
The I.I.A

What position would you try to join?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What position would you try to join?

    • Operator.
    • Special Agent.
    • Strategic Raid Unit.
    • Bodyguard.
    • The Classified job.

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What We Do?


Our job at the IIA is to work across multiple servers and gather information about thieves, drug dealers, contract killers, members of illegal groups, gangs, mafias and crime families and many more. As you see from the Hideout section of the Identity forums there are many different gangs and mafias, so we will need all the help we can get to shut them all down.


The main difference between us and the police is that we don’t have to follow the law like they do, we can raid properties at anytime and stop whatever illegal activities are going on in there. Although that would make us criminals I’m sure that every citizen would want the same to happen to the drug dealers and murderers of Identity.


To sum it all up, we keep gather info about criminals and either give it to the actual police force or handle them or selves. We will know everything about a criminal before raiding his property and turning them in.


Where will our money come from?


Our money will mainly come from raiding properties that have a lot of cash on them or by taking their drugs and if we can turn them in for a cash award. We will also put well-trained bodyguards up for hire and try to get them hired by the biggest or richest business on the servers we are setup on.


Although this will be our biggest problem, I’m sure we will figure out what to do near the full release of the game.


Available Jobs


Salary will come later on near full release.


Director Of The IIA: Overlooks operations, hires new people, decides on what criminal/group/gang/mafia/family to go after. Clearance level 4.


Operator: (0/3) The operators organise the files and takes the info that a Special Agent gathers to put it in the right files. They can give Special Agents a target to spy on.  Clearance level 3.


Classified: Classified job. Clearance level unknown.


Special Agent: (0/8): Spies and gathers information on criminals or criminal properties and reports it to an operator. Goes on classified missions. Clearance level 2.


Strategic Raid Unit: (0/6): Deployed by the Director to raid a property and take out the criminals inside. Must have very good infiltration skills and trigger skill, you must also be able to work with your teammates. Clearance level 1.

Bodyguards: (0/5):  Assigned by the Director to protect VIPs. Must be good working with a team and average gun skill. Clearance level 0.



Edited by 6Shay
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The devs plan to use a stress system for killing, if you aren't affiliated with the police then you most likely would have to deal with the punishments from the stress system(which haven't been specified yet) if you are running around as vigilantes. Also, you probably wouldn't be able to run any legal operations(being a bodyguard) as you would be hunted down by the police. Seems like a cool idea but I don't think it would work too well in practice. 

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I'm hoping that Governors are able to remove crimes you committed or something like that.

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This is basically a cover for a criminal organisation.
Trying to take advantage of other criminals and making it sound like you're helping society.

Secretly you're all about filling dem pockets!

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1 hour ago, yellowhero12 said:

I doubt the Governor would pardon you if you are confiscating drugs and selling them yourselves. 

As the game comes closer to release the devs might announce that you can get an award for handing in drugs depending on the type and amount, we will  have video proof of our raids so the police know it's not ours and that we aren't trying to sell drugs with a lower risk. Although the Governor might not want to pardon us for raiding properties without a warrant there isn't much we can do about it because most likely warrants will only be able to be given to the police, but the game is still far away and it could change.


37 minutes ago, TheNerdyChef said:

This is basically a cover for a criminal organisation.
Trying to take advantage of other criminals and making it sound like you're helping society.

Secretly you're all about filling dem pockets!

As I said above if turning in drugs and criminals will get you an award then we would rather do it then sell them ourselves. Although that doesn't prove that we aren't a criminal organisation because we could still be making drugs in a secret location, which we aren't. When the game does release we would allow police to enter any of our properties at any time since the idea behind this is to be a CIA mixed with FBI type organisation ( Identity Intelligence Agency) and hopefully the devs allow organisations to be connected to the police force but I doubt that will happen, if not then we will find another way to help the police force.

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As my moma used to say;

"Two wrongs doesn't make one right."

Vigilantism is never the answer.
Yes, we are required to help each other if we see someone is trouble. That is not vigilantism.

However, going out of your way. Even even breaking laws, to catch criminals. That is vigilantism.

If I find out you've broken the law, I will find you. And you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


However, here's what you can do as a concerned citizen. Gather proof, without breaking any laws or putting yourself in harms way. Conduct surveillance, take photos from far away. At a safe distance. And get in contact with your local law enforcement office. Or alternatively, send them in anonymously.

Other ways to help keep your streets clean is to become a P.I. (Private Investigator.) or even take it step further, and make a security firm. Provide body guards, or security guards.


OOC: (Out-Of-Character)
Don't take this post as discouragement, please. I do think you may have some potential to create something here.
You just have to beware of your actions and the consequences to them.

And with that, I wish you best of luck! And maybe our paths will cross sometime in the future.

And who knows.... My character might be willing to look the other way for a good cause. But I didn't say that. ;) 

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Vigilantes will get arrested over and over again. Even more, I'll take them as a priority over most crimes.

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I think this would obliterate any private server player-base... it would be cops or nothing imo, so any people that cannot be a cop would eventually leave, or players would enter and leave, never to return. The police would be able to do pretty much anything with impunity.

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