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francais IdentityQG a fermé ? Venez nous rejoindre !
skyler00 posted a topic in Private Server Discussion
Bonjour à tous, Comme vous l'avez surement remarqué, IdentityQG France a fermé pour cause je cite "d'incompétence". De ce fait, la communauté française n'a plus d'endroit pour se retrouver tous ensemble. C'est pour cela que je vous propose de nous rejoindre sur notre discord qui est un discord communautaire, ce qui pourrait permettre de réunir la communauté française d'indenty. Discord : https://discord.gg/dntFpWD Merci à tous.-
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Gestörtenabteilung | German Hardcore RP Identity Server
Awespra posted a topic in Private Server Discussion
Herzlich willkommen! Vorstellung Ich möchte uns hier einmal kurz vorstellen. Wir, die Gestörtenabteilung, sind eine kleine, aber feine Community die jegliche Art von Spielen spielt und versucht Gamer näher zu bringen! Unsere Community besteht seit 2016 und wir sind jetzt etwas mehr als 60 Gamern. Die Gestörtenabteilung bietete früher schon Gameserver für Spiele wie Arma 3 Exile, Minecraft, GTA: SAMP, ECO, Ark ect... da könnte ich mehr aufzählen, aber das ist nicht das Thema. Wir haben seit Anfang 2016 die Entwicklung von Identity im Auge behalten und sind von der Entwicklung mehr als begeistert! Nun möchten auch wir uns hier vorstellen und bekannt geben, dass auch wir uns darauf vorbereiten, einer der ersten Deutchen Identity Server Community zu werde! Wir sind Gamer mit ordentlich Erfahrung im Reallife und besonders im RolePlay Bereich. Angefangen, hat es wie bei vielen, mit GTA: SAMP. Früher versuchten wir schon das RolePlay so gut wie möglich rüber zu bringen, um ein optimales erlebnis zu haben! Nachdem die Zeit von SAMP etwas sank, ging es mit Arma 2 und Arma 3 weiter und ist jetzt bei GTA V MP stehen geblieben. So, erst einmal genug von uns erzählt! Jetzt geht es an das, wofür wir hier sind. Wie beschrieben möchten wir einer der ersten deutschen Community´s in Identy sein! Wir möchten das RolePlay stark durchsetzen und haben uns viele Gedanken darüber gemacht und auch ein angenehmes Regelwerk zusammengeflickt. Was kannst du bei uns besonderes machen? Wir können natürlich vorab nur soweit unsere Ideen aufbauen, wie wir Informationen von Identity haben! Deswegen wird dieser Post regelmäßig geupdatet. Wir wollen das der Spieler das machen kann was er will! Du willst einfach nur arbeiten, um dein Brot zu verdienen? Oder du willst die Straßen sicher halten, Menschen helfen oder in die Kriminelle Unterwelt von Identity eintauchen? Dann mach das! Wir möchten auch das du sogar die Insel regieren kannst! Möchtest du also Bürgermeister/Präsident werden? Dann überzeuge das Volk von dir und tritt gegen andere in der Bürgermeisterwahl an! Wir möchten das alle Ihren Traum verfolgen und ihn auch umsetzen können. Werde das, was du werden willst! Politik: Präsident Vize Präsident Bürgermeister Staatskarrieren Polizei [In bearbeitung] Rang Struktur: [Folgt!] Je nach dem was alles möglich wir hast du die Möglichkeit in einer Polizeilichen Karriere auch auf zu steigen! Willst du die Straßen von Drogen und Waffen freihalten? Dann ab zur DEA oder zur Gang Unit! Sanitäter: Du willst verletzten Menschen in der Not helfen und Leben retten? Dann arbeite in einem Krankenhaus, als Sanitäter oder arbeite dich nach oben und führe das Krankenhaus! Feuerwehr: Feuer macht dir keine Angst und du willst es vernichten? Dann rette deine Nachbarn vor dem gefährlichen Feuer und gehe zur Feuerwehr! Braver oder bößer Bub? Du möchtest einen normalen Job oder ein Unternehmen Gründen dann mach es! Oder willst du etwa ein krimineller werden und an das schnelle Geld kommen? Dann mach doch einfach das. Ganz egal wie du dich enscheidest... finde deinen Weg. Sei ein Teil der Community! Du möchtest mit dabei sein, Vorschläge machen oder einfach nur zocken? Dann komme auf unseren Discord! Wir sind noch viel am planen und nehmen vorschläge dankend an. Du kannst uns auch in den Kommentaren Ideen und vorschläge machen! Kontakt und Informationen Forum: [Folgt, in bearbeitung] Discord: https://discord.gg/an44Q9d Discord Privat: Momo#1998 Projektleiter: Momo, iKyotiic Dev: Momo Support: - *Dies ist eine vorrausgeplante Idee für einen großen Hardcore RP Server. Nach und nach kann sich vieles ändern wenn wir mehr Informationen vom Spiel erhalten* *Post wird regelmäßig geupdatet -stand 29.11.2018* -
Hi everybody, I invite everyone who speaks Dutch (NL) or Flemish (BE) to Indentity-NL/BE discord. Here you will find information in Dutch about the game, possibility to make a cartel/group, talk to each other and other important things related to identity. Come and join! Discord: https://discord.gg/DygZEkC With kind regards, Tim
Hola a todos! Hace ya meses que hemos pensado en crear una comunidad Española de este fantástico juego de Role Play! Estáis todos invitados al Discord de IDENTITY ESPAÑA. Para entrar al Discord haz click en: IDENTITY ESPAÑA Un Saludo a todos!!
[PL] Identity Game Polska - Polska społeczność Discord
machlak posted a topic in Private Server Discussion
Witamy Serdecznie! Jesteśmy Polską społecznością o nazwie "IDENTITY GAME POLSKA", bazującą na komunikatorze DISCORD i poświęconą grze "IDENTITY". Znajdziesz u nas wszystko co jest ci potrzebne jako nowemu czy zaawansowanemu graczowi "IDENTITY". Newsy, poradniki, pomoc czy znalezienie osób do wspólnej gry, to jest to, czego możesz oczekiwać od naszej społeczności! Jesteśmy do twojej dyspozycji! Powodzenia i do zobaczenia w grze! "OD FANÓW DLA FANÓW IDENTITY" DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5UEQqFd FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IdentityGamePolska GRUPA STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/IdentityGamePolska -
PT/BR Olá amigos ! o jogo identity já chamou a atenção de vários youtubers brasileiros, estamos verdadeiramente ansiosos pelo seu lançamento e por suas atualizações aqui no fórum como no discord oficial, porém ainda não temos uma comunidade brasileira especializada e dedicada para divulgar em português as novidades que este grandioso jogo mostra. estou disposto a ajudar a comunidade brasileira mais preciso do apoio da equipe. Google Translate: EN/US Hello friends ! the game identity has already caught the attention of several Brazilian youtubers, we are really looking forward to its launch and its updates here in the forum as in the official discord, but we do not yet have a Brazilian community specialized and dedicated to divulge in Portuguese the news that this great game show. I am willing to help the Brazilian community more accurately support the team.
Grape Street Crips Discord Our Discord is open to anyone and you can message me in the Discord about joining or if you have a proposition for me or the gang. You can also join just to chill and talk. https://discord.gg/P3fRAZW Appearal Purple Shirt/Sweatshirt Purple Hat(Optional) Purple/Black Bandana Jeans About us Small street gang formed by friends who grew up together in the ghetto. We love having fun and making money. We dont like Yakuza and Sentinol Crips. We make most of our money drug dealing and weapons dealing. Crimes We Do Robbery Armed Robbery Money Laundring Drug Running Gun Running Illegal Arms Dealing Illegal Distribution of Narcotics/other Durgs Murder Contract Murder Grand Theft Auto .etc Members Brandon Bullard - Founder/Leader Joshua Bullard - Founder/Leader Shuzri Kameko - Original Gangster Brian O'Connor - Original Gangster Jackson Gross - Gangster Phil Bullard - Gangster Kentrell Debron - Gangster Phillip Magnusson - Baby Gangster Ranking System Founder Leader Original Gangster Baby Original Gangster Gangster Baby Gangster Initiate Assigned Job Titles Drug Runner/Dealer Manager Arms Runner/Dealer Manager Drug Runner/Dealer Arms Runner/Dealer Shooter The Drug Runner/Dealer Manager and Arms Runner/Dealer Manager makes sure that we make our profits are high. Drug Runner/Dealer and Arms Runner/Dealer are self explanatory. Same goes with Shooters. How To Join Join the Discord and apply there and if you get accepted then you become an Initiate then will have to go through an interview. If you pass the interview then you become a member.
I've seen a discord mentioned in recent posts but can't find a link anywhere.
WHAT IS DISCORD? Discord is a free communication platform designed to replace TeamSpeak 3 and Skype. You can use Discord either directly in your browser, on your phone, or as a stand alone application on your PC. You can find more information at https://discordapp.com/ OFFICIAL IDENTITY DISCORD https://discord.gg/bWu34X3 On the official Identity Discord server, you can find all sorts of information about Identity, and talk directly with the other community members, and the developers. News and announcements, including the streams are also posted on this server. COMMUNITY DISCORDS Identity Political Organization (IPO) This is the one stop server for all things political within the Identity community. https://discord.gg/M5D8PUj The Precinct A place for everyone interested in IdentityRPG's law enforcement. https://discord.gg/94gNEEV IdentityRPG Spanish A Spanish community server hosted by @SrPeter. https://discord.gg/Rn7377c IdentityRPG [TR/US] Turkish English IdentityRPG Community Owned By @Ceothryth. https://discord.gg/UR3cJEe Identity Life Servers Founded in 2016 by @JamesLuck01. https://discord.gg/8UyU2qE I noticed there wasn't an easy place where the Discord links are collected. So this thread will, hopefully, serve as the main location where you can find the invite link to the official Identity Discord channel. As well as others. These added for now, are the servers I'm in right now, and have access to. If you want your own Discord channel added here. Send me a PM, or post in this thread. And I'll add it asap. Be sure to include a permanent invite link, a name, and a short description.
Bonjour à tous, J'ai ouvert un discord pour les francais pour parler/discuter du jeu Dès que le jeu sortira je configurais un 100% En effet aussi je recrute des personne qui connaissent bien le jeu merci et qui savent modérer sur discord. Lien : https://discord.gg/Shw7Vhd Ou par code : Shw7Vhd
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Hey, id like you to join us on the community Identity MC discord. Where you can speak with other MC's and exchange conversation, the last MC discord was pretty much abandoned, when the owner of the discord left the game because of something he wanted to do, he thought was going to happen, up until the october this year, but found out it was not even possible and was never promised. If you join, just write in the channel 'group status' which club you're from, or if you're a hangaround and interested into getting in with a MC later on. Hope to see you there. https://discord.gg/uTjNmKu - Narc President of the Apaches MC
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discord hispano Spanish Discord Community - Discord de Habla Hispana
SrPeter posted a topic in The Town Square
Hello! I know its going to be difficult but, someone from Spain/South America? We could probably create a Discord server Actualizacion Ya he creado un Discord podeis ir a uniros, poco a poco ire añadiendo mas cosas! https://discord.gg/Rn7377c- 19 replies
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- discord español
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Just looking for the link to the discord
Salutations! Thought I'd make just a little post for those who aren't currently in the Identity Discord. Here's a few of the things the new Artist's have been working on, some of these pictures have been shown in the discord and some have not! If you haven't already you can join the discord and chat will all of us here!
community server Identity Life | A New Identity Community Server
Fanature posted a topic in The Town Square
Hello, we are Identity Life! We are planning on launching as an official community server, on full release, whose aim is to bring realism and roleplay together as one. Welcome aboard, and we hope to see you all in Identity. At the current moment, we do not have a website. Our Discord server and plans for our official community Identity server are still in a Work in Progress phase. But you're welcome to join us through this wonderful working journey of bringing our brand new community SERVER together. We're very excited for the full release of Identity, as well as the modules that'll release before then. Identity is going to be an amazing experience, and we'd love to experience it with you. For more information please join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Z5CUWNp "Thank you for spending your time to read our thread." c; -
Me and a few friends have created a discord a long time ago, where we used to talk and play together. Nowadays, we still do that... but we're open to the public! If u need a place to meet new people and play with them, that is the perfect place: https://discord.gg/DQk3P6h Feel free to join and invite your friends too! Everyone is welcome here!
Me and a few friends have created a discord a long time ago, where we used to talk and play together. Nowadays, we still do that... but we're open to the public! If u need a place to meet new people and play with them, that is the perfect place: https://discord.gg/DQk3P6h Feel free to join and invite your friends too! Everyone is welcome here!
Come join my new Discord where you can meet and play any games with people especially identity when it comes out. Right now we only have two people in the discord that play identity so we want to have some more! If you play PUBG we have alot of people that play that to its overall just a big gaming lounge There is also a streamer lobby and a youtuber lobby where you can meet other youtubers and streamers and collab with them! Click the link to join and let me know if you are a youtuber or a streamer i will check out your content and if it is good i will give you the youtuber or streamer tag where you can join the Youtuber or streamer lobby. Click this to join https://discord.gg/6rQg8Y6 cant wait to meet you guys and play some games!!
droppedoutofrace [DROPPED OUT] Supreme Leader for Governor!
SupremeLeader posted a topic in The Podium
Hello! I am Supreme Leader, and I am running for Governor through the National Identity Front. Who am I? Allow me to introduce myself in a bit more detail. My name is Supreme Leader, and I'm a Korean American male from Seattle, Washington. I have the innate ability to organize, and lead a group of people, as well as the ability to take criticism well. I am very open-minded, and I enjoy debating with others in order to sharpen my argumentative skills, and to ultimately be a well-rounded and rational person. My idea of the ideal government is one that for the most part, keeps out of the lives of it's people. The role of the government is not to be an invisible gun against the head to the civilians, but rather to help the collective population express their needs through their elected officials. This means that generally for social issues, I find that it's best for the people to decide their own fate, rather than some highly ranked official who has somehow convinced himself of his moral superiority to have the ability to make decisions for the collective majority. Here, I will state my general beliefs for a variety of different heated topics of political discussion. Feel free to question, and challenge me to debate on whatever topic of your choice. As does my party, the NIF, I promote intellectual conversation, and I find that it is one of the most healthy things that you can do for your brain. I'm completely against the idea of exclusion of thought and the idea of thought-policing, as I feel that if you truly are correct in your thinking, then you should have absolutely no problem in making the other person look like a complete idiot in an intellectual discussion. If not, you probably should sit down and consider thinking deeper into your political views. And even in the event that you cannot get to a common ground, being able to disagree while remaining united is the foundation of any great civilization built on intellectual expansion and development. Anyways, let's begin. Topics: Freedom of Speech - This is a topic not being discussed by the other candidates, but I feel that is necessary to address. The right to freedom of speech, historically, has always been created to help support unpopular speech. Popular speech has no need for such laws of protection, because popular speech protects itself. It is important that we hear out every possible political ideology out there, and then weed out those that are weak through proper, intellectual discussion. The concept goes something like this: If you truly believe that you are correct in comparison to another person, then what is the worry in taking to them in a debate? Challenging your views and beliefs with others does nothing more than help sharpen your ability to logical reason, but on top of that it helps weed out inferior or outdated beliefs within our society. Marijuana - I find it to be absolutely useless to waste our time and money on trying to fight against the use of recreational marijuana. However, I still strongly believe that there should be strict regulations on ALL different kinds of drugs. For example, I find that there should be a vote among the people in which we decide the legal age to purchase, and posses certain amounts of marijuana. I believe that in social topics such as these, that it should be in the hands of the people to decide their fate. Gun Control - I am a strong believer in the right to bear arms, for multiple different reasons. Firstly, I find that there is a always a threat of potential government tyranny. The people should be able to fight back against an authoritarian government, if it gets to that extreme. Secondly, the threat of being a victim of crime is always a constant threat as well. The people should be able to defend themselves against those wicked-minded, and also when criminals begin to acknowledge that more and more people are deciding to carry weapons, the crime rate will naturally decrease. However, with more loose policy on gun control, there must be more strict punishments if someone were to be caught misusing their firearms. Longer jail time, and other penalties need to be enforced to discourage this behavior. Minimum Wage - As a person who advocates for free-market, I do not feel there needs to be a need for government regulation on minimum wage. It's more than a myth that government or businesses controls prices, or wages. The market does. The government should not be saturating the market with enforcing fictitious prices and wages out of nowhere, because the market will naturally balance these wages and prices out through supply, demand, and the economic prosperity of the consumer base. The Law - With giving more freedoms to the people, there needs to be harsh punishments to deter these people from turning to a life of crime. This means longer prison sentences, and harsher penalties for committing crimes. Obviously, the punishments will vary dependent on the type of crime. However, with giving the people the privilege of certain liberties, we must give incentive them to maintain a positive lifestyle through having them acknowledge the dire consequences for going against the law of the land. The Government - I find that the role of the government is to accurately represent the people, and to give the people a voice in which they can express their views. Through this, I will help support intellectual discussion within our population, and enforce the law of freedom of speech. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Taxes - This one will be an odd-ball because we don't necessarily know how the economy will function as of now, and we can only make speculate at this point. However, these are my proposed tax plans (due to change, but the general principles will still be the same). Income Tax: Up to $9,000 ------- 3% tax $9000-$30,000 ------- 5% tax $30,000-$80,000 ------- 15% tax $80,000-$100,000 ------- 20% tax $100,000-$200,000 ------- 25% tax $200,000+ ------- 28% tax This proposed tax plan is to ensure power in the middle class, and to support consumerism in the market for not only people of business interests to thrive, but also our consumer population. I will also allow people to write-off donations and charity in their taxes, however to stop tax avoidance, only 70% of the total donations and charity will be able to be written off. This way a person of $200,000 income can't just "donate" $200,000 to a friend's organization, just for his friend to give it back to him, with the initial guy having zero tax liability. However, having the ability to write off donations and charity will still help give incentive people to give back to their communities, while still not taking a huge hit in their net incomes. Business Tax: I propose a low 2% corporate income tax, for a few reasons. 1) Increase in the job market With more businesses having to worry less about how much the government is going to take out of their profits, we should be helping them, as businesses will be an integral part of our economy. With the decrease in focus of taxes, businesses will be able to hire more, pay more, offer better benefits, etc. Now, you may ask: "What if the businesses just pocket the extra cash?" Something to understand is that with everything having to do with a business and a customer, there is always competition. With businesses looking for the best, most motivated, and most efficient workers, they have to offer something with employment that other businesses cannot. This is why we see such an increase of the better workers in the lower class moving to businesses like Amazon IRL, because they offer something to their employees that other businesses just can't compete with. To summarize a bit more, businesses will HAVE to employ more with BETTER benefits in order to even compete in the job market. This is why I don't propose a base minimum wage, because the market will determine this on its own accord, and pushing government regulation on this will do nothing more than harm to our free and open markets. 2) Better benefits for employees Same reasons as above ^^ Competition, competition, and more competition in the job market among employers to attract the best workers they possibly can. 3) If we drastically lower the corporate income tax, we could eliminate the special treatment for dividends and capital gains. The reason we currently have the special rates is to offset the "double taxation" of corporate profits. You can quibble with the term, but the fact remains that a 35% corporate income tax combined with, say, a 43% marginal income tax rate (once we add in the special Medicare surcharges), would be a hell of a disincentive for the very wealthy to invest; you're talking about lowering the projected return on an investment by almost 3/4. There's little question that this would be bad--there's a reason that not even Sweden attempts to levy those sorts of taxes on capital. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I am aware that there are a multitude of topics that I may have missed, but feel free to ask me through a reply! I'd be more than happy to answer or challenge any of you to a debate. Supreme Leader for Governor! President of the National Identity Front (NIF)- 6 replies
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NATIONAL IDENTITY FRONT (NIF) There is nothing more important than the political independence for a civilized group of people. As the people, we must embrace and share a communal identity with our nation to ensure that the political measures taken are for the furthering of full sovereignty, self-governance, and for the interest of the people. Through contextualizing history, we can understand that groups of people work best together when they share a common goal and idea. This is the ultimate goal of the National Identity Front. For those who are unaware, allow me to explain the meaning of Nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic principle which sticks people together of different ethnic, tribal, linguistic, religious and cultural groupings into a single defined population, linked to a specific geographic territory. Our proposed system works through near-total democracy, with the voices of the people being heard over the non-elected bureaucrats who run our land. However, in order to reach such a democracy which is fair and equal for all, we must enforce an ethnostate to first achieve the aforementioned common goal, idea, and national identity. We are all for political discourse, and in fact, we promote it. We believe that no matter how much you may disagree with any form of speech, that if you are truly the "correct" one, then you should be able to out-argue them in an intellectual discussion. With the National Identity Front, our member base generally leans to fiscal conservatism, minimalism in government, market freedom, and, for the most part, social conservatism. However, our biggest focus is bringing the voice back to the people who built the lands in which we stand. It is the people's choice in which direction we take our land, with obviously the help of advice of council. How the Party is structured: President - Supreme Leader Vice Presidents - Djdobish, OnePumpWonder (There will be 2 of these) General Secretaries - iAreJayar (There will be 3 of these) Council Member - TBD (There will be 8 of these) NIF Members - Anyone who wants to help out and support the movement. We are looking for people who are like-minded, and want to help promote this party. If you want to join our party, PM me! Visit our website here: http://nationalidentityfront.co.nf This is a movement, and we need YOUR help to make IdentityRPG a truly great experience. UPDATE: The NIF President, Supreme Leader, is running for office. Show your support!
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So, I noticed that the Police made their own discord channel. SO I decided, why not get one for the criminals too? It's the Criminal Underground channel. Link below. If you want your own chat room, just PM me on the forum or on discord. A few rules to go over however: No racism of any kind. We are a friendly community for everyone. Do not fight or argue over little things. We should be civilized adults people. No NSFW content is allowed! If people don't want to see it, they shouldn't have to. Keep it to PMs. Feel free to join! https://discord.gg/g8bvn3T
discord What happened to the unofficial IdentityRPG Discord Server?
Christian posted a topic in The Town Square
Hello, My name is Christian, and I am the head moderator on the unofficial discord server. It seems that the server has been shut down for some odd reason, we are currently trying to figure out why and we are also trying to see if Motown would like to make an official server, or if we should make another server for everyone. If you have any questions feel free to reply to this topic. thanks, Christian Update: So, apparently, Computbreak/Saomaster the owner of the server. Had a friend over, and his friend thought it would be funny to delete one of his discord servers, and he chooses the identity one. -
Hey,I have started to develop my official Vengeful Gamers Discord server and it would be cool if you guys could join it and talk to me or even give me suggestions on it. Discord Join Button
Hey guys, I've noticed that a lot of you guys have been dealing with expired invites so here is the link for those that it has expired and need one! https://discord.gg/hUAn7uW This is one that will never expire so hopefully this helps.