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Realistic Ammo/Magazines

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So most games completely half ass ammo/magazine systems. I'm hoping Identity is realistic about it.

1) You should have to search the person you killed/knocked out/mugged etc. and the gun for ammo/mags instead of it just dropping on the floor and you press a button to pick it up. I think the best way of doing this would be to open up an interface, I know Identity is trying to stray from things like that but the only other alternative I can see is putting each item on the ground next to the body or something.

2) Each gun has a unique mag, for example if I have a P226, and I kill someone in a shootout with a Glock 17, I can't just pick up his mags and put them in my P226 even though they shoot the same round, I would have to take out the bullets and load them into one of my P226 mags

3) And please for the love of god don't make it so mags just magically spawn with the ammo, if you don't have a mag for the gun, ammo is pretty much useless besides chambering each round. Make it so they have all 3 aspects, the gun, the mag, and the ammo. You'd have to buy extra mags separately, and load them with ammo you also bought separately. And they don't just disappear after they are emptied, you should be able to keep the mag and load it again, and dropping it would have the obvious consequence of losing the mag you just payed 30 bucks for. 

The only game I can think of off the top of my head that is like this is DayZ, i'm praying you guys do it too.

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From what has been said by the devs, firearms will be very realistic. There is also such things as jamming your gun after too much use.

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