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Hi guys I am New to Identity just pledged this past weekend, (got my little apartment and garage I wasn't referred here by anyone I just randomly found it on the web looking at new games coming out in 2017. I been reading all I could find out about it the past few days. I am really like'ing what I am seeing. Its a shame there is not more marking for it but I understand with this type of crowd funding that the devs spent most of their time an money into making the game and not advertising . That's where we the fans come it. ) "Idea / Suggestion " I was thinking about Identity having some kind of referral program , where current backers could recommend the game to their friends and if those friends then pledge a donation to the Identity game development , the original backer and the new backer they both get a referral , point, star, credit whatever... The devs can then decision on a reward , for example 5 recruitment points will get you a Limited edition lava lamp for your apartment that you can only get from the referral program. Nothing game braking like more cash or cars or anything ridiculous, but a token of appreciation that's merely cosmetic and players can show off to their friends to show how they help grow the game. I have personally seen this work in other crowed funded games and I believe the word of mouth from fans is the best way to help a game and its community to grow, and these programs just help give it that little extra nudge in the right direction. Best Regards Kami
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Hi guys I am New to Identity just pledged this past weekend, (got my little apartment and garage I wasn't referred here by anyone I just randomly found it on the web looking at new games coming out in 2017. I been reading all I could find out about it the past few days. I am really like'ing what I am seeing. Its a shame there in not more marking for it but I understand with this type of crowd funding that the devs spent most of their time an money into making the game and not advertising . That's where we the fans come it. ) Another great game I been following for some time now is Star Citizen , if ya not familiar with it here is a link https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ . If I had to explain it to someone with out taking 3 hours to tell you all that's in it now and all that's coming out in it, I would say this. Star Citizen is Arma meets Wing Commander that had a baby that was really into Firefly and Star Trek . Like Identity there are no classes, but there are tons of careers and jobs you can do. You can be a fighter pilot, a Space trucker hauling cargo, ship engineer repairing ships, space miner on planets or out in asteroid fields, salvager of ship wrecks, medics, space marine, PIRATE!!! there are many more things you can do, the list just goes on and on. Here is a little Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuDj5v81Nd0 Even though the game is completely different then Identity there are a lot of similarity's with the 2 game development that I really like. They both are developing modules and we get to play them as soon as they are ready so we can give feed back as the game is still being made. For Example, Identity is coming out soon with the town hall module. Currently if you Pledge to Star Citizen with a starter pack for $45 bucks (smallest package) you get immediate access to their current modules which include. Some peoples out there may say , "Oh I heard of that game you have to spent 1000's of dollars to get a ship" NO YOU DO NOT!!! All you need is a 45 dollar starter package (there are a bunch you can chose from just like Identity ) every thing else can be bought in game with in game money, its not PAY TO WIN, if you have spare cash and want to support the game and buy a 500 dollar ship (like you can buy a luxury apartment in Identity ) you can, but you don't have to. I bought many ships cause I really love the game , I want to support them and I was lucky to have the funds. But all these ships mean nothing unless you have friends to crew them with you, the ships don't fly themselves! Modules you can pay right now in SC Arena Commander - Its a Dog fighting sim where you get right into the action vs NPC's or Player vs Player action with no risk of permeant loss to you or your ships. Star Marine - This is a FPS they have built where Marines VS Pirates Player vs Player death match / zone capture type game play. PTU- This is the real meat on the bone. PTU stands for Persistent Test Universe , this is a very small version of what the final MMO will be like. You get to take off from a space station and fly around a down sized solar system, you can fight npcs or other players you come across or work together and complete goals or just go explore. There will also be a stand alone single player SC game called, Squadron 42. With stars like Mark Hamilton (luke skywalker, as if I had to tell you) and Gary Oldman as charters in the game. (you can buy a 60 dollar starter pack that has Star Citizen and Squadron 42 in a bundle , that's only 15 bucks for sq 42, ) One great thing that SC is doing now (and has being doing, hence how I got in) is a referral program. I would love to see Identity do this too to help get the word out. How it works in Star Citizen is every pledged account gets a unique referral code, you give this code out to peeps you want to join the game. If those people do infact use the code when they buy the game (starter pack) then you the person who gave them the code gets 5k in game money (when the game goes live) and SO does the new person who used your code. What's great is that it rewards the person for promoting the game with out costing the dev team any money or time. Its a win win for everyone. Now 5k in SC is not a lot of money, but you get 5 -10 of your buddies in and it starts to add up, If you really go nuts recruiting peeps they give you even more in game goodies . Then those 5-10 get their code out to and it snow balls. SC currently has well over 1.5 million registered players and it keeps getting bigger. Well I hope to see you guys and gals here in Identity Or in Star Citizen , I will be playing both. If you have a friend that already plays Star Citizen and you want to get in it, ask them for their Referral code, so you both get some rewards for spreading the word. and if you don't know anyone feel free to use mine below. Drop me a line if ya stop by, I will show you around. Kamikaze_DaMutt referral code- STAR-MG6Z-QGCQ <--- just copy and past when you sign up. Than drop me a line and I will give you a tour / ( may make you carry stuff for me, cause you know free labor )
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- crowd funded
(and 3 more)
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