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Zeus Corporations™ Dear Citizens of Identity, We are Zeus Corporations, we have the goal of becoming on of the most powerful companies in Identity. We will be holding trials/selections for different jobs within our company. Of course, we will not be taking on anyone who cannot be sure to prove themselves to be trust worthy. On a whole we have the goal of putting our brand on every single product, and generally making life easier for the people. We will be lowering the price of your standard groceries from which can end up costing you a lot of money over time as it is. We will achieve this by having our own farms, from which we will sell you the product at a more affordable price (c). Along the side of this idea, we will also be running a security operation with a twist. We will, of course, give people trained security officers to protect a specific VIP if necessary, but we will also carry out "deeds" that can be considered, a little in-humane at some stages. What can I say, business is business. Jobs up for grabs: > Gun/Firearm Managers > General Store Managers > Security Officer (also comes under the class of PMC) > Unreported Activity (No information given) > Clothes Store Owner > Head of distribution (will be based in our HQ) > Head of security (Based in HQ, but also has the job of leading security in the field) > Vehicle Mechanic (we need lots of different mechanics, depending on what needs to be repaired/upgraded/any work that really needs to be done) > Medical Officers (we need some medical trained personnel, as we will be having a private hospital, which supplies only the best health care) > Car Traders (this may become illegal, but of course, one of the CEOs will explain everything you need to know when you join) > Boat Traders (this may become illegal, but of course, one of the CEOs will explain everything you need to know when you join) Perks: For every Single Job, people will get perks. An example of what I mean is, say for example our clothes stores, you will not only have access to cheaper clothes, but you will have free medical care, and never have to worry about not having enough money to survive again. We will also insure that your family is well looked after, and protected to the best of our ability. Just to make sure you understand that we are a serious business, the first few people who are actually in, will be getting a large bonus on top of their usual pay check (this will apply for all jobs). Meet The Team so Far Current Head/Owner of Zeus Corp™ : TOMA HAWK569 Current Head of Security: 8ob2431 Current Unreported Distribution Officer: Blinx Atomix Our All New Logo Join Us TODAY! Apply at: http://zeuscorporations.enjin.com/home