Hello there!
First off I would like to clarify that I am unsure if this character will be the same person as my political character, Marie Clare Bouchard (FN), at the moment I plan to have them as the same character.
I want to invest in YOUR BUSINESS!
How am I going to do this?
Simple, a television programme.
Streamed on Twitch when the first module launches (or when the main game has launched).
So you might be wondering, what television programme do I have in mind?
The Identity Apprentice
14 businesss people will be picked from a list of applicants for the show.
14 will be slowly wittled down to just 1 candidate and that candidate will BE MY BUSINESS PARTNER with a COLLOSAL investment and the driving force that your business needs!
-You must have a microphone in-game.
-You must be willing to follow our rules and be present at the tasks,
-You must have a business that you either fully own or have a share in (as long as the other shareholders agree to shows requirements)
-Your business doesn’t have to already be running and can be an enterprise without completion as long as it is ready to start from the minute that I invest in it.
If you can follow these rules you could win a MASSIVE investment and will go into a 50(I will own 50%)-50(You alone or with your shareholders will own the other 50%) partnership with me.
if you are interested in joining The Identity Apprentice please link your business thread/post link below and tell me why you should be MY business partner!
Thank you and good luck!
-Marie Clare Bouchard.