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well i just wanted to suggest a real cool job that mybe can be added to the game and have a huge impact and help players and even kill them or mess things up for em to your agenda that can be realy cool

so why i think this should be added?

hacking is part of the real life world. and even we got a cult like annonymous and stuff and even a game watchdogs  that is very fun to play

i think that it will be real awesome and cool to see pepole get togather and hack stuff

that you can rent a house or something set up alot of pc's and hack as a group or alone. 
and the police can have a cyber unit for anti hackers or something that they will try  track the ip of the hacker/hackers or something like that. and pepole in the world will have to buy antivirus and hackers will be able to mess with police computers to make it harder to the police to track crimnels or hackers location and delay alarms in banks. pepole in the game can even ask hackers to hack for money or steal money from atms and pepole and i think it will be very awesome to see something like deadsec (from watchdogs 2)  or annonymous (real life hacker group) in the game. and i think it will be very cool that if somesort hacking devices will be in the game too so that hackers will need better software or a device to help em hack track not get detected by cops and have better equipment whent they spend money on it  or whatever so that it will be usefull and not too much overpowerd and make hacking awesome. and hard todo like mybe if you want to hack a hard guarded pc you will need to get close with your phone and track ip or get decryption codes or instell torjan virus that you will need to somehow get close and put usb with virus into the pc and run away and get back to your home and steal stuff just to make it more awesome so that if you want to hack someone it will not be all the time easy and will have a challnge and make it intanse too. 

just think about if we will see in the game  real life annonymous or deadsec or just alot of hackers run away from cops destroying evidence or helping bad guys to bank hiest and alert  crimnels when the cops show up. and pepole for playing cops can try to locate the hackers and arrest them see if thares any evidence on cams that they hack. check signles from wich loctaion they used or something. and you have to be a good hacker so that the police will not find you. and make sure
that hackers will  have hard time too same as police hackers.  and try to make like real life that if you a good hacker then you will not get screwd  but if you a bad hacker then you will know that police is coming or not :). and it will be awesome to see somesort of hacker war agienst other hackers like gang vs gang style 

and thats it guys sory for bad english i just think hacking will be very awesome in the game if they do it right  and balanced usefull challnging and it will be very very very very fun! 

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This has already been suggested in the past and is confirmed that it won't be in the game but could be in the future.

Edited by JamesLuck01
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This could be one way to overthrown the governament without using lethal weapons. Like leaking classified materials ect

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4 hours ago, Shadow765 said:

This could be one way to overthrown the governament without using lethal weapons. Like leaking classified materials ect

This brings me back to the proposed idea of Vigilantism.

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This could be either a full fledged career, or an after hours, make some extra cash/cause total chaos scenario. Choose to be a white or black hacker

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16 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

This has already been suggested in the past and is confirmed that it won't be in the game but could be in the future.

awesome!! i  have seen the game one day ago and got realy hyped about it its like gmod dark rp but soooo much better!!! and i understand that the guys are working on alot of stuff and have big plans for the game but dont forget this idea :D 

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Dude, when writing tags you should seperate them with commas. Now it just says "hacks breach steal troll helpfull evil good bad" as one long tag.

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On 12/12/2016 at 9:44 PM, Topshotz357 said:

Haxors are evil n stuff :D

Mugger? How did you get "Mugger" title/rank?

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I dont really support this unless you just make an event that the gouverment got hacked

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On 09/03/2017 at 2:15 PM, Makkiduperz said:

Mugger? How did you get "Mugger" title/rank?

That is what you get after so many posts.

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29 minutes ago, njayminsim1115 said:

I fully support the hacking  idea in Identity, Motown unfortunately said this won't happen.. But you never know

If he is certain that it will never happen then it won't.. He would state otherwise something like "Possibly in the future" so I don't believe it will happen.

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20 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

If he is certain that it will never happen then it won't.. He would state otherwise something like "Possibly in the future" so I don't believe it will happen.

You never know

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This has a lot of potential i would really like to see this, but we could run into some problems if people start hacking things that is to do with me and then we will run into big problems so watch what your looking at or there will be consequences !  

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The only thing close I can think of to what you're asking for is some kind of Central Intelligence Agency for the government of Identity Island.

That would be pretty cool to have

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I would love to be a hacker, but if this would ever become something in the game, it would be easily abused and too overpowered if you know how to use it, and it could be exploited in a numerous amount of ways. The only way this could maybe be in the game (don't get me wrong I would love this, like I stated at the start), with it's potential, is if you need to practice and practice until you become a very good hacker, and not just simulated practicing, but actually (some sort of) practicing, so you don't just afk every time you simulate yourself practicing hacking. And this has so much potential because you would be able to get cash fast, become notorious for hacking, form a group, get a house with as many computers as you want, build your servers, hack companies and brands, websites, the government, find government secrets, expose people, etc. It would also be pretty funny to hack webcams and troll people when they are in their homes and tell them exactly what they are doing lol. Again, awesome idea, but people say that Motown said this isn't coming, so I just hope it will come in the future. :D

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In my Q&A that I did with Motown on my Youtube, he said that there would be no hacking.

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