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Heist Crew

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Evening. When I saw the trailer, I immedietly thought of this idea. Not sure if it has been thought of here before.

I would like to start a heist crew, highly organized and coordinated. It would likely have a legal front and be very secretive.

All members would be required have a life apart from the crew, a legal job, friends outside of the crew, etc. in order to act normal.

All heists would be very carefully planned out, scouted, timed and so on. Would focus on high value targets mostly, butĀ also smaller stuff. A lot of time would be spent building up to the heists, setting things up and so on.

I'd quite like to go trough with this idea, leave your thoughts and tell me if you'd like to take part.

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Just noticed this should be in The Hideout (I think?). Oh well, if anyone with administrative powers would move it, do it. But regardless.

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i would love to take part,what roles do you think you will need?

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