
Analysis about the age of users

Age analysis  

325 members have voted

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In my personal opinion players below 16 don't necessarly destory the gameplay. I mean of course they have a lack of experience but if you let them play with older players many of them adapt because they want to be part of such a community. At some point everyone here would troll. At least I'm a crazy troll if I have the chance to. And yes I even do bad stuff trolling just for fun because it is funny when people overreact. But if you have rules that people have to sign and to obey and some players break such rules than you have to punish them hard and they won't try it a second time. I talk about 24 hour ban for hardcore stuff. After that 1 week and the advice that this will be the last opportunity to obey the rules. And if nothing helped just take his account offline. And PLEASE. Don't start to discuss trolling here and whatever bullshit might come up to your mind. My point is: Weather old or young if there are rules and you get punished if you don't follow them, bad bahaviour won't happen often.

Edited by Dscheksn
Replaced spelling mistake "you are punished" with "you get punished"

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I myself am 33 (34 soon), and I honestly hope there's an option for more mature players. I'm not saying that younger players are necessarily immature, though I'm really trying hard to get away from the GTA kill-everything-that-moves mentality that is popular with the younger generation. I'm just hoping to find a more laid back, immersive and RP centric community. 

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On 1/30/2017 at 8:26 AM, Phiedrus said:

I was going to suggest additional split.

40+ really should be something more like:

40 - 50

50 - 60

60 - 70


But out of the results it doesn't really seem to make much sense so far.

It also tells something about how far is still OP from his forties (who I admit not having checked in his profile) :)


But I'll tell you something: age doesn't necessarily pulls you out of gaming. Looks like this particular genre is not that attractive for this age though, while we have other genres certainly crowded. Just a curiosity.


To be honest if you're 50+ and playing this game, you're a badass. Idk anybody that is 50-70+ that plays video games. Especially of this genre. So if anybody is 50+ and playing this game, all i gotta say is, RESPECT. lol


Oh, and i'm 20, going to be 21 in November of this year. Not that anybody really cares much but hey.

Edited by ryan11111996

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im 14


On 2017-5-16 at 4:11 PM, njayminsim1115 said:

Most people (kids) don't pay attention to the 18+

i do my father is really against 16+ games and wont let me even play a game with guns but he agrees that i can play this one. :)

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On 5/19/2017 at 7:42 PM, Emiellio11 said:

i do my father is really against 16+ games and wont let me even play a game with guns but he agrees that i can play this one. :)

What was his reason? As I don't have many years for my own children it's always interesting to hear other opinions on this 18+ games discussion.

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17 hours ago, Dscheksn said:

What was his reason? As I don't have many years for my own children it's always interesting to hear other opinions on this 18+ games discussion.

his reason was  killing people he is really against it like gta. I dont play gta and never did, and my father is the reason. but     bequese you can play this game whidout nessesarily killing people he agreed :)

Edited by Emiellio11

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On 2017-4-19 at 6:32 PM, Bryyce said:

yo dawg i is 6 and mi bday is coming up soon!

I just turned 6 wanna be best friends or am i too young

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On 4/23/2017 at 5:10 PM, njayminsim1115 said:

A lot of under 18 players

Right? I'd expect a lot more millennials not Generation Z

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On 2017-5-25 at 5:03 AM, ZanderiusMaximus said:

lol i know i feel like I'm gunna be the only dad/grandpa age 

You will be fine... Just enjoy yourself here!!

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As a squeaker (14+), I consider myself to be mature and fairly responsible. I am more concerned about how my voice will be perceived by others and if it will disrupt my ability to RP. Especially because my microphone makes me sound like I am 8.

Edited by MntnChicken
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1 hour ago, MntnChicken said:

As a squeaker (12+), I consider myself to be mature and fairly responsible. I am more concerned about how my voice will be perceived by others and if it will disrupt my ability to RP. Especially because my microphone makes me sound like I am 8.

I am sure a lot of people will be fine with you but just try find the right people (Those ones who don't judge) however I am sure you will be just fine and by the time you do get to finally RP in the game, you may have already had your voice broken!! It is not however a big deal to a lot of people who respect RP from all ages.

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1 hour ago, MntnChicken said:

As a squeaker (12+), I consider myself to be mature and fairly responsible. I am more concerned about how my voice will be perceived by others and if it will disrupt my ability to RP. Especially because my microphone makes me sound like I am 8.

If I get a server you can come play on it, I don't really care how people sound with their voice, it is not their fault, also its unique just mature and Rp and Respect will be the only thing I will care about mostly on that side of things. ~Still super excited for Identity~ 

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On 25.5.2017 at 6:03 AM, ZanderiusMaximus said:

lol i know i feel like I'm gunna be the only dad/grandpa age 

I don't think people come back to the forums 24/7 like some of the kids do. My last visit was in June as of work and other problems so I'm sure you won't be the only one ^^ They just don't find it necessary to comment or vote here.

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On 14/06/2017 at 4:30 PM, MntnChicken said:

As a squeaker (14+), I consider myself to be mature and fairly responsible. I am more concerned about how my voice will be perceived by others and if it will disrupt my ability to RP. Especially because my microphone makes me sound like I am 8.

You're only 14+!?
I've seen you around the community and I have to say that you ARE VERY mature and responsible. I never would have guessed that you were that young.

Keep being respectful, mature and helpful as you already are doing such an amazing job at, keep it up dude :D

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On 5/25/2017 at 0:03 AM, ZanderiusMaximus said:

lol i know i feel like I'm gunna be the only dad/grandpa age 

Naaaa brother I am just about there with you not quite grandpa age really I don't think but I mean I guess if I had had a kid in high school they would be 20 already which could have made me a grandpa already....God that makes me realize just how old I am getting. 

And WOW MntnChicken neeeeever would have guessed you at 14. BrainHamilton is right you are very helpful mature and respectful.

Edited by MWolfie
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It's a sad day when you're in one of the top brackets in these things!

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wow! only 10 of those voting are over 40? How about adding a 50-55 category and a 56-60 category? I'm in the latter.


On 19/05/2017 at 5:41 AM, ryan11111996 said:

To be honest if you're 50+ and playing this game, you're a badass. Idk anybody that is 50-70+ that plays video games. Especially of this genre. So if anybody is 50+ and playing this game, all i gotta say is, RESPECT. lol


Oh, and i'm 20, going to be 21 in November of this year. Not that anybody really cares much but hey.


I'm nearly 58. Now, you know someone 50-70 ryan. Nice to meet you. :-)  I am off to go play some Star Citizen now. Also, dabbling in Escape from Tarkov. Was a HUGE Battlefield fan for many years. Desert Combat was my favorite. Became a really good chopper pilot. See you all in-game! 

Edited by MemphisMan
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I have been interested in a life simulation games since i was 11, and identity is a dream coming true to me. i am 17 now btw

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