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The launch

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So the launch happened last night.  So what went wrong?  The biggest problem I saw while reading through discord and the forums while trying to play the game was Identity was put into a lose, lose position.  They had the choice of launching the game knowing it's buggy and unstable or delay it and have people complain and freak out again.  By no means am I going to defend what they released and the argument of "They aren't AAA developers" is bad as well, at launch I would expect any game to at least let me open it without the UI being bugged and I have to task manager out of it.  I also saw that many people said "They weren't forced to release it" and again I'd argue that they were.  If you want examples read the replies people made to the tweets, and look at what happened last time.  I very much liked this quote people made the last time it was delayed. "I'm sick and tired of being lied to".  Once again I'm not going to defend the launch of Town Square, I do very much feel that the developers got put into a lose lose situation.


Now how could this have been avoided?  So first off I know how hard it is to make a game, especially a multiplayer one.  So I don't think delaying the game would have been the answer sue to the fact that they had people playing and testing it for a while before release, we as a community are the biggest bug finders because what do we like to do? Break games.  So if delaying the game wasn't the answer then what is?  Well this should have happened a while back, better PR.  The developers and this game are so closed off from this community, it is stupid.  If you look at the game Ready or Not, that community was promised a beta and a trailer in July, they still haven't gotten the trailer, however the developers are constantly interacting with the community on the sub-reddit.  This might not be giving information out, but just being apart of the community and interacting, if you look at that community it's a lot of shit posts but it's not a toxic community like this one has become.  The devs should become more transparent and interact with the community more, either that be one a week dev blogs or just talking on the forums.


TL;DR: I see the launch as identity was in a lose lose, so they pushed the game.  The Devs should have been more open and transparent from the start, and they need to start being transparent and open with us.


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