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Found 3 results

  1. Lumos Distribution Inc.

    Welcome to Lumos Lumos is a high end clothing apparel brand which highlights the ideals of what clothing brands should focus on. We are looking to hire several employees of all fields in order to succeed in the prosperous world of Identity. Below is some concept art which is open to modification from our design department. DM me @eviljake29 or leave a comment below if you are interested in an opportunity to be hired. What we are looking for We are currently hiring: [4] designers [2] shippers [2] marketers [4] retailers [2] managers [3] board members [1] child company (For investment purposes) Applying The format for a application is as follows: Job Position: Qualifications: How will i benefit Lumos: Weekly hour(s): Concept Art
  2. Civil Engineer

    Design and build structures and infrastructure to improve operations on you server. Traffic jams add a bypass. Coastal flooding build levy. Too much pollution plant some trees and build a park. Civil Engineers would plan in some sort of "Cities: Skyline" mode. Then submit the plans for review. The server government would decide on zoning and choose what public projects to fund.
  3. Dollabank Job Listing

    Accountant: Keeping track of all of our clients accounts is no easy task. Although we are a small LLC we expect to have several sources of open debit or credit. As an accountant, it is your job to make sure that all this money and dept is kept track of. Without you, our business would surely fail. This position is all about trust. You will start with a few small accounts and work your way up to more and larger accounts. As an accountant you will make a set salary paid out daily based on the amount and size of accounts you manage. Salesman: Salesmen are the face of the company. As a salesperson it is your job to strike deals with the citizens of Identity. You will then write down and transfer the details of the contract made with clients and give this information to the accountants to keep track of. A great deal of charisma is required to fulfill this position. You are what the world sees first of our company. As a salesmen you will make a commission based off of the size and the amount of accounts you open. An option is available to take a salary with a smaller commission, but this is optional. Debt Collector/Repo: We run a peaceful business here at Dollabank. Here our employees abide by the law and handle currency. Violence is not in our nature. Here at Dollabank our way of violently collecting a loan is simply to deny you credit. However we realize that once people have money they seldom want to give it up. Especially if they just bought a new car or house. However, people also forget, that the money used to buy that house or car, wasn't theirs. If someone uses money that isn't theirs to buy a new house or a car, that house or car isn't theirs. If you work in repo it is your job to make sure that everyone really owns what they claim to and if they don't, fix it. Please PM uncannierlink with your application if you wish to work for Dollabank.