combed over to the left and back. Usually clean cut facial hair or 5 o'clock shadow.

Has a plethora of tattoos down his right arm to pre-mid fore-arm. Within the tattoo there is quotes of religious books, philosophy, and science. Most of which have to do with survival of the fittest, superiority, holiness, and personifications of god. These quotes are written in various languages and are surrounded by various ethnic symbols that are said to bring good fortune, power, and strength. As well religious symbols for gods. On his left are he has one tattoo of a date in Roman Numerals. 


Irish 50% and Russian 50%


Manipulative, Secretive, Prideful, Confident, Very Un-trusting, and Loyal to those he trusts.

Tends to get what he wants no matter the cost and protects his kin and his values beyond anything else. Uses his intellect more than his fists, but when push comes to shove he holds his own easily against the average Joe. Has a general drive to succeed for the sake of himself, his family, and his friends. He is very outgoing and very charming. He always has ulterior motives. Easy to befriend but will hesitate to give someone his full trust.

Glorifies loyalty, hard work, confidence, and intelligence.


Study in a four year University earning a 4.0 GPA and a Bachelors in Psychology. Went on to Law School and specialized in Corporate Law and Intellectual Properties Law.



Misc Facts:

Played basketball 4 years in high school (varsity Starter as Freshman). Achieved full ride scholarship for basketball in his 4 year college.

Lengthy Criminal Record

Trained in MMA for 17 years, was an amatuer fighter at 16 and had a total of 43 fights with a record of 41-1 (32 KOs, 2 Decisions, 3 Submissions, and 4 TKOs) His only loss was to his best friend by decision. His fighting styles are Jujitsu and Boxing.

National Chess champion in Ireland for the 12th grade when he was only in 13. 

Speaks: Russian, German, Italian, French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic

Collects various firearms.

Main DownFall:

Although on the surface he seems nice and trustworthy, he has a God Complex that could end up hurting or pushing the people closest to him away. He believe he is right no matter what and his self-righteousness gets the better of him. He has no pity for the weak, disabled, or less-fortunate.


Born on June 30th, 1993. He was Born in Tuam, Ireland. Lived there until he was 13. Then moved to the south side ghettos of Chicago, IL. Top of his class for the most of his schooling and showed a lot of promise in his education. Was an amazing athlete and played basketball as well and amateur MMA. He is an only child and has lost most of his closest friends to gang violence around his town. He wanted to escape his town and get into a position where he could rid the world of scum people like the ones who murdered his friends and later his father. His mother passed from disease when he was very young and he doesn't remember her much. He was arrested multiple times twice for murder and many more times for assault. Most of those charges were because he was caught beating gang members and petty criminals. The two murders he committed were of gang leaders around his area. Although he did crimes, in many of his cases he was found not guilty due to lack of evidence and dodgy circumstantial evidence. He was a key member of his community up until he graduated from university. After that he went to law school. He thought by finishing law school he can get himself into a position of power and get himself where he needs to be to fulfill is final goal of making sure all the criminals of the world meet their end, not just prison, but death.

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Name: Sverre Andersen

Appearance: Skinny, white, brown-ish hair, full on beard, 

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Nordic

Personality: Calm, Positive, Extrovert

Education: High school, some internships

Sexuality: Straight

Misc Facts: Aiming for important political position

Background: Was raised in Oslo, had quite a normal life. Belonged to the more popular kids in school. Got elected for school president and got into politics. Is now trying to get into the ccp of Identity

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Name: Caien Charious

Department: Business and Crime

Age: 21

Date of birth: November 12, 1996


Characteristics: Red eyes, red hair, short hair, slightly above average tall

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, and many types relating to business

Background: Runs the House of Cards Criminal Organization and Business. They are related to each other. Elegant, aristocratic, thief, administrator, deals with honesty and truth, murders liars and pervs. Only cares for those who understand common sense, and slight nobility. He is only criminal because he deals with supernaturals (However for this game, it will only be because of his attitude and how he grew up).

Personality: Will come off rude as he doesn't try to become friends with people until people show him a reason to to be nice. Expect harsh/rudness swearing until proven trustworthy.  


LF Members to join the House of Cards, etc




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(Alright alright I will post my info)

Real Name: Unknown

Nickname: White Mask, The Prince of Crime, Mr. X

Appearance: 6' 0" Wears a white mask, black coat, with black slacks, White gloves 

Race/ethnicity/nationality:  Caucasian/USA

Personality: Nice, goofy, prankster, crazy, psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor, Lacks empathy, a Conscience, and concern over right and wrong.

Education: Unknown

Misc Facts: Criminal Mastermind

Background: Unknown just came to the island and well you know what happens next.


Edited by UnknownX
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Name: Hazel C. Mondoux-Larkin

Appearance: 5'4, 22 years old, dyed blonde hair(usually a mess), pale skin. Likes black clothes, sweaters, dark wash jeans.

Race/ethnicity/nationality: Unknown, White?

Personality: Hazel is adventurous, and can be impulsive at times. She is a determined person, and hard-working. She doesn't take things for granted. She is distrustful of people and can be cold and aloof on a first impression, but she believes in loyalty and fairness, and always returns a favor. 

Education: Completed high school. She wanted to go to college but she didn't quality for the scholarship.

Sexuality: Pansexual, she just got out of a bad relationship and isn't actively looking for someone

Misc Facts: Has a tattoo of the Gemini symbol on her right shoulder blade. She has a dagger tattoo on her left arm.

Background: Hazel was in the foster care system ever since she was a baby, her mother gave her up for adoption. She moved foster homes a few times as a young child, not remembering much from that time. When she was 9 she moved to her new foster home with her mother, Julianne Larkin. She lived there for the rest of her childhood. Her foster mother never legally adopted her but she considered Hazel a daughter to her. When Hazel was 18 she legally changed her name to Mondoux-Larkin. Hazel got in some legal trouble in and after high school, getting arrested a few times for shoplifting, possession of drugs, indecent exposure, and finally stealing a car, which sent her to jail for 11 months. When she got out she hooked up with her former boyfriend Gerad, wanting to turn her life around. Gerad was a druggie and a crook, who was abusive, but Hazel told herself she could make it work. She got pregnant, and due to a traumatic experience she doesn't like to talk about lost the baby. Gerad left her.

Afterwards, she moved back home, and was thinking about her future and her children. She was worried about her genetics that she had no idea about. She also wanted to become a full Larkin, but felt she couldn't give up her Montgomery name without knowing anything about her parents. She pressed her foster mom for information, who dug up the files the best she could. It was a closed adoption, but there was some information written down. Her mother's name, Pamela Mondoux, and where she was from, Roseport. Hazel packed her bags and set off to Identity, hoping she could find her mother and learn about her past.



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Name: Jamal Maurice


 Image result for ybn nahmir

Race/ethnicity/nationality: opposite of white

Personality: gang gang gang

Education: whats an education

Sexuality: a guy

Misc Facts: ?

Background: broke



lol this post is meant to be a joke dont take it seriously

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