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The Smileys


"Welcome To The Organization"

Before I start, I'm not sure how this gang can work and to be honest I don't know if how far I will go with it. 

The Smileys are not your average gang, psychopaths who are willing to do homicide if they don't like you, The Smileys are and could be a threat to not only to the government of Identity, but to also other gangs because they are willing to do anything if it involves killing a target even if it's their own allies. By day, rarely seen, but by night or midnight, danger is struck in the town and city of Identity. Their crimes can include homicide, arson, grand theft auto, peeping tom, home invasion, and more (again, for roleplaying purposes I don't know how far this can go). Smileys are pretty much everywhere and need to keep their identity a secret, low key on pretty much everything and not attracting so much publicity. If you are willing to take risks or read into it more, keep reading below. 


How To Get In (Not Accepting Anyone Just Yet, So Forum Applications Are TBA, But Here Are Basic Stuff And Requirements):

The Smileys will accept anyone no matter who you are, whether a cop by day, businessman, celebrity, insane asylum patient, or even a scientist, we will accept anyone as long as they follow these basic terms! 

- Being a regular John or Jane, what I mean is you need to keep it low and not try to make yourself look "too unique" or maybe "off putting"

- Commit a simple crime before doing more crucial tasks in order to get into the society, some simple crimes are hijacking, or peeping tom for info

- YOU MUST keep a level head and not try to act insane or unstable in the morning, if one of our members found out that you acted this way in the daylight hours, punishment can range from de-rank to banishment

- Try not to draw much attention, we don't like that :)  

- Willing to stay loyal to the leader if you want to get ranked higher or be remembered, even if that means risking your life in Identity


Anything works really







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Why does this remind me of Alex and his droogs in A Clockwork Orange?

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