
FAQ Extended (Updated)

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5 hours ago, TraxxasBoy520 said:

Is 16 buttons required to play identity  or  a full of keyboard buttons required to play identity?

I am not sure, but I think more than 16 buttons.

Edited by JamesLuck01

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Yeh i think with the amount of features they plan to have in this game it might end up being like arma where not even a full keyboard can do everything. Would be best to get a full keyboard but you can always rebind keys to shift, ctrl and alt

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20 minutes ago, Herzog said:

Yeh i think with the amount of features they plan to have in this game it might end up being like arma where not even a full keyboard can do everything. Would be best to get a full keyboard but you can always rebind keys to shift, ctrl and alt

Do you think I'll be able to use my Xbox controller playing identity on the pc? Can I use it simultaneously with the keyboard?

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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

Do you think I'll be able to use my Xbox controller playing identity on the pc? Can I use it simultaneously with the keyboard?


Im hoping so as thats what i do with GTA. controller for driving, keyboard for everything else. Im sure that if it isnt there on release it will sure be something theyll add in the future.

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5 minutes ago, Herzog said:

Im hoping so as thats what i do with GTA. controller for driving, keyboard for everything else. Im sure that if it isnt there on release it will sure be something theyll add in the future.

I believe I read somewhere that they were going to have controller support but I'm not 100% so that's why I asked. I think that that would work. It could be like GTA in which you press a certain menu button and further interaction options open like the ability to drop objects, and have other particular interactions.

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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

I believe I read somewhere that they were going to have controller support but I'm not 100% so that's why I asked. I think that that would work. It could be like GTA in which you press a certain menu button and further interaction options open like the ability to drop objects, and have other particular interactions.


Yeh, im hoping theres going to be a lot of gestures and social interactions between players

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How does the entertainment aspect of the game work? For example, how does making music and tv shows work?

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@JamesLuck01 Mate can I recommend something? Try making the FAQ links in your signature a bit bigger because I've literally only just noticed they were there, so theres a chance loads of people will miss that too.

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16 hours ago, TraxxasBoy520 said:

No it wouldn't be best to get a full keyboard. Reason why is what if you are a noob of arma, you will not understand with all controls in arma. I am not saying you are a noob. There's 50% people cannot understand controls on any games that is required full keyboard.

Well if you haven't played Arma and play Identity then just learn the damn controls, duh. 

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5 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

@JamesLuck01 Mate can I recommend something? Try making the FAQ links in your signature a bit bigger because I've literally only just noticed they were there, so theres a chance loads of people will miss that too.

I changed it, is that better or you want me to make it bigger/ smaller more?


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1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

I changed it, is that better or you want me to make it bigger/ smaller more?


That's better, perhaps make the text below the FAQ's smaller.

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1 hour ago, Qlight123 said:

What specs? Do you need to run this


Since Identity is early in development we don't currently know, but if you're able to run Ark or Arma 3 you should be able to run Identity.

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With marriage, so do you marry a player or an npc? Or you can both?

Will we be able to owns pets but I don't think that will be easy to implement. 

If we can have pets or farm animals will we be able breed them and sell them? Or kill them for meat? How will the agriculture system will work with player econmy? Will we able to sell goods or would it be controlled?

I have questions that create more questions lol.

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32 minutes ago, Dragon21 said:


With marriage, so do you marry a player or an npc? Or you can both?


No NPC in this game, only NPC at shop maybe. You can marry a player.

35 minutes ago, Dragon21 said:

Will we be able to owns pets but I don't think that will be easy to implement. 

There will be pets. But only at house.

37 minutes ago, Dragon21 said:

If we can have pets or farm animals will we be able breed them and sell them? Or kill them for meat? How will the agriculture system will work with player econmy? Will we able to sell goods or would it be controlled?

No so much info about it yet

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8 hours ago, Dragon21 said:

With marriage, so do you marry a player or an npc? Or you can both?

You an marry a player, if both of you agree with it.

8 hours ago, Dragon21 said:

Will we be able to owns pets but I don't think that will be easy to implement.

The pets yes only at home like @NskDen said but they will eventually be able to go out of the house/ apartment.

8 hours ago, Dragon21 said:

If we can have pets or farm animals will we be able breed them and sell them? Or kill them for meat? How will the agriculture system will work with player econmy? Will we able to sell goods or would it be controlled?

You can be a farmer, a hunter and a part of farming is to do most of that but like @NskDen said not much info on that.

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Are comming own rentable Servers or Server Files to upload it on a Root Server for Example, example for Germans who want to play this game in they own Language. 

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On the topic of marriage, does the game allow same-sex marriage?

Is the game server's only going to be based in the US? Any chance for them to expand in SEA regions?

As well as most players would likely play civilians or criminals, is there a chance where the PD would unable to control certain incidents, resulting in a scenario in which the PD is seemed as weak?

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4 minutes ago, MrFren said:

On the topic of marriage, does the game allow same-sex marriage?

Is the game server's only going to be based in the US? Any chance for them to expand in SEA regions?

As well as most players would likely play civilians or criminals, is there a chance where the PD would unable to control certain incidents, resulting in a scenario in which the PD is seemed as weak?

Same-sex marriage will be possible and official servers will be available for multiple regions. There will be some circumstances where the PD may not be the best option so the SWAT will be needed instead. 

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How is housing going to be handled at launch? Not apartments, but the individual houses. Will they be owned by some npc real estate agency. Or will it just be a set price that we have to pay. More importantly will any of the tiers start with enough money to buy real estate right off the bat. 


Sorry for asking so much, and this might have already been covered but I couldn't find it. How are admins and moderators going to be handled on the official servers? Can anyone apply or will it only be actual employees?


Edit: Added another question. 

Edited by Brostachio
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