We know that everything will be like irl, but i just realized something. What if we would make the prices for items and earnings from jobs the same as in real life. Like every month you get a paycheck and can buy stuff like irl with the same prices. I personally think this would add a whole lot more realism into the game and would make it like a second reality kinda. Maybe make progress a bit faster maybe 2x the speed of real life? That sounds optimal. Like Paychecks would be optimized for 15 days instead of 1 month and everything else propotionally to that too. Idk if you get what iam trying to say. It just shouldnt be like you get in the game and the first couple of days you own a big mansion with a sports car. Maybe after 4-5 months? I dont know what the right time would be, but it needs to be find thats for sure. I mean, it wouldnt even feel like grinding since youre having fun while playing the video game where you can do anything anywhere.
Just my thoughts on this, how do you guys see it?