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Central Royalist Union Manifesto Introduction The Central Royalist Union is a political party. The Central Royalist Union, referred to as the CRU henceforth, was formed on 10 January, 2018 on the Identity RPG Forum by the current Party Secretary, Kenneth Summers. As a political party, the CRU wishes to form government at the island of Identity. The CRU is not a single-member party. This document consists mainly of the Manifesto of the Central Royalist Union. The following is a list of ideologies and philosophies upheld by the CRU. Kindly do not assume that they are in an order of significance. Equity and Egalitarianism: The dignity of every individual is respected, and each person deserves fair treatment in an equitable society. Thus, the CRU adopts and enforces a set of rights to maintain equality. This adoption of rights is explained in the next section of the document. Royalism: Our vision must not be confused with. We believe that monarchist is not the correct way of describing the CRU. Identity's Government mechanism necessitates timely elections that bring change. In that sense, Identity shall remain a democracy as the people will always retain the right to choose their leader. It must be understood that CRU does not wish to establish a monarchy. The CRU wishes to contest for the position of Governor and establish a Royalty that works along with the Government as a formal head of State and a symbol of absolute power, yet being strictly subject to the law. Thus, the CRU is a 'Royalist’ party that supports the idea of a Royalty that yields no effective powers, but remains a popular symbol, of power, nobility and divinity, and part of the Government. The functioning of the proposed government is dealt with in later sections of the document. Classical Marxism: The political ideals of Karl Marx are respected by the CRU. Greed and material desires will find their way into every society, and the island of Identity will be no exception. We fear that a proletariat mass will indeed exist in the form of industrialists and corporate giants that might exploit the economically weak, deprive them of their rights and dignity. One can easily foresee the situation where oppression of the working class is commonplace on our island, where people with less economic advantages are forced through hardships and paid insufficiently by their employers; a situation that will prove destructive to the welfare of a free society. We want to make sure that Identity forever remains a place where each individual gets the opportunity to prosper, free of any suppression by any upper class. The CRU may not endorse all of Marx's visions, but we believe in his idea of an oppression-less society where no class oppresses another. In summary, the CRU is comprehensively Liberal, uniquely Royalist and partly Marxist, as far as political philosophies are concerned. Rights of the People A government formed by the CRU will promise to guarantee the following rights to the citizens. The rights also form the basis of all policies of the CRU. (The following articles have been selectively adapted from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nation Organisation and edited according to the limitations of Identity RPG. There are a total of 21 rights recognised by the CRU.) Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, or other status. Article 3: Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. Article 5: No one shall be subjected to degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition as a person before the law. Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation and against any incitement to such discrimination. Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. Article 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Article 11: 1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. 2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or emission which did not constitute a penal offence at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family or home, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 17: 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Articles 18 & 19: 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and religion. 2. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Article 20: 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. Article 21: 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government, directly or through chosen representatives. 2. Everyone is the right to equal access to public service. 3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be held by equivalent free voting procedures. Article 22: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realisation of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity. Article 23: 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. 3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Article 24: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services and the right to security in the event of unemployment or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Article 27: 1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. 2. Everyone had the right to the protection of moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Article 28: Everyone is entitled to a social order in which the rights and freedoms set forth here can be fully realized. Article 29: 1. Everyone has duties to the community. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and resurrect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare. Article 30: Nothing here may be interpreted as implying for any group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Basic Laws and Policies This section consists of the official policies and the formal laws the CRU will potentially bring into effect. According to the Central Royalist Union, there is distinction between laws and right only in a real society, since fundamentally rights are the regulations people deserve and laws are the regulations they get. In an ideal society, the rights are the laws in themselves. Most of the our basic laws are outlined in the section dedicated to the Rights. Yet there are a few things that require attention since they are more important to the Manifesto. (Please note that the following prospective laws are exclusively subject to change, especially once the mechanics for politics become solid, which is also a reason why these regulations are not written in the form of Rights.) Drug Use Laws: The CRU believe that use of drugs that are highly addictive and have high potential for abuse should be prohibited. The rest of the reasoning will preferentially be kept a secret. The CRU will make the following statement only. Use of Schedule I drugs^ (as described by Controlled Substances Act enacted by U.S. Congress) is prohibited. ^ Includes marijuana Tax Laws: To maintain financial equity, the CRU wishes to use tax brackets to be levied on different income classes. Taxes will be low for the working class and high for the wealthy. Additionally, we believe in levying a Corporate Tax on most corporations operating on the Island. Corporations that hold a royal status certificate granted by the Royal Government will be the only ones which will be exempted from the Corporate Tax. Same rules apply for Business Tax. A low Sales Tax will be levied as well. The CRU will make the following statements only. All citizens will pay 10% of their income as Income Tax. 5% will be deducted from all sales that are carried out as Sales Tax. Arms Laws: Possession of fixed-term licensed firearms by civilians will be considered legal by the Government. The possession of the following firearms by civilians will be generally prohibited. Fully-automatic or semi-automatic weapons, rockets, mortars, firearms disguised as another item and any weapon designed for the discharge of noxious substance. For now, the CRU will not make a statement. Laws on Emergency Services: Articles 22 & 25 form the basis of our Healthcare Laws. In addition to that, we believe that emergency medical services should be rendered free of cost, along with other emergency services. The CRU will make the following statement only. All emergency services are free of any cost. Government Structure This section of the agenda deals with the CRU's idea of a government and its structure. The Government will consist of six different offices and roles, one of which will not hold any direct administrative power. They are discussed in detail. Please note that with the exception of the position of Governor, all offices and roles will be unofficial, but absolutely formal. All the Offices command respect since they will be a part of the government and will be treated just as respectfully as the Governor, though they may not be officially a part of government. Governor: The Governor acts as the head of the government and executive. He has the following roles. Signing or vetoing regulations proposed by the Secretariat, which consists of three Secretaries and the Auditor General. Convening sessions of the Secretariat. Delivering a regular report on the condition of the state to the citizens. Granting reprieves and pardons upon the recommendation of the Secretary for Justice and revoking conditional pardons. Extending formal invitations to representatives to form the Secretariat and to fill vacancies. Secretary for Financial Affairs: The Secretary for Financial Affairs oversees formulation of policy and implementation of financial, monetary, and economic matter. He has the following roles. Preparing the government's fiscal budget for approval by Secretariat Attending Secretariat sessions Laying the government's estimates of revenue and expenditure before the Secretariat in a report Acting as the government's treasurer and managing the government's financial assets Managing debt and coordinating financial activities for the other Secretaries Receiving, securing and accounting for all disbursements of public funds Overseeing legislation pertaining to the Corporate, Business and Public Finance sector Providing advice to Governor on economic and financial matters Secretary for Home Affairs: The Secretary for Home Affairs is responsible for the internal security and welfare policy. The Secretary also has authority over the Armed Police Forces. He has the following roles. Preserving, maintaining and enhancing security and public order against any threat and combating insurgency Attending Secretariat sessions Coordinating development activities such as industries, agriculture, fisheries, health, social welfare, urban and rural development and transport Enforcing regulations pertaining to possession of firearms Making efforts to stop the supply, distribution and abuse of drugs Managing and modernizing Armed Police Cadres and overseeing their operations Maintaining relations between municipal administration and the State Managing prisons and reformatories Overseeing protocol functions Supervising of provision and swift functioning of all emergency services Secretary for Media & Justice: The Secretary for Media & Justice has two major functions. He has overall responsibility for strategy and policy across matters of culture and media and the organisation of the justice and legal system. He has the following roles. Curating the arts, music and culture and the respective creative industries and managing libraries, museums and galleries Overseeing of Radio or Television broadcasting services Attending Secretariat sessions Protecting creative rights of publishers and handling entertainment licensing Overseeing gambling services Maintaining and regulating press freedom and news publishing outlets Constituting and organising the court system Advising on appointment of court judges Collecting data on institution, disposal, pendency of cases in courts and monitoring the status of under trial prisoners Proposing various schemes to the Secretariat to facilitate development and modernization of infrastructure for judiciary Dealing with matters like grants of pardons and remissions Kindly note that the roles of the three Secretaries are mostly advisory and legislative. Their principal function is to provide as a means of division of power and the sharing of responsibilities. Actual power lies in the hands of the Governor and only he can make the final decisions by choosing to act on the proposals introduced in the Secretariat or not. Secretariat Ombudsman: The Secretariat Ombudsman has the duty to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve them through recommendations or mediation. He has the following roles. Receiving, investigating and resolving complaints about the administrative decision making and practices of the Royal Government Improving public administration for the benefit of all citizens through own motion investigations and liaison programs with the Secretariat Investigating cases of corruption, negligence, inefficiency and misbehaviour not only against the government officers but also against judges of the courts The King and the Royal Family: The King, once the CRU forms government, will become the unofficial but formal Head of State. As Head of State, he and the Royal Family will serve as a symbol of absolute power for the Government. Among the filth of temporal politics, the Royalty will be a divine example of nobility to the common people. The Royalty will act as a model to strive towards, so that people can rise from their daily lives. With its sacred nature it will set itself apart from the other governments. Along with symbolic purposes, the King and other members of the Royal Family will also have the duty of making regular speeches to the citizens and being a part of various public events and ceremonies. The Royalty will have little to no effective governmental authority. The King has the right to be a part of and only observe Secretariat sessions. In an event where the three Secretaries have declared no confidence in the Governor, the Monarch may take a special role of resolving issues of the Secretariat or publicly declaring his own no-confidence as a Head of State. If the CRU loses elections, the Royalty will exist as a normal family. They will still be considered a Royal family, but they will not act as Head of State. A brief note on the functioning of the Royal Government. The Invitation process: In accordance to procedures, the CRU will propose its gubernatorial candidate. On the election of our candidate, the Invitation process will begin. The Governor will choose any four individuals and invite them to take the roles of Secretaries and form the Secretariat with him. The invited individuals will usually be the four politicians who secured consecutively less number of votes than the CRU, but the Governor has the right to invite anyone. He may choose to invite persons from the CRU itself to take the roles, or invite different politicians from different parties. The invited individual definitely reserves the right to reject, and the Governor may look for an alternative in that case. In this way, the people indirectly elect the Secretaries. Once the Secretariat is completely formed, the Royalty will be (re)instated to power. The Governor will convene regular sessions of the Secretariat and each member will perform their respective roles. The Confidence motion: In a Confidence motion, the government is divided into five. A vote is carried out among the Secretariat Ombudsman, the Finance Secretary, Home Secretary, Justice Secretary and the Royal Monarch. Each individual has one vote. If 3 out of 5 votes or more state no confidence, then the Governor will be considered no longer deemed fit to hold his position, either because he is inadequate in some respect, is failing to carry out obligations, or is making decisions that the citizens and/or Secretariat feel detrimental. In this case, a public statement will be made to the citizens. The Secretaries will resign and the Secretariat will be dissolved. The Monarch may or may not choose to resign and/or abdicate as Head of State. The Governor will continue to stay in power without the support of the rest of the government until the next elections or early election are held. Conclusion The Central Royalist Union promises one of the most comprehensive and extensively planned system of government. A truly democratic government, and a government truly sacred and ideal. As Identity RPG is set to become a very immersive and highly interactive MMORPG, there is a need for an in-game entity that enforces rights and obligations that each citizen abides to. The CRU's Royal Government is not about a single powerful Governor. The Governor's power is shared by mostly directly elected representatives of the citizens and is an institution in its whole. The CRU's Secretariat acts as a miniature multi-party parliament which can make the law-making sensible. This government structure is one of the main and unique features of the Central Royalist Union, along with the idea of establishment of a Royalty. To build this Identity, the Central Royalist Union and its members, seek your vote so that our vision comes to life. Let’s embrace this dream of creating an ideal and noble society. An Identity that is free, fair and dynamic. An Identity that protects the rule of law. An Identity that promises of a strong, righteous society An Identity that protects its citizens against threats like terrorism and organised crime. An Identity that defends businesses. An Identity where everyone can succeed. The CRU's Identity!
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The Christian-Radical Democratic Patriotic Party (CRDPP)
MauriceClinton posted a topic in The Podium
NEWS The Radical Democratic Left Party has now renamed itself the "Christian-Radical Democratic Patriotic Party" because many Christian and Patriotic tendencies in the party have risen higher. Despite all this, we continue to believe in radical democracy, democratic socialism and in the left conservatism. We will always fight for people's rights and work for them every day. It can be your victory so that you are no longer disadvantaged, fooled or fought. We don't want to give poverty a chance on Identity Island. Maurice Clinton will remain the candidate for the governorship, according to the party. Fight with us, be with us! Greetings, the CRDPP-
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The Peoples Socialist Reformist Party is a liberal left wing party we are always looking for new members. The Peoples Socialist Reformist Party is not a communist party, as we believe in a regulated form of capitalism and we do not believe or support the idea of nationalising everything and paying people the same wage because this will lead to a decrees in job quality. our policy's/beliefs: drug policy: we will put drugs into different category's to determinant the risk and the correct actions to take in regard to law enforcement (the drug policy will be revised and edited once the developers release a list of what drugs will be included, if anyone dose know all the drugs that will be included please comment or contact me) class A's: illegal class B's: decriminalised for users and low level actors (dealers and transporters) in the distribution of the substances class C's: legalised, but only obtainable from a licensed vendor and illegal to sell if you do not have a license to sell class D's legalised and no restrictions regarding selling and purchasing weapons and firearms policy: class A firearms: only accessible for law enforcement officials class B firearms: obtainable for people with a license any other weapons are obtainable for anyone under the pretence that they will only be used for self defence our taxation policy: our tax policy will be base on income tax where people pay tax depending on what tax bracket/group they are in, people who earn less will pay less tax and people who earn more will pay more tax, this will also be use to asses who needs government help and who dose not. if you are aware of any other features that you feel we will be interested in crating policy's on pleases contact me or comment and the same goes if you wish to join the The Peoples Socialist Reformist Party, and pleases give your opinion on our current policy's viva la revolution (if needed), power to the people
A new foundation of the Radical Democratic Left Party New Logo
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the peoples revolutionary party The People's Revolutionary Party (P.R.P.) [HIRING!]
DLimit posted a topic in The Podium
THE PEOPLE'S REVOLUTIONARY PARTY (P.R.P.) The ANTHEM of "The People's Revolutionary Party": (SHALL BE EDITED AND REVISED OVERTIME) Name: The People's Revolutionary Party (P.R.P.) Founder/Representative: Damien Malik Ideology: Direct-Democratic Communism Explanation of the ideology: The Direct-Democratic Communist State shall include: A Communist State involves providing each and every single proletarian (labourer) with free, unlimited, and sustainable food, clothing, shelter, energy, education, and healthcare. In the process, the proletarian-state (worker-owned state) shall seize the means of production within a centralized economy in order to ensure that each and every single human being attains the basic necessities to life. Finally, the idea of "class" shall be abolished in order to prevent the bourgeoisie from exploiting the citizens of the state. A Direct-Democracy involves providing citizens with the ability to elect Laws that shall be enacted by the representative of The People's Revolutionary Party, rather than to elect a representative that enacts Laws and policies on behalf of the people. In other terms, in order to prevent the representative from misrepresenting the interests of the proletariat, the representative MUST fulfill the either ACCEPTED or REJECTED proposal by the majority of the citizens within the state or city. Thus, the state is truthfully governed by the PEOPLE based on the sole premise that the PEOPLE elect Laws and policies rather than representatives within office. Hypothetically, if the representative refrains from fulfilling the elected demand of the public, excluding for unconstitutional purposes, the proletarian shall possess every Right to impeach the representative through either peaceful OR violent means. The constitution shall mention that the Law enforcement officers of the state shall be OBLIGATED to overthrow the representative that does not represent the ELECTED decision of the majority, excluding unconstitutional policies, rather than to defend the representatives as it's public servants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINITIONS: Citizen: According to The People's Revolutionary Party, a "Citizen" is identified as an EMPLOYED LABOURER. Any individual that INTENTIONALLY and VOLUNTARILY chooses to remain unemployed, excluding students, physically disabled individuals, and mentally disabled individuals, shall NOT be classified as a citizen of the state. In other terms, a VOLUNTARILY unemployed individual is NOT granted with ANY benefits or Rights by The People's Revolutionary Party considering that the Rights are applied to LABOURERS or WORKING-CLASS CITIZENS. Constitution of The People's Revolutionary Party: 1. Freedom of Expression: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to express their opinion to the public, excluding hate-speech that may provoke acts of violence within the nation. 2. Right to Food: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to attain a three-course meal during the day. 3. Right to Water: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to sanitary water. 4. Right to Shelter: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to possess a dwelling place with a heating/cooling system, a bed, a fridge, a stove, and a roof over their heads. 5. Right to be Clothed: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to possess clothing in order to survive the cold and/or warm environments. 6. Right to Energy: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to possess energy within their dwelling place, including fuel for their vehicles. 7. Right to Healthcare: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to a doctor, hospital bed, and medication. 8. Right to Education: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to be educated within primary, secondary, and post-secondary educational institutions. 9. Right to Mobility: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to travel throughout the city without any interference, unless the subject infringes the criminal code. 10. Right to Bear Arms: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to possess, own, and travel with a firearm, excluding former felons that have been charged for committing a violent criminal act. 11. Right to Participation: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to participate within Direct-Democratic elections regarding the foreign and domestic political, economic, social, and militaristic policies of the state/city. 12. Right to Protect: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to utilize REASONABLE FORCE against any individual that intends to inflict harm against a human being through unconstitutional and unlawful means. 13. Right to Exist: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to EXIST, despite their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, sexual preference, religious belief, age, nationality, language, physical or mental disability, and political spectrum. This right does NOT include individuals that commit criminal acts. 14. Right to Remain Silent: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to remain silent within any political, legal, social, militaristic, executive, legislative, or economic procedures. In other terms, citizens possess the Right to remain silent, regardless of the situation. 16. Right to Personal Space: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to Personal Space, excluding during circumstances in-which the state possesses probable cause to breach one's personal space for legal, political, or security purposes. 15.. Right to Revolt: Each and every citizen shall possess the Right to utilize REASONABLE FORCE, through peaceful or violent means, in order to overthrow a political leader that commits one of the following offenses: ---> i. Misrepresentation: An act of "Misrepresentation" involves MISREPRESENTING a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW that is proposed by The People through Direct-Democratic Means. In other terms, an act of "Misrepresentation" involves REJECTING a CONSTITUTIONAL proposition that is presented by The People via a Direct-Democratic Election. ---> ii. Unconstitutionalism: An act of "Unconstitutionalism" involves REPRESENTING an UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW that is proposed by The People through Direct-Democratic Means. In other terms, an act of "Unconstitutionalism" involves ACCEPTING an UNCONSTITUTIONAL proposition that is presented by The People via a Direct-Democratic Election. ---> iii. Counter-Revolutionarism: An act of "Counter-Revolutionarism" involves INTENTIONALLY neglecting an individual's Right to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. An act of "Counter-Revolutionarism" is not applied to citizens that are imprisoned regarding the inability to attain access to education. Additionally, a citizen that VOLUNTARILY remains unemployed, despite being presented with the opportunity of a job, cannot attain benefits from the state (excluding extremely physically and mentally disabled subjects). Thus, an act of "Counter-Revolutionarism" does not apply to INTENTIONALLY unemployed individuals considering that The People's Revolutionary Party merely assists LABOURERS of the state. Furthermore, Law enforcement officers shall be obligated to determine whether the "victim" truthfully lacks the funds to attain food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education during either the "Excess Cycle" or "Classist Period" (Cycles, Periods, and Ages are listed BELOW). In the process, The People are expected to provide evidence confirming that the representative had INTENTIONALLY neglected to provide an individual with access to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. Finally, The People must present evidence confirming that the individual is truthfully neglected the Right to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. If it is not the case, the subject shall be charged for committing the act/offense of "Perjury" (shall be a Criminal Law within the Criminal Code). Otherwise, the representative shall be EXPECTED to provide the individual with the Right to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education within SEVEN DAYS. Failure to provide the victim with Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education shall result in being overthrown by The People. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The People's Revolutionary Court: The People's Revolutionary Courts shall be divided into three sections: 1. The People's Constitutional Court: "The People's Constitutional Court" involves charging and/or defending individuals, regardless of their authority, for committing unconstitutional offenses. Usually, members of "The People's Revolutionary Party" are charged for committing Unconstitutional acts that may result in a suspension of their membership, termination of their membership, or imprisonment COMBINED with a verbal and written apology to The People via a speech. The procedure involves randomly selecting thirteen jurors via a PUBLIC RAFFLE in order to determine whether the individual is "guilty" or "not guilty" for committing an Unconstitutional offense of either "Misrepresentation", "Unconstitutionalism", or "Counter-Revolutionarism". A lawyer shall be presented to the defendant and prosecutor, combined with a THIRD PARTY Lawyer that critically analyses and questions both parties (defendant and prosecutor) on behalf of The People considering that THE PEOPLE possess every Right to propose questions and critical statements regarding the case. In other terms, the "Third Lawyer" is "The People's Lawyer" that represents the observers of the offense (The offense of "Misrepresentation" and "Unconstitutionalism" shall be observed by each and every citizen within the island). 2. The People's Criminal Court: "The People's Criminal Court" involves charging and/or defending citizens regarding offenses that infringe the criminal code of the state/city/island. The defendant and prosecutor shall be presented with a Lawyer in order to represent their stance within the case. Finally, thirteen jurors shall be randomly selected and summoned to the courts via a PUBLIC RAFFLE. 3. The People's Civil Court: "The People's Civil Court" involves resolving civil disputes such as divorces, contract agreements (different from theft), and numerous other civil matters that are not deemed to be a criminal offense. However, certain civil disputes may be transferred to "The People's Criminal Court" considering that a breach in a contract agreement (could be classified as an act of theft) or an act of spousal abuse may be mentioned within "The People's Civil Court", resulting in resolving a criminal case within the "The People's Criminal Court". Each party shall be presented with a lawyer in order to defend their case. In the process, either a JUDGE that is APPOINTED by "The People's Revolutionary Party" or FIVE JURORS that are randomly selected via a public raffle shall form a conclusion regarding the case. Finally, both parties shall be capable of determining whether the case is resolved by an appointed Judge or a randomly selected group of five jurors. If an agreement cannot be formed, the decision to either appoint a judge or randomly select five jurors shall be formed via a raffle. Each and every single court procedure shall consist of a "PEOPLE'S ADVISER", a "P.A." shall be responsible for REVIEWING the information to the jurors in order to ensure that each and every juror is WELL-INFORMED of the Constitutional, Criminal, and Civil Laws that are enacted within the state. The "People's Adviser" is expected to provide jurors with an OBJECTIVE analysis of the entire case in order for the jurors to produce a WELL-INFORMED conclusion during the verdict. The People's Revolutionary Party's "Economic" Cycles + Taxation System "Excess Cycle": The "Excess Cycle" indicates that the state consists of an EXCESS of commodities and services due to OVERPRODUCTION and UNDER-CONSUMPTION. For example, if the state produces an excess of 1000 cans/bags of coffee, each and every single citizen shall possess 100 cans/bags of coffee during that time period. In other terms, an "EXCESS" of goods results in abolishing the "Revolutionary Tax" (100% taxation on every citizen) in order to form a UNIVERSAL TAX that taxes each and every single human being a percentage that is above 5% and beneath 50%. Universal Taxation: Universal Tax in-between 6%-49% "The Classist Period": The "Classist Period" indicates that a major division has been formed within the classes. In other terms, the income-inequality gap has expanded to the extent that the "Classes" have been divided into three main groups: The Proletariat Class, Petty-Bourgeois Class, and Bourgeois Class. Thus, an "Income-Tax" shall be formed based on the FIVE QUNTILE CLASS-BASED SYSTEM: INCOME TAX: 1. Upper Bourgeois Class (Highest taxation) 2. Upper-Middle Bourgeois Class (Second highest taxation) 3. Middle/Petty-Bourgeois Class (Third highest taxation) 4. Lower-Middle Proletarian Class (Minuscule taxation) 5. Lower Proletarian Class (Minimal taxation) "The Revolutionary Age": The "Revolutionary Age" indicates that the classes have remain divided, despite the income-tax. In the process, the "Income Taxation" policy does not provide individuals with Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. Thus, The People's Revolutionary Party shall be expected to enact a "Revolutionary Tax" that ensures that each and every single human being attains access to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education within the PLANNED ECONOMY: Revolutionary Tax: 100% Universal Taxation that is applied to each and every single human being within the state. The Revolutionary Tax shall ensure that each and every single human being attains access to Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. The cycles/periods circulate in the following order: "The Classist Period", "The Revolutionary Age", and "The Excess Cycle". Examples of The Order of Cycles/Periods/Ages: 1. "The Classist Period" 2. "The Revolutionary Age" 3. "The Excess Cycle" 4. "The Classist Period" 5. "The Revolutionary Age" 6. "The Excess Cycle" ETC... -------------------------------------------------------------- HIRING! (E-mail me) Roles WITHIN the organization: 1. Political Members and Representatives 2. Political Advisors (Office Administration) 3. Economic Advisors (Office Administration) 4. Surveyor (Surveys nation... consensus report) 5. Propaganda Expert/Agent (media) 6. Journalists (media) 7. Reporters (media) 8. Distributors (Distribution of goods) etc... more to come. Roles OUTSIDE of the organization: 1. Security Guards Application: Full Name: Current Occupation: Former Occupation(s): Residence/Address: Reason for joining: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Coalitions: 1. The Anti-Right Coalition: - The People's Revolutionary Party - The Radical Democratic-Left Party ============================================================================================ PRODUCE QUESTIONS IN ORDER TO ATTAIN RESPONSES THAT SHALL BE ADDED TO THE MAIN POST: Q&A (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS): Q: 3 words my friend: Tyranny of the Majority. What if the majority decides to Lynche members of the other half because they are criminals when they are actually innocent? What if the majority decides to subjugate minorities in order to better their own lives? By your government, the Majority has tyranny. A: Each and every citizen deserves the Right to Life, Liberty, and Personal Space. Thus, any act that infringes the Constitution, including lynching the majority without probable cause, is a criminal offense to the party. In the process, lynchings will be prohibited considering that the death penalty is not a necessary or ethical method towards reinforcing positive behaviors and removing negative behaviors within society. Q: How much privacy? Do certain people get more privacy than others? What about the right to not be verbally abused? What if the majority classifies a dirty rag as clothing for the minority? I could go on forever. The point is, the majority has too much power. A: How much privacy? Each and every human being possesses the Right to privacy as long as subjects do not infringe the criminal Laws of the state. In other terms, government agents are expected to attain probable cause or a warrant from a judge, in order to infringe one's Right to privacy. The majority cannot enact such Laws against the minority considering that it infringes their Right to Liberty. In fact, one cannot enact any policies that causes one group to be supposedly inferior or superior to another group, excluding certain government-based jobs that involves attaining certain privileges. For example, a Law enforcement officer shall possess the privilege to search and seize a criminal's items during an arrest. Verbal abuse shall be measured within the judicial system depending on whether the verbal abuse is an act of harassment. An individual possesses the Right to state "F*ck you" as long as it is not a repetitive act that offends an individual or party. However, an individual that possesses a permit to protest within the street possesses every Right to express their ideals within their physical boundaries without being charged for harassment considering that the "victim" could easily depart from the location. Q: Sounds identical to a welfare state. What will prevent citizens from remaining unemployed due to the amount of benefits and hand-outs that are given by the government? A: Individuals will not attain such benefits from the state unless they are laborers within the state, excluding individuals that are either too physically or mentally disabled to fulfill a single role within the system. Either way, a physically disabled person would possess a job that does not involve physical labour while a mentally disabled individual shall fulfill a role that is functional and desirable for their precious minds. Q: The party's policy on "Hate Speech" and "Discrimination" could be abused in order to serve the interests of the state. Would "hating the government" be classified as "Hate-Speech"? A: Any acts of discrimination is intolerable as long as the city/state is governed by The People's Revolutionary Party. However, groups shall be prosecuted if their acts include promoting hate-speech towards another group considering that it may incite violence against a group based on their ideals. For example, a Neo-Nazi cannot express his hatred towards the Negro population considering that it may provoke radical individuals to commit acts of violence against an individual based on the colour of their skin. In the process, an individual is capable of expressing their opposing ideals against the political party as long as it does not promote violence against a representative that abides by the P.R.P. Constitution. One must understand that it is LEGAL for an individual to state "overthrow the government" if the individual commits an act of "Misrepresentation", excluding the rejection of unconstitutional propositions. However, one cannot incite violence against the party as long as the party remains constitutional with it's actions considering that inciting violence would infringe the party's Right to Life and Liberty. Disagreement is separate from hate-speech. Q: How shall the state be funded? What is the taxation plan for the party? A: Within a planned economy, resources shall be re-allocated according to one's needs. Thus, the SUPPLY of PRODUCED GOODS and SERVICES shall be equally distributed amongst the people. For example, the production of 100,000 bags of coffee beans shall result in providing each and every citizen with 100 bags of coffee (1000 people per server) etc... It shall depend on the circumstances at the time considering that 100% taxation shall be necessary during an economic crisis that involves government intervention. However, during a time period that involves receiving an excess of goods, the taxation shall be formed solely based on an "income-tax" that is mathematically and scientifically measured by our economists. Funding? The people shall produce commodities and services that shall be distributed to the public. Simple as it sounds, it is effective when each and every human being fulfills the role that they desire within society. In other terms, the "100% Tax" shall be revoked as long as each and every single human being attains free food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education combined with other luxuries that are equally distributed by the party. However, the "100% tax" shall be re-enacted if the income-inequality gap increases to the extent that it forms a division between classes. Q: Will all citizens earn a equal amount for each job, or will you be payed more for the more intensive labor (Mentally&physically). For example a truck driver compared to a construction worker. Or will you drop that aspect of communism and allow people to still earn more then the person next to him/her. And if so how high will taxation be? A: In reality, it often depends on the circumstances. The objective of the party involves ensuring that the citizens fulfill roles that they desire for non-materialistic purposes. Thus, an individual should function as a doctor for the sole purpose of functioning as a doctor rather than functioning as a doctor in order to accumulate an extensive amount of wealth. Thus, the party would expect individuals to be paid the identical wage in order to ensure that one's labour is "internalized" rather than "externalized". http://aluceromontano.tripod.com/id11.html However, as long as each and every human being is capable of attaining Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education, wages could be divided according to one's internalized labour. Thus, a doctor may earn more than a garbage man/woman as long as each and every human being attains Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. During periods of overproduction, taxation shall be decreased to a simple "income-tax" that involves increasing taxation to individuals with a higher income and decreasing taxation to individuals with a lower-income based on a "five-quintile" class structure. 1. Upper Class 2. Upper-Middle Class 3. Middle Class 4. Lower-Middle Class 5. Lower Class Overproduction results in enacting an "INCOME-TAX" considering that each and every human being shall attain an EXCESS of Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education. For example, the production of 100,000 cans/bags of coffee shall provide each citizen with 100 cans/bags of coffee, indicating that a commodity is in EXCESS to the public. However, during a time period of underproduction and underconsumption, the "Income-Tax" shall be abolished in exchange for a "100% Universal Tax" in order for the party to distribute resources a bit more effectively, according to the NEEDS of the people. Q: Your view on marriage? Gay marriage? Beastiality? A: Marriage shall remain identical to the current system, excluding the establishment of the idea of "ownership". Thus, the items that are shared between both individuals or partners within a "legal bond" does not consist of "private property" considering that "private property" shall be replaced with "personal items". It merely involves the elimination of the capitalist idea of "ownership".Homosexuality, alongside forming homosexual relationships and legal bonds, shall be a legal and acceptable act that is supported by The People's Revolutionary Party considering that it is one's Right to Life and Liberty.It shall be illegal for human beings to engage in sexual relations or a legal bond with an animal considering that the animal is incapable of voluntarily consenting to such agreements via a verbal or written contract. It shall be illegal for adults to engage in sexual relations or a legal bond with children considering that a child's mind is not well-developed to form to voluntary decision to engage in either sexual relations or a legal bond with an adult through a verbal or written contract. However, it shall be legal for a sixteen year-old to consent to sexual relations with another individual that is in-between the ages of sixteen and seventeen. Q: It is impossible for a democracy to be present within Communism. In reality, it is only effective within Capitalist systems. What is your opinion on such a claim? A: Communism and Democracy are 100% synonymous with one another considering that Communist serves the interests of the whole while a democracy serves the interests of a majority under Constitutional guidelines. In reality, Democracies are antonymous to capitalism based on the sole premise that a capitalistic system serves the interest of an INDIVIDUAL'S PRIVATE INTERESTS while a democracy serves the interests of a MAJORITY'S NATIONAL INTEREST. Usually, the INDIVIDUAL'S PRIVATE INTEREST involves wealthy bourgeois multi-millionaires and billionaires countering against the political proposals of working-class citizens considering that the MAJORITY of citizens within any given nation is within the lower three quintiles of the financial class-based system. Thus, politicians within advanced capitalist Neo-Liberal democracies often serve the interests of the top two dominant quintiles despite possessing a majority population of the top three lowest quintiles. In other terms, the Neo-Liberal advanced capitalist bourgeois-state serves the interests of the wealthy via capitalism while neglecting the democratic decisions of the public considering that elected officials do not fulfill their promises in public in order to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie/wealthy land owners. In conclusion, capitalism is NOT synonymous with democratic ideals while COMMUNISM is 100% synonymous with Direct-Democratic ideals. Q: How shall the P.R.P. provide 300-1000 citizens with free housing? A: The taxation system shall ensure that each and every single human being is capable of residing within a two-bedroom apartment, regardless as to whether the state is in the "Income Tax" stage or "Universal/Revolutionary Tax" stage. Q: How shall a "Direct-Democracy" be formed within the state? A: The people propose ideals and and vote on the proposition in order for The People's Revolutionary Party to review whether the proposition is "CONSTITUTIONAL" or "UNCONSTITUTIONAL". If the Law or policy is Unconstitutional, it shall be REJECTED by the representative of the party. If the Law is Constitutional, it shall be accepted by the representative of the party. If the representative ACCEPTS an Unconstitutional policy, the representative shall be overthrown by a COMBINATION of the PARTY, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, AND PEOPLE for enacting an Unconstitutional Law and committing an act of "Unconstitutionalism". If the representative REJECTS a Constitutional policy, the representative shall be overthrown by a COMBINATION of the PARTY, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, AND PEOPLE for committing the offense of "Misrepresentation".- 147 replies
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- bourgeoisie
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