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Political Party Database After having looked at some other boards within the forums, I had noticed that we don't really have a place to find information on the most popular, upcoming political parties here on Identity, except for via The Podium board which would require you to scroll through numerous threads and pages to find the right party for you. I wanted to make this thread to try and group together the most common parties with some information as to who leads it, what the parties believe in and their policies. I also understand that as politics will be one of the final aspects induced into the final game, there hasn't been much need for a post like this, however, many are still interested in the political aspect and I'm always willing to add new parties in to the list via request. If you would like your party added, send me a private message on the forums, or, much more preferably via Discord (ItsDev#3140). I would also like to ask the leaders of the parties mentioned - or those who wish for their parties to be added - to contact me in regards to writing a brief description which best describes their party and the views in which their parties share. The Hamilton Party Leader: @BrianHamilton Website: THP Campaign Thread: The Hamilton Party Brief Description: The Hamilton Party believes in creating a safer and more equal community through protecting the citizens of Identity from hate crime whilst also working to improve funding for the emergency services such as Law Enforcement, Medical Service and the Fire & Rescue Service, whilst also creating more job opportunities for those unemployed. The Royal Family Party Leader: @LuciousTimes Thread: Mr. Lucious Times For Governor ( The Royal Family Party ) Brief Description: A party known for having peace and unity forever. Founded and led by Lucious Times with his other government officials The Royal Family truly is a family. With views both conservative and liberal, the party tends to find favor with all. Being the eldest current party, The Royal Family has set legacy and intends to continue that walk in its existence. Gene Smith Candidate: @GeneSmith Thread: Gene Smith for Governor The People's Revolutionary Party Leader: @DLimit Thread: The People's Revolutionary Party (P.R.P) Brief Description: The People's Revolutionary Party is a Direct-Democratic Communist party that desires to provide individuals with Universal food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, education, and transportation. It appeals to the "Mass-Line Struggle" as a means towards fulfilling the needs, demands, and requests of the working-class citizens of Identity Island via "The People's Revolutionary General Assembly", in-which citizens shall be capable of electing Constitutional Laws and policies through direct-democratic means. Français National Leader: @FrancePourLaVie Thread: Français National {FN} The Technocratic Party Leader: @Anonymous_Citizen Website: Technocracy Identity Thread: The Technocracy Party Brief Description: The Technocratic Party believes that government should be "governed by the capable." Leaders are chosen based upon their individual skill-sets, determining their most strategic position in the nation's structure. The party changes its policies in order to reflect scientific truths and discoveries. The core policies of the Technocratic Party are based upon the principles of strategy, growth, and vigilance with each principle acting as an equal driving force. The Identity Party of America Leader: @ThomasHetch Thread: The Identity Party of America
Will the governor have bodyguards and a chauffeur? Also, what laws can they change appart from setting taxes and legalizing drugs? I have a feeling that the governor might not have much to do apart from changing the taxes once or twice during his term.
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unitedlibertyparty Vote America for Governor! (United Liberty Party)
America posted a topic in The Podium
UNITED LIBERTY PARTY PLATFORM Principles and Goals TAXES: Higher taxes on large corporations. Upper, middle, and lower class workers will have generally low taxes. ECONOMY: Mixed economy with limited government involvement to ensure economic stability. RELIGION: The right to freely exercise one’s faith is guaranteed by law. Religious practices may be restricted if they pose a threat to public safety. GAY MARRIAGE: Support gay marriage IMMIGRATION: Support allowing immigrants legally into the country after being screened. Persons who are found to be illegal residents will face charges of illegal immigration and will attend hearings where a proper punishment will be settled upon. Deportation is an option for certain cases. EDUCATION: No tuition for primary public educational facilities. Low tuition for state-subsidized universities. Will have government sponsored loan programs with minimal interest. HEALTHCARE: Universal health care. All members of the society will receive health care, no matter their social and economic status. ENERGY: Support clean energy sources, and hope to have at least 75% of the grid powered by clean energy sources, including nuclear and solar energy. Will regulate fossil energy sources. Funding will also be put into experimental energy sources, such as wind, tidal, geothermal, and fusion plants. ENVIRONMENT: Find it important to protect the environment and to leave as little of a carbon footprint as possible. Excessive air pollution caused by companies will result in fines. GUNS: Support the right to own a firearm. Want sufficient background checks to ensure that criminals do not purchase firearms. DEFENSE: Believe in reducing military spending in order to fund other government programs. The money saved from reducing military spending could be used to issue grants to educational facilities, modernize police utilities, and reduce the taxes caused by universal health care. DEATH PENALTY: Against the death penalty in all circumstances. The United Liberty Party finds that the death penalty is immoral and sometimes results in the wrongful execution of an innocent citizen. PROTESTS: Support a citizen’s right to assemble, as long as it does not cause an issue of public safety or disrupt the rights of other citizens. Laws All citizens will be brought to a court of law and tried upon breaking a law, less heinous crimes will result in a fine that must be paid within a week of issuance. Citizens may have an attorney present during questioning and/or their trial. An attorney will be provided if the defendant cannot afford one. (Note: Prison time for offences are listed alongside the crime) Driving Offences (3 speeding tickets will result in revocation of driver’s license) Speeding - $50 Driving without a license - $100 General Offences Hate crime - $200 Resisting arrest - 30 Minutes Police evasion - 30 Minutes Possession of an illegal firearm - confiscation of weapon + 30 Minutes Violent Offences Assault - 1 Hour Assaulting an officer - 1.5 Hours Vehicular manslaughter - 2 Hours Manslaughter - 2.5 Hours Murder- 3 Hours Robbery (Discharging a firearm during robbery will add 1 hour) Theft under $1,000 - 15 Minutes Theft of $1,000-$5,000 - 30 Minutes Theft of $5,000-$10,000 - 1 Hours Theft over 10,000 - 1.5 Hours (+45 minutes every $10,000) Drugs (Note that you can be charged with multiple drug crimes i.e. intent to distribute + possession, or possession of marijuana + possession of cocaine) Possession of illegal drugs - confiscation + 15 Minutes Intent to distribute illegal drugs- confiscation + 30 Minutes Intent to purchase illegal drugs- confiscation + 15 Minutes THANK YOU! Thank you for taking the time to read our political party platform. I am George America and I am the current Chairman of the United Liberty Party. Please feel free to identify with my party if you see that it suites your views, I hope to host party conventions in the future for all of our members. Vote George America Governor for a better future. Feel free to contact me through messages at anytime for any reason you see fit. Current Leadership Chairman: America Vice Chair: Maserati Vice Chair: Ferrari Secretary: Abyssal Treasurer: Porsche- 4 replies
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The Roman Catholic Party Enough with the immoral politicians attempting to be Governor. Announcing the campaign for the Roman Catholic Party in identity. The Roman Catholic Party has yet to choose it's candidate but it will soon be decided. I will be updating this post with our promises and believes as a party. We will generally be following the Catholic doctrine so most of the parties believes are already public. Keep an eye on this post as we post main issues our are believes and announce our candidate. Major Political Issues Gun Control The Roman Catholic Party holds a firm Pro-Gun position. We will have very limited regulations on firearms. We believe in the policy of more guns less crime. Gay Marriage The Roman Catholic Party currently stands against gay marriage. However, any relationship below marriage will be acceptable. As the times change are policy very well might also. Religion Being a Catholic party we will obviously promote Catholicism. All other religions will be accepted and allowed to worship freely within their Churches, Temples, Etc. I am debating on whether fund Catholic churches but at the moment no religion will receive government funding. We will strongly encourage citizens to attend weekly services through radio, TV, and online ads. Terrorism The Roman Catholic Party acknowledges the threat of Islamic Terrorism. We will not be limiting Muslims right to worship but police will be giving extra funding and equipment to deal with the threat. Muslims may be subject to searches if suspected of suspicious activity but will not have there homes searched unless a warrant is present. Taxes We believe very much in lower taxes. It's much more efficient when money is spent by the workers who earn it. An exact amount is yet to be decided. Healthcare The Roman Catholic Party believes healthcare should be proved privately through the free market. Government funded healthcare will only decrease the quality of care people will receive. Economy Limited government regulations on businesses. We believe citizens should be able to start and grow there own business and buy and sell among themselves without the burden of the government regulating them. We will fully support a free market system as it will help economic growth. Abortion We will always be Pro-life. The Roman Catholic Party believes in life at fertilization. There will be no government funded abortions and privately done abortions will be illegal. Immigration The Roman Catholic Part fully supports and encourages immigration. However, all immigrants who arrive illegal will be immediately deported. There will be no exceptions and none will be allowed to stay. Police The Roman Catholic will fully support all law enforcement and provide them with the funding they need to operate. But, any police officer convicted of killing an innocent man/women who caused no immediate danger to them will be immediately fired and face the court to be prosecuted. Death Penalty Similar to abortion we hold a pro-life policy on the Death Penalty. However, anyone who commits a major attack on such as a shooting or bombing will rightfully be met by the electric chair. Please leave comments suggesting any other topics we should post stances for Papacy (Governor) The Roman Catholic Party has yet to decide on a candidate to fully represent us in the first election. They will soon be announced so stay tuned. Please message me on the Discord for an invite to our parties private discord. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKI2jtzxzDY
Hey, wanted to update the polls for the current list of runners and parties, if I missed anyone can you please let me know so I can add it. Wanted to use this to get a general idea of the well political identity of the community that will be going into Town Square. Polling ends 11/6/2017 at 12pm EST
I would like to know who the politicians in Identity believe which real world politician they are the most similar to, e.g, some people may be like Donald Trump, others like Justin Trudeau. My second question to Identities politicians is, apart from yourself, which politician would be the best Governor?
I thought I'd make a thread with an updated list of the current Governor candidates and add a poll so that we can get some early poll numbers in! Please let me know if you are running and I will add you to the poll. Campaign Pages Lucious Times: Thomas Hetch: Bobby Cruz: FrancePourLaVie: Roger the Shrubber: Connor Abbott: Maurice Clinton: Brian Hamilton:
Hello, I have decided to follow suit of the other candidates running for governor and have started a campaign, myself. My name is Gentino and an important role as governor would be to manage the taxes and put the appropriate amount of funds into each government facilities. Right now, I can't promise a set tax percentage to the police department but I can take time to hear your ideas! You see, the police, whether local or state, should have a say in the political process. Therefore, I would like to know about what you'd like to see as a law enforcement officer. The sooner we all can get an understanding of a generalized "want" the sooner we can act on making sure that "want" happens. We need you prepared. There is no doubt that crime won't raid the streets of Identity Island but with your help we could suppress it, strategically. What do I mean by that? Instead of always pushing on the offence; arrests, ticketing, etc. We could take it to the next level to make sure honest-citizens are being appreciated for following the laws. How?. Incentives! Police Precincts could host fairs or festivals towards honest-citizens which will encourage them to continue following the law. We want to make the laws attractive and thank the ones obeying them. I hope we can come together and make this happen. Feel free to ask questions and remember: "A Vote For Me, Will Be A Vote For A Strong Government Start Off."
droppedoutofrace [DROPPED OUT] Supreme Leader for Governor!
SupremeLeader posted a topic in The Podium
Hello! I am Supreme Leader, and I am running for Governor through the National Identity Front. Who am I? Allow me to introduce myself in a bit more detail. My name is Supreme Leader, and I'm a Korean American male from Seattle, Washington. I have the innate ability to organize, and lead a group of people, as well as the ability to take criticism well. I am very open-minded, and I enjoy debating with others in order to sharpen my argumentative skills, and to ultimately be a well-rounded and rational person. My idea of the ideal government is one that for the most part, keeps out of the lives of it's people. The role of the government is not to be an invisible gun against the head to the civilians, but rather to help the collective population express their needs through their elected officials. This means that generally for social issues, I find that it's best for the people to decide their own fate, rather than some highly ranked official who has somehow convinced himself of his moral superiority to have the ability to make decisions for the collective majority. Here, I will state my general beliefs for a variety of different heated topics of political discussion. Feel free to question, and challenge me to debate on whatever topic of your choice. As does my party, the NIF, I promote intellectual conversation, and I find that it is one of the most healthy things that you can do for your brain. I'm completely against the idea of exclusion of thought and the idea of thought-policing, as I feel that if you truly are correct in your thinking, then you should have absolutely no problem in making the other person look like a complete idiot in an intellectual discussion. If not, you probably should sit down and consider thinking deeper into your political views. And even in the event that you cannot get to a common ground, being able to disagree while remaining united is the foundation of any great civilization built on intellectual expansion and development. Anyways, let's begin. Topics: Freedom of Speech - This is a topic not being discussed by the other candidates, but I feel that is necessary to address. The right to freedom of speech, historically, has always been created to help support unpopular speech. Popular speech has no need for such laws of protection, because popular speech protects itself. It is important that we hear out every possible political ideology out there, and then weed out those that are weak through proper, intellectual discussion. The concept goes something like this: If you truly believe that you are correct in comparison to another person, then what is the worry in taking to them in a debate? Challenging your views and beliefs with others does nothing more than help sharpen your ability to logical reason, but on top of that it helps weed out inferior or outdated beliefs within our society. Marijuana - I find it to be absolutely useless to waste our time and money on trying to fight against the use of recreational marijuana. However, I still strongly believe that there should be strict regulations on ALL different kinds of drugs. For example, I find that there should be a vote among the people in which we decide the legal age to purchase, and posses certain amounts of marijuana. I believe that in social topics such as these, that it should be in the hands of the people to decide their fate. Gun Control - I am a strong believer in the right to bear arms, for multiple different reasons. Firstly, I find that there is a always a threat of potential government tyranny. The people should be able to fight back against an authoritarian government, if it gets to that extreme. Secondly, the threat of being a victim of crime is always a constant threat as well. The people should be able to defend themselves against those wicked-minded, and also when criminals begin to acknowledge that more and more people are deciding to carry weapons, the crime rate will naturally decrease. However, with more loose policy on gun control, there must be more strict punishments if someone were to be caught misusing their firearms. Longer jail time, and other penalties need to be enforced to discourage this behavior. Minimum Wage - As a person who advocates for free-market, I do not feel there needs to be a need for government regulation on minimum wage. It's more than a myth that government or businesses controls prices, or wages. The market does. The government should not be saturating the market with enforcing fictitious prices and wages out of nowhere, because the market will naturally balance these wages and prices out through supply, demand, and the economic prosperity of the consumer base. The Law - With giving more freedoms to the people, there needs to be harsh punishments to deter these people from turning to a life of crime. This means longer prison sentences, and harsher penalties for committing crimes. Obviously, the punishments will vary dependent on the type of crime. However, with giving the people the privilege of certain liberties, we must give incentive them to maintain a positive lifestyle through having them acknowledge the dire consequences for going against the law of the land. The Government - I find that the role of the government is to accurately represent the people, and to give the people a voice in which they can express their views. Through this, I will help support intellectual discussion within our population, and enforce the law of freedom of speech. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Taxes - This one will be an odd-ball because we don't necessarily know how the economy will function as of now, and we can only make speculate at this point. However, these are my proposed tax plans (due to change, but the general principles will still be the same). Income Tax: Up to $9,000 ------- 3% tax $9000-$30,000 ------- 5% tax $30,000-$80,000 ------- 15% tax $80,000-$100,000 ------- 20% tax $100,000-$200,000 ------- 25% tax $200,000+ ------- 28% tax This proposed tax plan is to ensure power in the middle class, and to support consumerism in the market for not only people of business interests to thrive, but also our consumer population. I will also allow people to write-off donations and charity in their taxes, however to stop tax avoidance, only 70% of the total donations and charity will be able to be written off. This way a person of $200,000 income can't just "donate" $200,000 to a friend's organization, just for his friend to give it back to him, with the initial guy having zero tax liability. However, having the ability to write off donations and charity will still help give incentive people to give back to their communities, while still not taking a huge hit in their net incomes. Business Tax: I propose a low 2% corporate income tax, for a few reasons. 1) Increase in the job market With more businesses having to worry less about how much the government is going to take out of their profits, we should be helping them, as businesses will be an integral part of our economy. With the decrease in focus of taxes, businesses will be able to hire more, pay more, offer better benefits, etc. Now, you may ask: "What if the businesses just pocket the extra cash?" Something to understand is that with everything having to do with a business and a customer, there is always competition. With businesses looking for the best, most motivated, and most efficient workers, they have to offer something with employment that other businesses cannot. This is why we see such an increase of the better workers in the lower class moving to businesses like Amazon IRL, because they offer something to their employees that other businesses just can't compete with. To summarize a bit more, businesses will HAVE to employ more with BETTER benefits in order to even compete in the job market. This is why I don't propose a base minimum wage, because the market will determine this on its own accord, and pushing government regulation on this will do nothing more than harm to our free and open markets. 2) Better benefits for employees Same reasons as above ^^ Competition, competition, and more competition in the job market among employers to attract the best workers they possibly can. 3) If we drastically lower the corporate income tax, we could eliminate the special treatment for dividends and capital gains. The reason we currently have the special rates is to offset the "double taxation" of corporate profits. You can quibble with the term, but the fact remains that a 35% corporate income tax combined with, say, a 43% marginal income tax rate (once we add in the special Medicare surcharges), would be a hell of a disincentive for the very wealthy to invest; you're talking about lowering the projected return on an investment by almost 3/4. There's little question that this would be bad--there's a reason that not even Sweden attempts to levy those sorts of taxes on capital. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I am aware that there are a multitude of topics that I may have missed, but feel free to ask me through a reply! I'd be more than happy to answer or challenge any of you to a debate. Supreme Leader for Governor! President of the National Identity Front (NIF)- 6 replies
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Hi everyone, My name is John Loyal and I am new to the demographics of a pc gaming world. My wife and I have been taking classes together because of my doctor's advice, he says when you get old like me you need to stay active. So instead of going to play chess like a cliche old man I decided to cope with the current times, sit on my computer and find a nice pc game. I heard through the grapevine that Identity was the "GOD OF ALL RPG's" and I thought I'd give it a try. Come to find out the game isn't even out yet, surprises me. Games usually don't have this much talk until they've been released. But it was so interesting that I looked through the forums. The first thing I spotted was The Podium, I'm a big time politics lover having served in the US Air Force back in '85. But I held off and look through everything else first. The people I noticed the most were @PrezLegend , @Herzog , and @ThomasHetch . Finally going through The Podium I found that @PrezLegend and @ThomasHetch are campaigning for Governor of the identity Island. First off, I'm again very surprised how organized people are before the game has even been released. I realize how active @PrezLegend is right off bat. He's very vocal and speaks to all the different sorts of groups. I did notice he was younger too, which caught me by surprise when I looked at the way his plans were detailed. It doesn't matter much about the age of anyone in a game though, half of y'all cats are youngn's anyhow. @ThomasHetch I see has been recognized very much. He seemed to be the #1 candidate before @PrezLegend came into the picture. I went and took a look at the policies and laws that both candidates represent (The Royal Family Party & The Identity Party). I assume the candidates founded these party's polices and so forth themselves. Anyhow, looking into the parties details I found that @PrezLegend 's policies were just so much easier to understand, they were fair, just truly a clear understanding of real-life politics and game politics. I say real-life politics because after looking at his profile I searched him up seeing that he actually has greatly participated in our nation's politics. I say good luck all around to each and every candidate, but to @PrezLegend I have an additional request. @PrezLegend you should let me be your Identity Campaign Manager...I have nothing better to do! I could influence a few more folks to see what I see in you and grant The Royal Family some suppport. If you'll let me use the information I found about you online I'd appreciate that, I believe it'll show your true colors. This is my idea: The Royal Family Party - Governor Nominee ( @PrezLegend Mr. Lucious Times) Campaign Managers - @FatherOfLoyalty + 9 Others Party Members - ANYONE I hope you'll consider.
Hi guys, it's me Mr. Lucious Lee Times. I'm here to tell you guys there are about 6 guys running for Governor of the Identity Island including myself. We've given policies and laws, but we don't think of everything. We need you all to be asking questions and truly trying to figure out who you want to vote for! Just like this past American Presidential Election was big, this is too!
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Hi guys, it's me Mr. Lucious Lee Times. I'm here to tell you guys there are about 8 guys running for Governor of the Identity Island including myself. We've given policies and laws, but we don't think of everything. We need you all to be asking questions and truly trying to figure out who you want to vote for! Just like this past American Presidential Election was big, this is too!
Hi guys, it's me Mr. Lucious Lee Times. I'm here to tell you guys there are about 8 guys running for Governor of the Identity Island including myself. We've given policies and laws, but we don't think of everything. We need you all to be asking questions and truly trying to figure out who you want to vote for! Just like this past American Presidential Election was big, this is too!
* Who Are The Candidates * Mr. TIMES, LUCIOUS LEE (aka @LuciousTimes ) - The Royal Family Party Mr. KEYS, JOEL (aka @JoelKeys ) - The Peoples Party Mr. HETCH, THOMAS (aka @ThomasHetch ) - The Identity Party Mr. ROGER ( aka @RogerTheShrubber ) - The Freedom Party Mr. CRUZ, BOBBY (aka @BobbyCruz ) - Unknown Party Mr. BODHI, PRESTON ( aka @Preston_bodhi_343I ) - Unknown Party *THIS TOPIC WASN'T MADE TO JUST LIST WHO IS RUNNING LIKE @DanDud88 'S TOPIC. THIS TOPIC IS HERE FOR THE CANDIDATES TO TELL WHO THEY ARE IN THE REAL WORLD AND LET THE PEOPLE HAVE A CHANCE TO ASK THE CANDIDATES ANYTHING PERSONAL THEY WISH TO ASK. THIS ALLOWS PLAYERS TO TRULY KNOW WHO THEY'RE VOTING FOR.* *PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO LIKE ALL POST! IT HELPS PLAYERS WITH COMMUNITY REPUTATION & RANK* PLAYERS BE SURE TO REPLY WITH QUESTION AND CANDIDATES BE SURE TO REPLY WITH YOUR INFORMATION SO IT CAN BE LISTED. ALL QUESTIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE AND CAN BE DIRECTED TOWARDS ANY CANDIDATES. MR. LUCIOUS LEE TIMES (MYSELF) Residence: TX, United States of America Occupation: Owner of Dr. Heart's Love Counsel, MHS Empire, and Tarrant County Campaign Advisor High School: Marcus High School College: University of Hawaii at Manoa Major: Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution Siblings: 6 Race: Mixed ( White, Native American, Black) Religion: Christian (Non-denominational) Life Philosophy: "Be proud of all you are!" Marital Status: Single Social Attitude: Extrovert Book: The Unwanteds Series Movie: Spirit Greatest Skill: Public Speaking Holiday: Valentines Day Season: Spring Birthday: June 19th Favorite Place: Hawaii Color: Gold Music: R&B, Country, Classic, Rap, Pop, Hip-Hop Animal: Fox Real Life Political Party: Independent Mr. KEYS, JOEL ??? Mr. HETCH, THOMAS ??? Mr. ROGER Residence: Minnesota Occupation: National Park Service worker School: South Dakota Major: Network Security Race: Caucasian Religion: Christian (Lutheran) Outlook on Life: This is summed up by my favorite Bible verse Matt 16:26 "For what is the profit of man that he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Social Attitude: Introvert Book: Bible, Business of the 21st Century Movie: Anything Star Wars or LOTR Skill: recruiting, strategics Holiday: Christmas Season: Spring/Summer (because of fishing season) Favorite Place: Northwoods and on a boat fishing. Color: Green Music: Christian Rap, Rock, Metal, and Contemporary, as well as the oldies like ACDC and stuff. Animal: Lynx Political Party: Republican Mr. CRUZ, BOBBY ??? Mr. BODHI, PRESTON Residence: United Kingdom Occupation: Unemployed School: Lincolnshire Major: N/A Race: Caucasian Religion: Christian Outlook on Life: Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Social Attitude: mixture of intro and extrovert Book: Friedrich Nietzsche beyond good and evil Movie: point break ( 2015 ) Skill: charisma, first aid Holiday: Christmas Season: Fall and Winter Favorite Place: St Paul's cathedral Color: aurora colours Music: different music Animal: boar/tusked animals Political Party: Republican/right winged
dear sir/ma'ma running for the position of either mayor or governor the people would like to advise you that you are the most important part of the society in more ways than one and the people would like to remind you that we will NOT uphold any type of CORRUPTION what so ever. Any leader that is showing signs of potential corruption will be ELIMINATED from office forcefully without a second glance! so sir/ma'ma proceed with extreme caution for the people are watching and we are very vigilant, we do NOT make mistakes and neither should you. sincerely -the people
For everyone joining , Welcome to The Royal Family! You are here because you are a leader or member of an elite business, private military, or police group and would like to be protected by other players, aided by other players and in a brotherhood with other players. Codes the name, The Royal Family. Also, financial benefits are given to leaders of organizations! $$$ I, Mr. Lucious Lee Times aka PrezLegend have wisely constructed an alliance of Businesses, Military, and Police Officers all together under the loyalty to myself as Governor. Royal Guard: Alpha Military Corporation Businesses: The High Society, Identity Broadcasting Police Officers: @CadeStrikemen _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Policies (Simplified) : Gun Control: It's necessary that each player be equipped with some sort of protection. The crime rate is going to be ridiculously high. I'll permit each household to have either one shotgun or pistol for protection. This applies to common citizens, not police officers. However, you must be registered to own a gun. Government: My envisioned government will be a Constitutional Dictatorship. It's the best way for the leader to make decisions quickly and get things implemented! I say constitutional because the leader must still abide by laws. He can't just do as he wishes and have all the say so. Voting will still exist, representatives will as well. Only thing truly different is that the leader gives the final yes or no. Taxes: Taxes will be a very simple flat tax for the game. 10% of whatever your career makes you must give in taxes. 10% tax will also be placed on corporation income. Drugs: Weed, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Over-The-Counter Medicine will be legal drugs on the island. Minimum Wage: $10 an hr is the lowest wage businesses will be allowed to give to employees. Healthcare: We want everyone to be able to have care with all the obvious crime there will be. So, if you make less than $20 an hr you will be granted a fee of $100 per month. If you make $20 - $50 you'll be charge $200 and if you make any higher than $50 an hr you'll be charged $300 towards your health insurance. This monthly bill will provide unlimited health coverage for all your health needs. Laws (Detailed) : Justice: "Eye for an Eye", what one man does to another illegally the government will have done to him. For example, you steal from a man. Whatever the worth of the items you stole the government will take from you and give to the one you stole from. You kill a man with no regard, the government will kill you with no regard. Five Characteristics of a Lucious Times Economy 1. The government creates a central economic plan. The five-year plan sets economic and societal goals for every sector and region of the country. Shorter-term plans convert the goals into actionable objectives. 2. The government allocates all resources according to the central plan. It tries to use the nation's capital, labor and natural resources in the most efficient way possible. It promises to use each person's skills and abilities to their highest capacity. It seeks to eliminate unemployment. 3. The central plan sets the priorities for the production of all goods and services. These include quotas and price controls. Its goal is to supply enough food, housing, and other basics to meet the needs of everyone in the country. It also sets national priorities. These include mobilizing for war or generating robust economic growth. 4. The government owns monopoly businesses. These are in industries deemed essential to the goals of the economy. That usually includes finance, utilities, and automotive. There is no domestic competition in these sectors. 5. The government creates laws, regulations, and directives to enforce the central plan. Businesses follow the plan's production and hiring targets. They can't respond on their own to free market forces. (Source: Bon Kristoffer G. Gabnay, Roberto M Remotin, Jr., Edgar Allan M. Uy, editors. Economics: Its Concepts & Principles. 2007. Rex Book Store: Manila.) Advantages Planned economies can quickly mobilize economic resources on a large scale. They can execute massive projects, create industrial power, and meet social goals. They aren't slowed down by lawsuits from individuals or environmental impact statements. Command economies can wholly transform societies to conform to the government's vision. The new administration nationalizes private companies. Its previous owners attend "re-education" classes. Workers receive new jobs based on the government's assessment of their skills. Disadvantages This rapid mobilization often means my economy will mow down other societal needs. For example, the government tells workers what jobs they must fulfill. It discourages them from moving. The goods it produces aren’t always based on consumer demand. But citizens find a way to fulfill their needs. They often develop a shadow economy, or black market. It buys and sells the things my economy isn't producing. Leaders' attempts to control this market weakens support for them, SO I won't try to control it! The Tale of Lucious Times Lucious Lee Times (myself) is a character that grew up homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. In a city of crime Lucious had to be on the lookout at every turn. In Lucious' young life he grew to be very aware of the crime filled city and knew he had to do something to ensure his safety. At 15, Lucious started an organization with a few neighborhood boys called "The Peacekeepers". These boys were brutal. They cleaned the streets of crime in the most direct ways possible. Showing up to criminal hideouts and wasting away every member present, making fake visits to prisons and jails to poison and eliminate those criminals on the inside, making appointments with the LAPD to let THEM know how things would be done. The Peacekeepers were vigilantes at the finest. The city soon had a crime rate so low new schools were being built and more people migrated to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Through all the harsh deeds The Peacekeepers had done Lucious never was present for the actual action. He was the mastermind, the planner, the brain of the whole operation. Sitting behind a desk as leader of The Peacekeepers. Oh how things looked great! Lucious had made something out of nothing and became a city icon and hero as he grew older. Though soon, things made a turn for the worst. Lucious' closest partner, his beautiful fiance was capture by a man known by the name Gustavo Fring. A now well-known high profile methamphetamine drug lord. He did so becuase by cleaning up the city Lucious' made distribution for Mr. Fring come to a complete stop in the area. Lucious grew furious, so furious he began to walk into a whole new light. The Peacekeepers became a weapon at Lucious' disposal. He thought long and hard and then finally had a plan. After finding where Fring was located Lucious and his team of over 200 men approached the location, guns loaded and ready for anything. However, Fring was already aware of Lucious' presence and decided to retaliate. Fring killed Lucious' fiance, then sent out total war upon Lucious and his men. In the end only two men were left standing; Fring and Lucious. After few words, Lucious caught leverage and killed Fring. Though Lucious was severly injured by gunshot. He called the LAPD. With quickness, Lucious was saved and had chance to speak with the LAPD Chief of Police. He thanked Lucious for his doings and after a long conversation of tears the chief left. Lucious began to realize how much he'd loss. All his men, his fiance, his hold on the city from crime all gone! Three weeks later Lucious walked out of the hospital, grab all $789,211 he'd raised with his people, and began to leave town for a new home. A place called Turtle Beach on Identity Island. However, when he got to the town line he found something waiting for him. Over half the city was standing their with gold-colored gold-scented candles. Some of them stood to give thanks, but many stood ready to follow him wherever he went. A woman by the name of Dorris Jean approached Lucious and told him this: "We give these candles to represent who you are to the city. Forever will you be the gold we all love, the gold we all know has provided, the gold we all know will pay the price. For to us you are a leader and friend. For you have become like royalty in this city. And with you royalty we be your royal family." Lucious was proud. All negative feelings previous washed away. Lucious now felt the obligation to continue to lead. For he knew he was wise and could give great leadership. This time he wouldn't limit himself to the leadership of a groups of boys who run a city, no. That was below him now. Now he needed to lead in higher heights where he could have greater impact and influence. A position of power such as Governor would do the trick! So he then decided to venture into the political field of leadership once he arrived in his new home. A few hours later after a celebratory evening Lucious and the now called Royal Family left. 12 days later they arrived in Turtle Beach on the Identity island and the rest is soon to be foretold...
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(I had a browse and couldn't see anything related so forgive me if this question has been answered) Honestly assumed since there will be multiple official servers and a ton of unofficial servers that it would be 1 Governor per server.. But I didn't see anyone running who specified official/unofficial server or otherwise so I'm left a little confused.. Is it actually 1 Governor across all servers? Any insight appreciated, thanks.
I, PrezLegend have wisely constructed an alliance of Businesses, Military, and Police Officers all together under the loyalty to PrezLegend as Governor. Royal Guard: Alpha Military Corporation Businesses: Police Officers:
- alphamilitarycorporation
- business
- (and 9 more)
It may be a long shot, but I this the game government should be a monarchy. Following the lineage of the first gamer elected.
- 17 replies
- government
- governor
(and 1 more)
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Gun Control- I personally believe that every citizen of Identity should have access to firearms (with some exceptions). I think that it is crucial for people to have this right because if the government and cops have all the guns then they can do whatever they want to the civilian population of this island. This would also heavily fuel the illegal weapons trade which would result in more deaths and crime. Another point that I would like to make is that it's not the law-abiding citizens who you have to worry about, it's the criminals who are going to get guns anyway and commit their crime. I want people to be able to defend themselves from these criminals. After all it is every man's inalienable right to bear arms! Now to the exceptions that I was talking about. These would be people who have been convicted of violent crimes or have been hospitalized for mental health issues in the past. They will not be allowed to purchase a firearm. Violent crimes include robbery, murder, illegal affiliated gang involvement, and many more. Legal firearms will include pistols,rifles, and shotguns that are not automatic. You will need to get a special permit to carry an automatic rifle from the governmental office. You will also have to submit to a background check. If you want to purchase a civilian grade weapon (semi-auto) you will need a licence (the licence you can get from the gun store) and have to submit to a background check as well. My last point on this issue is that banning all guns will hurt a crucial legal business and that is gun trading/selling or manufacturing. This would cut jobs and make people poorer in the end. This would also shift the money supposed to be going into law abiding citizen's pockets to gangs and underground dealers thus promoting more crime. Marijuana- I believe that the legalization of marijuana is inevitable. This is going to be important for the citizens of the great island of identity and will help stimulate the economy. You may smoke it freely! The way I would set it up is that you must get a permit and storefront to sell marijuana. You can only sell in those stores to protect the integrity of the businesses that choose to sell. There will be a small tax on the sale of marijuana. Anyone caught trying to undercut the tax and legit businesses by selling the drug will be fined heavily. Although there will be no jail time since this is not considered a violent crime unless involved with a gang known to be violent. You will only get fines starting with 50$ on the first offense then doubling every time you are caught. The reason I wouldn't throw you in jail is because again it's not a violent crime and that would just be a huge governmental waste on your tax dollars. The government would have to pay for your food while in jail, the space you take up in jail, the officers time, and many more factors that would be disadvantageous for the government to pursue that route. Tax rate: 6-10% I feel like the legalization of marijuana would also limit the profits of gangs trying to profit in that area and thus limit crime in that area. Corruption- Corruption is going to be a huge issue especially in the police and government. This topic is going to explain my view on this issue and the way I'm going to combat it. For starters I'm going to make a law that makes all elected officials live by the laws they propose/pass (including myself) through. The next thing I'm going to do is set up districts where the people of those districts vote for representatives to represent them in a congress like set up. The only requirement is that they have to have no prior illegal gang involvement or criminal record, as well as no party affiliation. These people will help uphold a system of checks and balances to make sure no law is too overbearing. This will also assure that the will of the people alone will be met from that district. There will be a lawyer appointed from the reps (of the districts) to look into the governmental spending and cabinet members accounts. He must have no criminal record or party affiliation. This will make sure no money is flowing into criminal accounts. The police will have a strict vetting process and training to hopefully route out any bad eggs. There will be term limits. You can only be governor for 2 terms, each term being 1 year (may change). The governor will then peacefully pass down power to whoever was voted in. We will do this so no one becomes a dictator and will promote fresh ideas. The last thing is that the government will produce a public budget report at the end of each month. This will state where all the money was spent unless that information is classified for whatever reason. Economy- I have a few ideas for how I will help stimulate the economy of identity. The government will by no means get heavily involved but may offer some benefits to businesses on the great island. Firstly I would withhold all taxes from newly formed businesses for 3 months while they get on their feet. The business tax rate would be around 2-3% very low to promote more business. Next I would start a business incentive program that would reward businesses for doing well and thus helping them expand and create more jobs. Something that i'm very excited about is helping businesses in identity thrive. The major way i'm going to do that is by reinvesting most of the tax dollars into businesses to support growth and more jobs. The more jobs people have the more money the government makes thus more money we can invest into businesses around the great Island of Identity. this would benefit everyone a lot. Something that sets me apart from other candidates is that I feel like the government should stay out of healthcare thus decreasing costs to where we can afford these incentives. I will talk about my specific view on healthcare on a later date. I will also work with the FMMB (Fair Market Merchant Bureau) to route out any corruption in the business world. This goes along well with my campaign slogan "flexibility that doesn't break your budget". Healthcare- Healthcare is going to be a hot button issue on the island and I believe that it shouldn't be a government issued thing at all. This is going to be a big point of difference between me and the other candidates running for governor. There are many reasons why I feel this way. The first reason would be that the government has a track record of doing a poor job in the healthcare area. If you look at a real life example in Canada you will find huge waiting lists and people actually coming to America for operations and procedures. Another reason for no governmental healthcare is that I don't want the government to be responsible for your life. This may sound harsh but I don't want to take the blame for lives lost due to a failed healthcare policy. The third reason is the cost, the cost of healthcare to the government would be high and the care provided would most likely be lackluster (very generalized). With limiting the cost of healthcare to the government, the government could spend the money elsewhere like businesses for one example. With no government healthcare and leaving it to the private companies this would promote competition (which would drive down costs), and give you better quality care. There will be some money allocated to help private healthcare companies though. It will be small maybe 5% of the money that the government takes in will be allocated towards that. This money will go towards running costs and possibly training of their staff. Police- I will start off by saying I have the utmost respect for the men and women in uniform. My uncle for whom I'm very close to is a police officer and talks about some of the things he has to do/go through. I know that this is going to be in a game but nevertheless your job will not be easy and I understand that. Here's some of the things that I will propose to hopefully make it easier for the officer's on the line of duty. First I will designate a portion of the tax dollars to go to the police force so you guys can have the best equipment and vehicles etc. Maybe 10-20% in that area. The next thing that I will do is set up a bonus program for officers who are doing good and are on the force for a long time. This will be a thank you for your service type of thing. One policy that I want to make clear is that NO and absolutely NO hate crimes towards cops will be tolerated. These will be met with swift justice and may bring with it the ultimate penalty. The same can be said for you guys (the cops) please don't abuse your power which i'm sure you won't. Cops I'm with you all the way and understand that we need you guys. I will personally not ask for escorts from you guys because let's be honest here, you guys probably have a lot of better things to do. As far as training goes and what not I'm not very experienced in that area but I would like to at some point get together experienced instructors to generate a standard operating procedure and training program. This is a way to better you guys and make you the best police force of all the servers on identity. This will also make training faster and more efficient. Minimum Wage- I think a fair minimum wage will be around 10-12$. This is lower than most people’s proposals for a couple reasons. The first being new companies will be able to hire more people thus creating jobs because of the little bit lower wage. The 3-5$ this saves will add up after a while and businesses will be able to use it to expand more. Tax Bracket- This is a huge issue with a lot of debate over what is too much and what is too little. Here’s how I will look into doing taxes. Very simple! Income: 0-80,000$ 80,001-infinity$ 4% 8-9% (still deciding) Business: 2-3% across the board Sales: 6-10% on legal drugs 3% on goods Death penalty- Yes I believe in the death penalty. This would be for people who do acts of terror or murderers in some cases. The person will be given last words, and read their crimes before killed. Climate/Environment- I don’t believe this will be a huge issue in the game but if there ever was one there would be fines in place for companies and individuals who pollute/litter all over. Optional Welfare- If you're poor and really trying to get by you may apply for welfare. This would mean you would have to do a background check to make sure the money doesn’t go to waste. The money you would receive would only cover some living expenses. This law will only be in place if the Government can spare the money. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? Please ask and I will try to respond to the best of my ability. Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.
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- public office
- roger
- (and 9 more)
I am writing to you on this forum to announce to you that I'm running for governor. I'm also asking for the support or consideration from the members of the police force of the great island of identity. I will tell you a little bit about myself and some of my policies and open it up for questions. I will start off by saying I have the utmost respect for the men and women in uniform. My uncle for whom I'm very close to is a police officer and talks about some of the things he has to do/go through. I know that this is going to be in a game but nevertheless your job will not be easy and I understand that. Here's some of the things that I will propose to hopefully make it easier for the officer's on the line of duty. First I will designate a portion of the tax dollars to go to the police force so you guys can have the best equipment and vehicles etc. Maybe 10-20% in that area. The next thing that I will do is set up a bonus program for officers who are doing good and are on the force for a long time. This will be a thank you for your service type of thing. One policy that I want to make clear is that NO and absolutely NO hate crimes towards cops will be tolerated. These will be met with swift justice and may bring with it the ultimate penalty. The same can be said for you guys (the cops) please don't abuse your power which i'm sure you won't. Cops I'm with you all the way and understand that we need you guys. I will personally not ask for escorts from you guys because lets be honest here, you guys probably have a lot of better things to do. As far as training goes and what not I'm not very experienced in that area but I would like to at some point get together experienced instructors to generate a standard operating procedure and training program. This is a way to better you guys and make you the best police force of all the servers on identity. Suggestions/Questions? Please ask and I will try to respond to the best of my ability. Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.
Healthcare is going to be a hot button issue on the island and I believe that it shouldn't be a government issued thing at all. This is going to be a big point of difference between me and the other candidates running for governor. There are many reasons why I feel this way. The first reason would be that the government has a track record of doing a poor job in the healthcare area. If you look at a real life example in Canada you will find huge waiting lists and people actually coming to America for operations and procedures. Another reason for no governmental healthcare is that I don't want the government to be responsible for your life. This may sound harsh but I don't want to take the blame for lives lost due to a failed healthcare policy. The third reason is the cost, the cost of healthcare to the government would be high and the care provided would most likely be lackluster (very generalized). With limiting the cost of healthcare to the government, the government could spend the money elsewhere like businesses for one example. With no government healthcare and leaving it to the private companies this would promote competition (which would drive down costs), and give you better quality care. There will be some money allocated to help private healthcare companies though. It will be small maybe 5% of the money that the government takes in will be allocated towards that. This money will go towards running costs and possibly training of their staff. Questions? Please ask and I will try to respond to the best of my ability. Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.
- 4 replies
- healthcare
- medical
(and 7 more)
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I have a few ideas for how I will help stimulate the economy of identity. The government will by no means get heavily involved but may offer some benefits to businesses on the great island. Firstly I would withhold all taxes from newly formed businesses for 3 months while they get on their feet. The business tax rate would be around 2-3% very low to promote more business. Next I would start a business incentive program that would reward businesses for doing well and thus helping them expand and create more jobs. Something that i'm very excited about is helping businesses in identity thrive. The major way i'm going to do that is by re-investing most of the tax dollars into businesses to support growth and more jobs. The more jobs people have the more money the government makes thus more money we can invest into businesses around the great Island of Identity. this would benefit everyone a lot. Something that sets me apart from other candidates is that I feel like the government should stay out of healthcare thus decreasing costs to where we can afford these incentives. I will talk about my specific view on healthcare on a later date. This goes along well with my campaign slogan "flexibility that doesn't break your budget". Questions? Please ask and I will try to answer to the best of my abilities. *Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.
Corruption is going to be a huge issue especially in the police and government. This topic is going to explain my view on this issue and the way I'm going to combat it. For starters I'm going to make a law that makes all elected officials live by the laws they propose/pass (including myself) through. The next thing I'm going to do is set up districts where the people of those districts vote for representatives to represent them in a congress like set up. The only requirement is that they have to have no prior illegal gang involvement or criminal record, as well as no party affiliation. These people will help uphold a system of checks and balances to make sure no law is too overbearing. This will also assure that the will of the people alone will be met from that district. There will be a lawyer appointed from the reps (of the districts) to look into the governmental spending and cabinet members accounts. He must have no criminal record or party affiliation. This will make sure no money is flowing into criminal accounts. The police will have a strict vetting process and training to hopefully route out any bad eggs. There will be term limits. You can only be governor for 2 terms, each term being 1 year (may change). The governor will then peacefully pass down power to whoever was voted in. We will do this so no one becomes a dictator and will promote fresh ideas. The last thing is that the government will produce a public budget report at the end of each month. This will state where all the money was spent unless that information is classified for whatever reason. Questions? Please ask and I will try to answer to the best of my abilities. *Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.
- public office
- policy
(and 5 more)
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I believe that the legalization of marijuana is inevitable and I'm personally for it. This is going to be important for the citizens of the great island of identity and will help stimulate the economy. You may smoke it freely! The way I would set it up is that you must get a permit and storefront to sell marijuana. You can only sell in those stores to protect the integrity of the businesses that choose to sell. There will be a small tax on the sale of marijuana. Anyone caught trying to undercut the tax and legit businesses by selling the drug will be fined heavily. Although there will be no jail time since this is not considered a violent crime unless involved with a gang known to be violent. You will only get fines starting with 50$ on the first offense then doubling every time you are caught. The reason I wouldn't throw you in jail is because again it's not a violent crime and that would just be a huge governmental waste on your tax dollars. The government would have to pay for your food while in jail, the space you take up in jail, the officers time, and many more factors that would be disadvantageous for the government to pursue that route. Tax rate: 6-10% I feel like the legalization of marijuana would also limit the profits of gangs trying to profit in that area and thus limit crime in that area. Questions? Please ask and I will try to respond to the best of my ability. Note: Since the game isn't out there is no promises due to the possible limitations that we don't know about yet.