Fair Market Merchant Bureau The FMMB's purpose is to assure fair marketing across various vendors and merchants. We aim to keep a stabilized economy by insuring fair market prices for or customers. While at this junction in time the FMMB does not have any legal authorization, we WILL be seeking government backing for the project. How We Operate The FMMB will operate by holding meetings with participating merchants to assure no particular merchant is over charging for their goods or services, based against an average cost of similar products and services. This will help keep the economy stable and keep prices from being gouged or sky-rocketed. Incentives To Join Here are a few reasons why merchants will benefit from joining the FMMB: Help maintain and stabilize and a balanced and fair economy for everyone. Customers will KNOW you are a participant in FMMB and will feel both financially protected and reassured about spending with your store. We will provide FREE merchant advice or help to any merchant members. (This does not include financial help) We will work hard to shut down any competitors that are manipulating their prices in any direction away from fair market value. About Us The Fair Market Merchant Bureau is a non-profit organization that seeks to keep the economy stabilized and balanced for all citizens. We believe the prices of goods and services should be fair for all citizens. No one person should be getting rich off the sweat of the brow from another. To inquire about joining the Bureau and participating in making a better economy today please contact myself and have details pertaining to your business on hand. DISCLAIMER: The Fair Market Merchant Bureau is backed and supported by legitimate businesses ONLY! We will not help, assist, maintain, or support illegal companies or companies correlated with illegal actions, goods, or services.