
Hill - A.K.A Mike Barrow {RP}

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A lot of people know me as Hill, simple as that; Though my real name's Mike Barrow. I'm a conspiracy theorist, I consider it a way of life.. Anything's possible man! You just gotta keep an open mind is all, keep an open mind, open to experiences.

I see a lot of beauty.. the tree's, the people, animals the universe and the choices that are made. Freedom, it's chaotic isn't it? Behind every set of eye's is a story to be had, a story to be told; Just beautiful.

What's the meaning of life? Perhaps it's the choices we make? Our love and compassion? Instinctive primal aggression? Or maybe something entirely incomprehensible devised by a being of stunningly unimaginable beauty and intelligence? We're all seeking out our place, something we can be proud of. Often we overlook our boundaries, we strive for something just out of reach but just close enough to touche. We reach for the stars, struggling to find ourselves along the way.

I keep to myself, often you can find me roaming the woods, just observing. You can consider me brave, the clowns don't scare me now and neither do you. After all, "Fear is the path to the Dark Side; Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, and Hate to Suffering." ~Yoda

Spread peace, love, understanding and wisdom, my friends; So tell me, who are you?

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I am myself. During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

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