
What will you RP in identity?

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I will be enjoying myself, owning land, having men on the inside when it comes down to the law enforcement. Strippers on a daily, living all night fucking all summer, you know how it is. Just know this, my organization and reputation wont be fucked by a bunch of inbred amateurs, you want in when the game releases, comment here! 

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On 1/5/2016 at 9:50 AM, Sicario said:

I plan on living a simple crime free life in Identity as much as I can. I'll look into business, investment and politics and would look at developing a working relationship with players, like @Dizzle :) 

Me too! I'm probably gonna look into becoming a nurse if possible in game and I'll try to live in the suburbs or out in the mountains I saw a few photos of what it looked like to be a ski lodge, and work on relationships with other players! :)

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If you've ever heard of the visual novel Stiens;Gate Im basically going to be like Okabe. :P So you better watch out for a crazy mad scientist on your block. ;) 

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On 1/5/2016 at 2:32 PM, jabba_the_slut said:

i personally wish to try every aspect of identity at one point or another. though i wish to start as an illegal arms merchant, selling high powered guns and mele weapons.

High powered guns like rifles will be extremely hard to obtain. It would be easier to get pistols

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I am going to try and be a crazed Italian fellow but does his business kindly, for money i will most likely be making drugs (hopefully out of an RV) and just live a nice peaceful gang life

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I'm not sure yet, but I will try to RP simple, working guy, I'm not a big fan of gangs, mafias and etc., so probably I'll start as a delivery guy or something, maybe a cab driver and later time will show what opportunities will I have. 

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Photographer and Designer. I am going to stay away from Crime and Violence and try to live a peaceful life.

Edited by TommyBoi

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A cunning genius who slowly finds his way into the extreme right wing parties of the island, plotting small attacks on other parties and running a ruthless underground Private bodyguard who carries out Party orders without question.

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On 5/1/2017 at 2:52 AM, REDRUM said:

Serial Killer depending on how it plays. 

I won't kill randomly. I'll select my victims carefully. I prefer killing guys ( but ladies your not off limits) my fav kills are the dumb thirsty guys :P

I know I'm late, but I hope you stalk your victims just enough to make them uneasy. ;) I'd be ecstatically petrified if some sketchy ass came stalking me, but in a hilariously good way. aha

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11 hours ago, Hill said:

I know I'm late, but I hope you stalk your victims just enough to make them uneasy. ;) I'd be ecstatically petrified if some sketchy ass came stalking me, but in a hilariously good way. aha

Same here! I've always been into the law enforcement field, but since I'm majoring in game design, I think this will be close enough ;)

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i feel like playing as lawyer that works real close with criminals if u know what i mean ;)  well more like Howard Greenberg

who is the real life saul goodman

Edited by Shwado

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There's so many different types of people, the town is gonna wild! xD I wish more people were capable of having the spotlight. Not just business owners and politicians. There really are some great ideas for characters here.

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One of my big goals for RPing is having my own radio show and starting the FSM church in Identity! I want to jam out to music and talk about current events that are happening within the game, all while eating delicious spaghetti!

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8 minutes ago, PrinceofDerpness said:

One of my big goals for RPing is having my own radio show and starting the FSM church in Identity! I want to jam out to music and talk about current events that are happening within the game, all while eating delicious spaghetti!


I love it! I love it! What kind of music are you into? 

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6 hours ago, Micky_Tohmpson said:

I love it! I love it! What kind of music are you into? 


My tastes changes time to time, however I would say I am really into EDM and the variants of it.

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So I plan to go into politics with my character as an emergency paramedic and by the way. First I'll probably be able to deliver packages to get a driver's license and maybe a car. I don't want to become a criminal and I want to try to live out the cliché of Germans. That means: It is 3 o'clock in the morning, no car far and wide and I stop at the red traffic light and I will try to make my German accent clearer when speaking English and try to be so friendly in almost every situation that everyone else would already have a choleric fit.

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Question, lawyer is an option? If so, then that. Dunno what I need to do to get there, but I'm willing to do everything to get there. If not, I hope I can get into politics, aiming for either head of defense department or health and human service, maybe transportation or justice (the whole legal, if exists in the game at all) department. Red line is being a mayor or governor or whatever you wanna call it. I'm not into that. I aim for department management in my own field.
In general, for now, I think I'll go with the police career, but not too sure about it. Not sure about my near-future but quite sure about my long-term future with the game, lol.

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