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why isnt the task being completed?

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so let me began by saying this, I trust asylum and I do think this game will be out soon but im really confused about the tracker and want some answers, the  task remaining have been the same for almost 2 weeks, gameplay has 1 in testing and user interface has 2 in testing, I don't understand why such simple task can be in testing for 2 weeks? gameplay seems incredibly simple to test depending on what it is but it being town square it cant be that major I would think, then user interface I would think it would be hey when we press I does this pop up? yes? k its done, so that only leaves 1 theory are they not going to update anything else until the website is up? whats your opinions?

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3 minutes ago, TOPGUNGUY123 said:

so let me began by saying this, I trust asylum and I do think this game will be out soon but im really confused about the tracker and want some answers, the  task remaining have been the same for almost 2 weeks, gameplay has 1 in testing and user interface has 2 in testing, I don't understand why such simple task can be in testing for 2 weeks? gameplay seems incredibly simple to test depending on what it is but it being town square it cant be that major I would think, then user interface I would think it would be hey when we press I does this pop up? yes? k its done, so that only leaves 1 theory are they not going to update anything else until the website is up? whats your opinions?

The last 3 tasks are the biggest tasks, also they make progress but not enough progress for a visual change. The problems which could occur during testing; a bug, they will have to find the source of the bug, fix the bug and also make sure that the bug cannot reoccur. When they fix the bug, they could cause more bugs etc. Programming is not so easy always as 1,2,3 like you may think. 

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Testing is actually a much longer process than coding usually... for example, you code the key handler to pop up your interface under a certain key press... you also have to factor in what happens around all scenarios in that key press; is the player dead, are they moving, are they already performing an action, is an interface already open, has the key been pressed once or multiple times, is the action of they key press already in progress... etc etc. Testing can be an extremely difficult process to go through because you have to try think of all circumstances that a player would experience when pressing that particular key, or triggering that specific event. Obviously once you identify a bug, you then have to adjust the coding to rectify it, which then means you need to restart the testing.

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