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Are you going to be able to buy a house Immediately?

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Are you going to be able to purchase a house or apartment once the first module is out, assuming you have the money?Was unsure by the way this sentence (If you've pledged to Identity's development ANDreceived an apartment or penthouse, you'll be able to explore all of its features. .) was worded. Does this mean I have to have Purchased a bundle with a house to have one before the game releases. Thank you for any answers and for the amazing game you are making. Literally seems like a dream game ;) Absolutely Amazing :) 

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I'm not sure if that topic has even been discussed yet however it would only make sense that houses would NOT be purchasable once we're given access to the first module. The module is going to be but a severely small portion of the entire game-world and I'm almost certain they won't limit the selection of homes to those would backed prior to game release to the simple ones that will be in the first module.

However I don't know anything and most of us don't but I would assume the module will be nothing but that, a module, and probably have little to no relation to the full game itself/

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In the first module, you will not have the money, because first module is small area - "social lobby". But if you have 90$ bundle and more, you will have a apartment, if no, then you will have a hotel room. 

Edited by NskDen

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6 hours ago, TheWiseOne13 said:

Are you going to be able to purchase a house or apartment once the first module is out, assuming you have the money?Was unsure by the way this sentence (If you've pledged to Identity's development ANDreceived an apartment or penthouse, you'll be able to explore all of its features. .) was worded. Does this mean I have to have Purchased a bundle with a house to have one before the game releases. Thank you for any answers and for the amazing game you are making. Literally seems like a dream game ;) Absolutely Amazing :) 

6 hours ago, GarrettGoodwin said:

I'm not sure if that topic has even been discussed yet however it would only make sense that houses would NOT be purchasable once we're given access to the first module. The module is going to be but a severely small portion of the entire game-world and I'm almost certain they won't limit the selection of homes to those would backed prior to game release to the simple ones that will be in the first module.

However I don't know anything and most of us don't but I would assume the module will be nothing but that, a module, and probably have little to no relation to the full game itself/

6 hours ago, NskDen said:

In the first module, you will not have the money, because first module is small area - "social lobby". But if you have 90$ bundle and more, you will have a apartment, if no, then you will have a hotel room. 

Ok, like what has already been said, the social module is a small standalone part of the game which is the closed off area of the town square which is apart of the one of the 3 cities. You will not be able to buy a apartment in the first module and definitely not a house, however it has been stated somewhere that in the first module, if you have got a high pledge you will have access to that but also if you never had a high pledge, you will get access to a apartment temporarily and only in the social module. When they release the 2nd module you will still be able to go on the social module and same with the racing module you will be able to play on all 3. after the racing module is out, the beta should be released a couple weeks/ months after and then followed by the full game.

Regarding the part @NskDen said if you don't have a apartment pledge then in the beta and full game, you will have to start in a hotel room which will be free for only a couple days and so you will have to earn money quick as it will kick you out of the room after the couple days.

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