DarkWeb ingame

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So i was thinking if adding a darkweb that is fully accessible for the players to see, we can either make our own website depending on the domain you'd like to use and how much can u pay per month irl, and the way they can design it no matter what it is. People can surf through the dark web see if they can have any job opportunities, or trying to experience the criminal life, the government cannot access to the website unless the FBI does (if there is one).  They cant access to it only if the person is online and on the server, it is also risky because if they get in contact with that person it may lead to slave labor or kidnapping. you can do all sort of stuff you'd like on the darkweb as long as it dosent break the rules in the game. I know its not just one button and boom the website feature is there. It takes a lot of time and effort to do this but hopefully we see this ingame soon the game is fully released! :D

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They want to create a player-created website feature in the final game, but, as of yet, this mechanic has not been confirmed. I doubt that they would create a DarkWeb system within the game, but I am simply uninformed in this area.

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