Hello, I am new to this whole experience and is very excited to buying one of the packs ranging around 60 - 100$. As the first module will be released and I get into the game, I have a lot to expect from the game but not worried about its faults and other things that may make the experience dull. But on the other hand I do wish to become a Leather maker for all Hunters and a Taxidermist for those who killed an animal and wish to have it on their shelves or posted on the wall. The store would be set up in TownSquare or somewhere else so you guys will know where to find me whenever you want leather or an animal stuffed. The staff members will be about 3 to 4 other players, (One manning the Cash register.) (The 2 would be the ones making sure the store is in pristine condition.) (And the last member would help any customer if they seem confused about the products.) How big the store will be is not specified.