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Hi there folks. I have a simple suggestion I believe will improve communication for the EMS side of things. I have noticed there are multiple EMS posts littered all over the forums. I think adding an EMS forum under the careers section would be sweet. It would not only clean up the forums a little bit but also give us EMS folks a place to discuss Gary’s leg that was crushed by Bob who got extremely drunk and fell off the karaoke stage last night. Also it may not be a bad idea to ad a FIRE & RESCUE one as well. Or combine the two and call it Rescue.
As a real life EMT, I would definitely be interested in seeing a medical system that is simple yet revolves around role play. Things like blood pressure, heart rate, bleeding control, saleen, etc. Here's how I would imagine the medical system to be programmed: Each civilian normally has 5 liters, or 5000mL of blood volume. A single gun shot would cause blood loss ( 2mL per second on the limb, and 4mL per second on the chest or abdomen) Stab wounds are also a possibility. Multiple gun shot wounds or stab wounds would multiply the bleeding affect. Normal blood pressure = 120/80, normal heart rate = 75. Each 1/2 liter (500mL) of blood loss causes a 10 point loss in blood pressure. Each time the blood pressure drops 10 points, the heart rate increases 10 points. (I can explain why if you want). ***Any blood pressure under 80/40 will cause the patient to pass out, any blood pressure under 50/10 will cause the patient to "die", but can still be resuscitated with CPR. A player will be able to function normally with wounds for an amount of time until his low blood pressure causes the player to pass out. This will allow the player to continue the gun fight with wounds, or give the player enough time to apply first aid to himself or a teammate. However, if a player passes out, he will need a medic to administer fluids for him to wake back up. At that point the player can either refuse further treatment, or elect to go to the hospital/be treated in the ambulance until the blood pressure is stabilized. The incentive for transport to the hospital being that a medic can give fluids to a patient up to 140/ 100 for an extra buffer of health!!! This will encourage role play. Okay so here's an example: one gun shot wound to the chest = 4mL of blood loss per second. 1 minute = 240mL of blood loss, therefore a person loses 1000mL or 1 liter of blood in approx. 4 mins per gunshot wound to the chest or abd. That means it would take 16 mins to die from one gunshot wound, and 10 mins for a player to pass out from a gun shot wound to the chest or abdomen. Double that time for gun shots to a limb. Now, of course more gun shot wounds would cause a multiplication of blood loss, so be careful out there! Maybe armor would deflect 5 bullets before losing its effectiveness??? There are 7 "compartments" on the human body. 1) The chest 2) The head 3) The abdomen 4) the Right arm 5) the left arm 6) the R leg 7) and the L leg. Head injuries: Laceration, fracture, gun shot wound...maybe a helmet deflects one or two bullets before losing its effectiveness??? Chest injuries: Laceration, broken rib, gun shot wound...maybe a Kevlar vest deflects one or two bullets before losing its effectiveness??? Abdomen injuries: Gun shot wound, laceration. Limb injuries: Gun shot wound, laceration, open fracture (bleeding), closed fracture (non-bleeding) Blood volume, blood pressure, and heart rate chart: Volume: 6000mL, BP: 140/100, HR: 55------- Volume: 5500mL, BP: 130/90, HR: 65------ Volume: 5000mL, BP: 120/80, HR: 75----- Volume: 4500mL, BP: 110/70, HR: 85----- Volume: 3500mL, BP: 100/60, HR: 95----- Volume: 3000mL, BP: 90/50, HR: 105------ Volume: 2500mL, BP: 80/40, HR: 115 (Pass out)----- Volume: 2000mL, BP: 70/30, HR: 125----- Volume: 1500mL, BP: 60/20, HR: 135----- Volume: 1000mL, BP: 50/10, HR 145 (DEATH)----- Volume: 500mL, BP: 40/10, HR: 0 (Can still be saved with CPR)----- Volume: 0mL, BP: 30/0, HR: 0 (NOT able to resuscitate and must respawn) CPR and Resuscitation: CPR can be administered by anyone, and will prevent the pressure from dropping if all wounds are bandaged successfully. However, it can only be administered if the player "dies", i.e. blood pressure at 50/10 or less. If the patient "dies", they can still receive defibrillation by a medic. However, defibrillation will only work if the blood pressure is 90/40. So...the medic will need to give saleen up to 90/60 in order for the defibrillation to work. This will also encourage teamwork between the two medic partners. A patient who has been successfully resuscitated via defibrillation MUST be transported to the hospital by the medics and MUST receive the health buffer of 140/100. Now let's apply this type of scenario to a whitelisted server... "New life rule" does not apply unless you actually re-spawn. The time it takes to transport a patient who has received defibrillation is enough time to make his return to the fight reasonable. Since the medics are a neutral entity, they cannot be within a certain distance to an active gunfight, therefore the victim's teammate will have to be able to carry the victim away from the gunfight and toward the medics. A feature to load an unconscious player into a vehicle would significantly aid this process. Example: Officer down, teammate stops the bleeding, carries him to the patrol car, loads him into the patrol car, drives him 200m (or whatever) to the medics on stand-by, medics commence patient care. The officer can either wait for his comrade to be healed, or drive back to the gunfight. OR...depending on EMS AND POLICE policies, there might be tactical medics equipped with vests and helmets that are permitted to go into an active firefight and operate ONLY TO STABILIZE AND TRANSPORT THE VICTIM BACK TO THE NEARBY AMBULANCE VIA CARRY ANIMATION. After reviewing this system and looking at practical application, most of the time the bleeding can be stopped by applying bandages to yourself, therefore medics will rarely be needed unless a person suffers multiple gun shot wounds over time. With that said, personnel who are not trained in first aid, i.e. civilians....would have a lower probability of successfully applying a bandage compared to a police officer who would have a higher probability due to police training. (Medics having 100% success rate). These probabilities/percentages can be programmed into each type of player character. Bleeding control is very important, since bleeding is what drops your blood pressure. Trauma and Medical conditions: -Gun shot wound to the chest: 4mL of blood loss per second (requires "Occlusive dressing" or blood pressure will continue to drop) -Gun shot wound to the abdomen: 4mL of blood loss per second (requires "Trauma dressing") -Gun shot wound to the head: 8mL of blood loss per second (requires "Trauma dressing") -Laceration: 4mL of blood loss per second for lacerations to the head, chest or abdomen, and 2mL of blood loss for lacerations to any limb (from stabbing or blunt force trauma, i.e. non-bladed weapons or fists)...(blunt force trauma with probability of 1:10 to cause a laceration), stabbing = 100% probability of laceration. Requires "Medium gauze" -Fractured limb (from MVA a.k.a. motor vehicle accident higher than 35mph) OR (fall from higher than 20 feet)...could be an open fracture or closed fracture, open causes bleeding. Requires "Cardboard Splint" -Fractured spine (from MVA a.k.a. motor vehicle accident higher than 50mph) OR (fall from higher than 35 feet)....causes neurogenic shock, which instantly drops the blood pressure to 80/40 (passes out). Requires "C-collar and Spine Board" -Dehydration: Not drinking enough water will cause the blood pressure to slowly drop. Maybe 1mL per minute? Player will eventually pass out and need medical treatment. Requires "Saleen Bag" -Low blood sugar: Not eating will cause your blood sugar level to slowly drop, causing you to pass out. Maybe 0.5 points per minute? Normal blood sugar: 70-140mg% (pass out at <40mg%). Requires "Oral Glucose" (can be store bought) if they are conscious...or "Saleen Bag" followed by "Dextrose 50%" if they are unconscious. via medic only -Smoke inhalation: A result of not cooking meth properly, causes the player to have decreased run speed and inability to eat or drink. Also causes decrease in shooting accuracy. Requires "Oxygen Mask" by a medic. Resolved after 5 mins of O2 therapy. -Drug overdose: Causes the player to pass out, slowly lowering the heart rate. A heart rate less than 40 causes death. Requires "Mucosal Atomization Device" by medic. -Emphysema: A result of chronic smoking. A condition that causes decreased stamina or slower run speed. Requires "Oxygen Mask" by medic. Resolved after 2.5 mins of O2 therapy EMS equipment: -An ambulance and gurney where you can take the gurney out of the ambulance first(animated), roll the gurney to the patient with the crew member holding it (animation), then load the patient on the gurney, then roll the gurney back to the ambulance with the patient on the gurney, and finally load the patient into the ambulance (animation). Both crew members should be able to sit in the back of the ambulance with the patient in order to treat them further. -Blood pressure cuff (to take blood pressures) https://www.google.com/search?q=blood+pressure+cuff&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj55afs-qrhAhUKsZ4KHRv6CAUQ_AUIDygC&biw=1920&bih=937 -Small gauze (band aid): -Medium gauze (4x4): https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=yfOfXL7ALsfj0gKa_JmwCw&q=4x4+gauze&oq=4x4+gauze&gs_l=img.3..0l7j0i8i30l3.35879.38439..38548...0.0..0.161.1040.0j8......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67.XilFtcmrn6A Large gauze (trauma dressing) for bleeding control: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=MvufXJXAFOaM0gL_1I3gDQ&q=large+trauma+dressing&oq=large+trauma+dressing&gs_l=img.3..0.8702.9827..10055...0.0..0.125.726.0j6......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30.LPNNAsFsE9Y#imgrc=m2umye0WXEeN8M: -Occlusive dressing for gun shot wounds to the chest. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8POfXO6SOqqu0gLOspHoCA&q=occlusive+dressing&oq=occlu&gs_l=img.1.0.0i67j0l4j0i67j0l4.68636.70332..71616...0.0..0.234.851.0j5j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..35i39.fEq8cUpVREE -0.9% sodium chloride intravenous access (saleen bag) with 500mL, and 1000mL sized bags. Each bringing up the blood pressure 10 and 20 points respectively. Blood pressure cap is 140/100. All Saleen bags have a 30 second cool down. (cannot spam) https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=WPSfXJKkBcHQ-gS19JHQCw&q=sodium+chloride+IV+1000ml&oq=sodium+chloride+IV+1000ml&gs_l=img.12...4933.8605..10477...0.0..0.120.586.0j5......1....1..gws-wiz-img.ruLwtBAA3FQ -Automated External Defibrillator (AED): To revive patients out of cardiac arrest (death). AED sound effects implemented would be awesome...https://www.soundsnap.com/tags/defibrillator -Oxygen mask for people who have smoke inhalation or emphysema (difficulty breathing). Oxygen resolves the problem, however it takes 5 minutes. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Y_SfXNOnEdfy-gTjqrXwDA&q=non+rebreather+mask&oq=Non+rebr&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.234764.242845..244519...3.0..0.121.1292.0j11......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67.RvRq1vkGfXY -C-collar and spine board for people who've been in car accidents or falls. (placeable on the gurney with mandatory transport to hospital) https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=b_WfXOHcIpLi-gT0lYBg&q=c-collar&oq=c-collar&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i30l8.3459.5030..5363...0.0..0.227.1055.0j7j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67.S4gVa6l0jr8 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=dfWfXOO0KJbm-gSFy5vgAQ&q=spine+board&oq=spine+board&gs_l=img.3..0l10.17469.19114..20479...0.0..0.132.1324.0j11......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67.HuaWMdFt_SY -Cardboard splint (for fractured arms and legs) https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ivWfXIazMM-X-gSIzL-QCg&q=carboard+splint&oq=carboard+splint&gs_l=img.3..0i10i24.19098.25398..25504...4.0..0.134.2142.0j18......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67j0j0i10j0i24j0i30.-yajqhMBXSc#imgrc=_ -Mucosal Atomization Device (Naloxone aka Narcan for overdose patients) restores heart rate and blood pressure and wakes the patient up. https://www.google.com/search?q=mucosal+atomization+device&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG-8Xn_KrhAhWC4J4KHQoECBYQ_AUIDygC&biw=1920&bih=937 Oral Glucose to treat hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and can be purchased at the store over the counter. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=2PWfXMS-LsnK-gSrk5noCQ&q=Oral+Glucose&oq=Oral+Glucose&gs_l=img.3..0l10.18524.18524..19279...0.0.. Dextrose 50% https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=937&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=7PWfXLe_LJTi-gT8tKioBw&q=Dextrose+50% &oq=Dextrose+50% &gs_l=img.12..0l10.44163.44163..44923...0.0.. I think these implementations would really help add some features to the combat system as well as increase probability of role play between EMS, civilians, and the police force. After all, this is a role playing game. I believe a good medical system would really add appeal and value to the game. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or if there is any way I can assist further. I would love to see something like this in the game and be part of the training/leadership team for EMS as I have real world experience. Mahalo from Hawaii and EMS Honolulu!
What are you looking forward to the most? What kind of jobs are you anxiously awaiting? I know, the wait is making our doctors prescribe xanax and other anxiety meds to get us through, but we can benefit eachother as well I really am curious, what do you guys look forward to the most in the coming months/weeks? Me personally, starting my LEO career path, if not a first responder type of path. Similar to what I'm planning to pursue shortly in real life, but a little bit more sped up, and more easily constructed I hope lol
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EMS Vehicles, Weapons, Clothing, ect
Shnikies posted a question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Afternoon, I have surfed the forums, I got wet, and at the end I didn't find what I was looking for, so here I am. I am inquiring about an earlier comment regarding law enforcement's inability to wear civilian clothing when on duty, and the latter. My question would be, if individuals expressed interest in providing private security, would there be assets in place for them to do so? ie: would they be able to utilize law enforcement type restraints, vehicles and weapons? I am curious as to what the limitations are between civilians and law enforcement? If this thread is misguided and I just had water in my eye while surfing, please let me know what beach I should be surfing! Thanks again, -
Hello, to start off, I want to become a helicopter pilot when enter the military. After the Army, I want to fly for my local hospital as "Care Flight". I watch videos all the time over helicopters (mostly the UH-60) and the army all the time, as well as fly helicopters on advanced mode on Arma 3 so I can better prepare myself for the future. I've been watching the development of Identity and am very excited for its release, however I saw that there wouldn't be any air vehicles. The reasons seemed to make sense but that really hurt. Therefore, I would like to bring up some reasons that might change your minds. 1. Many people like to fly. Including me, but more realistically, this could make people that fly or want to IRL more interested in the game. That, of course, results in improved revenue. *insert "smiley face" and "dollar sign"* 2. More jobs. I'm not sure how many jobs will be available to the players in the game but incorporating helicopters would provide at least three more. Discussed more below. 3. Fire/EMS and Police. Not recreational. If we make helicopters limited to jobs, you won't have to worry about hundreds of helicopters flying around the server, maybe three at most. Not to mention Heli Tours. 4. Realism. From what I've observed of this game, one the main goals is realism. However, whats a city without tin cans flying around? I can already imagine it, driving my car to the hospital when in the distance I hear that sweet and familiar chopping sound fast approaching. I look up to see my co-worker, a responsible/aviation loving lad like myself, making a final circle around the helipad as he comes in for a landing. As I get inside the building, I see a severely injured player on a stretcher that needs medical attention immediately. I sign in for my shift of the day and walk outside to see her sitting there, the beautiful flying machine I am thrilled to call mine for the next six hours. I take a brief moment to observe her glory, the early morning sun reflecting off the windshield and the hospital logo and can almost smell the jet fuel through my computer screen. I give my copilot a fist bump and open the cockpit door. I sit down and begin the start-up procedure and listen to that turbine whistle rise in pitch and then the blades slowly begin turning. Suddenly, we get the call to help out another unfortunate Identity player, and we roll. "Fortunate Son" begins playing in the background as the camera begins to pan out to get a view of the city then the helicopter flies by and then the picture fades out revealing the Identity symbol. (good trailer idea!!) With the above information/reasons, I urge you to implement helicopters into the game for my sake and pilots everywhere. Our love for flying runs deep and we want to be able to express our talents in an amazing, reasonable, role-play game like yours. I can't wait for the game to be released and to be flying my helicopter to the next scene, reminding me of what my future holds. Thank you, DustRain365.
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- helicopters
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Just a thread to see who is planning on becoming an EMT or Paramedic in Identity. I'd like to discuss the dynamics that may be in the game.