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The Continental - [Criminal Hub]

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The Continental - Criminal Hub


The Continental is a group Exclusively for Elite Criminals. No lowlife thiefs or wannabe hitmen..this group is for the top tier criminals who do what they do and do it well.

[I will update the thread and make it look cleaner later]


The Continental is a group where criminals can come to discuss their recent crimes, you can make a team for heists or any jobs you may have planned or you can just chill and discuss normal things whatever they may be. Currently we only accept criminals with clean records, a clean record doesnt mean you haven't commited any crimes. I will personally keep track of all members in The Continental and if you get tripped by the pigs more than three times; you're out, but we'll get to the rules later.


If you want to be accepted into this group all you have to do is message me with what criminal job you will be doing along with your plans when the world begins. I will choose five criminals to start with and from there we will expand. We'll have a group bank where we can all put money in one account and if someone needs to use it for a heist or equipment they need to make sure it pays off so they can put the money back even if its not the full amount. We aren't greedy and I understand we are criminals, but in this group we help each other out. We are brothers and sisters. Again, if you're interested private message me and ask to join. I'll ask you a few questions and see if we want to accept you.


Who We Don't Accept:

Current Member Count: 2

> We Don't Accept former police officers or any type of fed.

> We Don't Accept gang members, Only Kingpins. 

> We Don't Accept rapist, pedophiles or stalkers. 

> We Don't Accept non criminals. 

> We Don't Accept petty thiefs.


This has been Zeus. Private Mechanic by day, Transporter, Hitman and Criminal Consultant.


My Background:


Edited by Zeus

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