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bolsa pobreza Votação para Criação Do Bolsa Pobreza. • Voting For Company Creation Poverty.
ThiagoCastro posted a topic in Board Room
Olá Meus Caros Amigos(a)! Bolsa Pobreza Uma Empresa Que será sustentada por verbas governamentais e por outros grandes investidores no intuito de ajudar o jogador desempregado o jogador sem rumo, como ajudar estes jogadores doando tanto dinheiro se assim ele se cadastrar no programa bolsa Pobreza que irá dar um valor mensal ou Semanal para poder sobreviver. Qual será o valor a receber? Este Valor será de $110,00. Bem obviamente se a pessoa for mais necessitada e realmente obter o programa bolsa Pobreza para viver este valor pode ser maior em 35%. E se eu possuir uma família? Caso o portador da carteira do bolsa Pobreza terá de cadastrar sua família em seu nome e cada pessoa que ele sustenta irá aumentar 15% no valor a ser recebido! Bolsa Pobreza Dando Uma Oportunidade Aos Jogadores Humildes e Necessitados. Obrigado, mande ideias e sugestões. ----------------------English-------------------------- Hello My Dear Friends! Bolsa Pobreza A Company That will be supported by government funds and other major investors in order to help the unemployed player the player with no direction, how to help these players by donating so much money if he so signs up in the Poverty program that will give a monthly value or Weekly to survive. What will be the amount to receive? This amount will be $ 110.00. Well obviously if the person is most in need and actually get the Poverty scholarship program to live this amount can be higher at 35%. What if I own a family? In case the holder of the Poverty scholarship wallet will have to register his family in his name and each person he supports will increase 15% in the amount to be received! Poverty Bag Giving Opportunity To Humble And Needy Players. Thank you, send ideas and suggestions.-
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Bem, a empresa vai atender aos proprietários (a) de lojas, Donos (a) casas, Organizar eventos e pessoas com segurança por guardas treinados para organizar e tratar a segurança de seus próprios clientes como proprietários, para contratar nossos serviços basta escolher as embalagens e desfrutar da sensação de segurança. Para obter mais informações sobre a empresa é fácil e fácil, por favor, digite seu nome na empresa, crescendo na hierarquia quem sabe nos tornaremos sócios !?
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Bem, está empresa irá prestar aos proprietários(a) de lojas,Donos (a) casas,Organizadores eventos e pessoas a segurança por nossos guardas treinados para organizar e tratar de cuidar e trazer a segurança tanto para seus clientes como para os proprietários, para contratar nossos serviços basta escolher um dos pacotes e desfrutar da sensação de segurança. Para trabalhar na empresa é fácil e da pra criar seu nome na empresa, crescendo na hierarquia quem sabe nos tornaremos sócios!?
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This is Star Child clothing line. I enjoy designing clothes irl, so I figured I'd specialize in the same thing for Identity. Star Child will be a fairly expensive designer brand, with a focus on creating new ideas, and artistic freedom. Even though I will act as lead designer (being my brand) I would still love other designers work with me. If you work with me, you will come onto the team as a "designer" and must (as the name suggests) design for the brand. Since I can't imagine having many people with the brand in general, you will also be expected to fill other necessary roles for the job (as will I), until the brand is more established. If I find enough people interested in designing, I will create sub-design roles, as I see fit. Pay will be worked out once the game is released, so I have a better idea of how the economy will work. if interested, please reply!
At this point I have to speak on this, due to the fact that I'd rather not forget. I have some ideas for cosmetic implements and other things of that nature Emotes: (Specifics involving idle things) *Smoke (typed in chat as /smoke) - Rather you're a shipping manager, delivery driver, a cop off duty, or a customer service rep of sorts, we all have that point in our lives where a "/Smoke" break is in order. Standing idle, leg out to one side or leaned against something, slowly puffing on a cigarette (with the emote perhaps lasting long enough that the cigarette burns down and the emote finishes with a flick of the butt on the ground That one is my personal primary want, as I am a smoker, and I feel like that is an IDEAL ways to AFK for five while you do things irl until your break at work is over or etc.This accompanied by perhaps being able to visually see the used {Drugs} or {Cigarettes} smoked as they would be in real life, rather than just have the a-typical item representing said drug hanging out of one's mouth as though they are the Crimson Chin. Idle emotes make an essential ambient that sits well with RPers all over, and even if not an idle emote, one can casually walk around puffing a cigarette or otherwise. If one is able to smoke while performing actions, then at that point the emote would cease and the cigarette would remain in one's mouth, specifically whilst that interaction would be performed (with the exception of sitting on a bench, or another interaction that still allows both hands). Also, if a user has their in-game phone out, I'd hope that this is shown as a device in their hand (mayhaps adding different models and types of phones with different functions so that we can have a phone store). We all know Craigslist, OR Ebay, or Amazon etc. What if the simulated computers bring up an online store accessable through browser tabs that let you use said online market simulation for players to post their items up for sale, or other things of that nature, as if it represented a similarity to the letgo app, mayhaps, AS WELL AS : If a user decides to recklessly post something shady and very illegal, it can be investigated by detectives and/or police and action can be taken to enforce justice upon the crime.
At Victorian Watches we sell luxury watches, from plastic to platinum we have it all. Shop at Victorian Luxury Watches!
Disclaimer: this company can and will change over time, so I will gladly accept any suggestions. ---------------------------- Official Discord - click here Welcome to Private Eyez Investigation Services, a simple and straightforward company that places getting the job done ahead of money. We are based in Ash Hill, but can hire/serve anyone on the island. Our Office Our office consists of two investigation rooms, two multi-use rooms, cubicle office room, a call room, break room, file room, and manager's office. INVESTIGATION ROOMS - Rooms that provide access to top-notch resources and more, to aid in cases. MULTI-USE ROOMS - Rooms that can be switched around and customized to fit whatever it is being used for. CUBICLE OFFICE ROOM - Main office room where investigators and other ground-work staff operate when they're not out in the field. CALL ROOM - A room with two desks dedicated to taking/making calls. One of them is for business, the other is to the investigators. BREAK ROOM - This room includes a TV, couch, kitchen area, and table. MANAGER'S OFFICE - This room contains a formal office area, bookshelves, and an adjoining bedroom. FILE ROOM - Where records are stored. What we offer We offer basic investigative services, as well as more detailed ones. If you require a detailed service, you can describe it to us, and we can get back to you on pricing/any other details. DOMESTIC CASES (Divorce, cheating, etc.) $50/hour Paid investigator travel (Free investigator travel in Ash Hill) MINOR THEFT CASES (Small items stolen, small amounts of cash stolen, etc.) $40/hour Free investigator travel MAJOR THEFT CASES (Cars stolen, expensive items stolen, large amounts of cash stolen, etc.) $50/hour Paid investigator travel (Free investigator travel in Ash Hill) CYBER CASES (Stalking, cyber-theft, harassment) $40/hour Free investigator travel PLAGIARISM CASES (Any form of custom content stolen) $55/hour Paid investigator travel (Free investigator travel in Ash Hill) FRAUD CASES (Scams, lies, etc.) $45/hour Free investigator travel IMMERSION BREAKING HARASSMENT CASES (O.O.C. harassment, RDM, etc.) $60/hour Paid investigator travel (Free investigator travel in Ash Hill) MAKE-A-CASE The fees depend on what you want. WAGES We cherish our simple wages. Investigator - wage is 50% of what you get paid per case. (You would earn $22.05 per hour on a fraud case.) Phone operator 1 (part time) - $5/hour Phone operator 2 (full time) - $10/hour Secretary - $15/hour File room worker 1 (part time) - $5/hour File room worker 2 (full time) - $10/hour Extra befits can be requested, and then accepted or denied by the manager. For any additional info, please contact me!
►Pulse Websites◄ Please note all pricing is not finalized due to the game not being released, after the game is released we will have a more accurate pricing for a services. About us We form professional websites at the expense of the in-game currency. Packages will be available on our website and you will decide what you want and how you want it. Additonally, we will hire 1-2 more people to help aid in our website making process in order to make these sites more proficently. You can find a google forms link below in which you can apply. Finally, below is a list of the businesses we currently support. ▶Shipping ▶Restaurants ▶News Sites ▶Night Clubs ▶Clothing Stores ▶Security Related ▶Furniture ▶If your business does not correspond to anything above, message @Pulse we may be able to working something out◀ JOB APPLICATION: https://goo.gl/forms/NhzgGDeuARFaRkbs2 WEBSITE: PULSEWEBSITES.PROXRP.COM DISCORD: DISCORD.GG/SM4JGbC
1. How is whole concept of economy work if everybody has the same amount of money at the beginning of game? 2. Can government own a business? 3. Will there be buses in the game? 4.Can you be a mechanic in game? 5. Will there be a unlimited amount of cars for sale? And can you please rate my English (1-5) ?
First-Class Coaches The objective of this company is to take players around the map to different cities and around each and every city. Or to take players to destinations where they can relax and hangout. This will benefit players that maybe don't have a vehicle and want to get to somewhere that is not possible to reach on foot. The busses will mainly run from city to city but they can also be hired out for different and special occasions e.e. Partying, Tours around the map, nights out and many more. Each coach will hopefully take up to 50 passengers. Why choose us? You should choose us because we are a very reliable company that can get you from A to B trouble free and in comfort and in style with a wide range variety of luxury and modern coaches. As we take you past some of the most exquisite scenery to your destination all you have to do is take in the beautiful scenery or even take a nap which you will have no trouble in doing as we try and make every journey smooth and peaceful. If you know that you will be hiring a bus in the game for your business and would like to choose this company please let me know on the post or DM me. Thank you. Our coaches: As we all know sitting at a desk can be very boring therefore when the phone is not ringing or no customers are in the reception area the receptionists are allowed to shop online if they desire or read the newspaper which I will buy a few copies for my staff to read or they can do something else that is appropriate on the computer.And the rest of the staff are allowed to read the newspaper or go on their phones during their break also a coffee machine will be placed in the staff break room. Disclaimer: This is what i would like in the game and therefore will not reflect on the finished product as it may not be included in the game. Thank you. If your company would like to be advertised on the side of one of our buses(if it is possible in game) please contact @iSpeedy10x on this forum or DM on the identity website. Thank you. Below are all the jobs within the company: CEO - @iSpeedy10x 1st Manager - @David-Brass Garage Operator/Head of Maintenance - @JamesPvP Receptionist - 0/2 Mechanic - 0/4 Drivers - 2/4 Below is the application form if you wish to work for First-Class Coaches. https://form.jotformeu.com/81725750054354 The positions will most likely have more available slots in the future; This is just temporary. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I will update it every couple of weeks. Disclaimer: The company may not be set up completely when the full game comes out so you may have to wait to be put to work. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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shop Mechanics of becoming a shop owner/big business owner?
Ameline posted a question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
As above can anyone explain to me how the mechanics work for becoming a shop owner/big business owner work in the game please. Do I have to save wages to buy the shop/store, will there be certain people chosen in the community to head big businesses from the start? Do you have to register your business? -
What are we? We are a Jewelry store, that specializes in chains and watches. We offer many different "iced out" pieces. We stride to offer the highest quality of jewelry at a good price. Where are we located? We will have a storefront located in Roseport. We plan to have multiple locations in the future. Positions: CEO/Founder: @Cstove Co-Founder: @Townfunky21 Security Guards (0/3): Material Miners (0/5): Sales Associates (0/3): To apply for a job: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iF7tefD1LQhWUpzl8GcqgAMTSXsZn3H00qFUl7Wze1w/edit An idea of what our store will look like (from Identity overview video): Questions? Message me here on the forums, or at icedjewelers.identity@gmail.com
I just found this game a little bit ago(my comma key does not work lmao) and I am AMAZED!I've never seen anything like it and it's crazy imo.So is it possible to buy a plaza say and then rent it out for others to buy and the rents go to you?And if you bought an industry building could you perhaps mass produce something and send it to stores?And is there going to be a different char. creation so i can have one criminal char a police char and a rich business man?Another thing is will there be a car industry so you can make cars and sell them?Just curious because i'm dying to play this game xP Luv Y'all
Will i be able to create businesses, more importantly gucci?
I know stock markets won't exist in Identity. However I thought about investments in a different way, in a method that only players (citizens, business owners, investors) would need to manage, rather than the devs or server management. So you want to start a business in Identity, but you don't yet have the cash to get started. There's no public investing (stock market), so what about private investing? I'll give an example so no one is confused. A private investor who has a high net-worth that invests in a startup company can be called an Angel investor. These Angel investors make money through the success of the startup company, or they could lose money if the business fails, pretty much like the stock market. What is so great about private investing in Identity is the fact that there may not have to be any real dev-made systems to make this work. I'll give an example of exactly how I would imagine a private investment goes down in Identity... Two players can make an in-game legal document that states the terms and agreements of the investment, and both parties receive a copy of this document in their inventories. It is optional to get the documents notarized (legalized) either from a government organization or a law firm... That's pretty much it. The rest is up to the players to decide, such as the terms and agreements, which by the way could be conjured up by a lawyer that knows the ins and outs of the "laws" (server rules). The legal document system doesn't need much development because from what I understand, people can write or type on paper in Identity. Also surely there will be printers to make copies of paper, so really the system is already there for that. The only thing that isn't for sure is if documents will be able to get notarized in Identity. I think notarization would be a welcome feature, as it can give the police a job if the agreement is broken. Notarization would increase the chance of players spending their money in the server, growing the economy. But this post isn't about notarization mainly, but about the ability to invest your money in a company regardless of the existence of a public stock market. Certainly in my opinion this would satisfy the requests of players hoping for a stock market. TL;DR You can put your money in a business through a legal agreement between players and profit from its success, without the need of a stock market. What do you think of this idea? Please tell me the pros and cons that you see?
Welcome to APA's first Promotional Post, one of many to come. These will be posted on a monthly basis - constantly being updated on any new customers or employees we get. Here we advertise and promote all the businesses we are currently working for Supplier of skate and urban clothing, Supreme is at the center of urban skate culture. Originating from New York, founded in 1994, Supreme soon found itself at the center of New York's downtown culture. Made up of New York skaters and artists, Supreme is well known for its authenticity and style. VISIT SUPREME'S WEBSITE -> http://supremeclothing.co.nf/_about_.html Skull & Bones Recordings give independent artists the opportunity to achieve what they want to achieve. Skull & Bones Recordings give artists a stage in which they can perform to people all over Identity through their radio station, so they can achieve their goals and propel themselves into fame and success. Skull & Bones Recordings also support their artists through dealing with their PR and Marketing concerns, and they also offer to deal with their concert schedules and recording processes VISIT SKULL & BONES RECORDINGS IDENTITY PAGE -> We are also proud to be working for the biggest company in Identity - Velocity Logistics! Velocity Logistic's aim to create a stable logistics core in Identity. Whether it be for domestic reasons, or for commercial reasons, Velocity Logistics are here to help. They offer a range of services such as heavy haulage, commercial delivery, removal services, logistics solutions and advice, domestic delivery and many more. Velocity Logistics is by far the best place to go for logistical needs. VISIT VELOCITY LOGISTICS IDENTITY PAGE -> LET US ADVERTISE FOR YOU, SO YOU CAN CONCENTRATE ON THE MORE IMPORTANT STUFF APA IS ALSO HIRING! JOBS ON OFFER INCLUDE; PROMOTER CUSTOMER SERVICE DELEGATOR DESIGNER APPLY NOW AND JOIN THE TEAM OF PASSIONATE PROMOTERS ->APPLY
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Will there be a way to easily use your phone (sort of like Uber) to request for transportation by plane across the map? In Asylum Life, it's redundant to transport by plane because of the small size of the map, but if the map is large enough in Identity would plane transportation for strangers like a taxi service be feasible?
"Brilliant Car Mechianics" open by my father that was in car mechianics. in a smail town he loveled his business but sadly he past and the business shut down. I move started a new. i opened a new car mechianics workshop under my father business name "Brilliant Car Mechianics". like my father says "if we can't fix it no one can" if you like to apply to work here dm me #3127 Chazmandevil
I'm curious if there will be ways of building an Empire, whether it's through business or a criminal empire. Some sort of hierarchy of a server (potentially.) Say a server gets overrun by Criminals, official server, there are not enough Police to outnumber the criminals who are mass-murdering players. How will that be handled? Will there be a reset in the server, a potential moderation task? Or just let it be? Hope you all enjoy theory crafting with me! Just some simple questions.
Hi, I have a suggestion for a potential business in Identity. Assuming that car customization would be implemented in the game, rather than allowing players to perform these actions themselves, there should be businesses that specialize in car customization. Even if customization is performed by players on their own vehicles, it would cost money to do them, so it would make sense if the money went to a business. Also, on the Identity website it already states that car building and tunning would be a feature and this could also be performed by the same business and although the players could make some changes to their own cars, the business should have access to more parts or features to change on cars. I truly believe there would be demand for this so it would make a lot of sense. This is just a simple idea and suggestion and somebody may have already made a thread about this but if any of you have any ideas just add up to this, tried to make it as simple as I can. Thanks
Hello! I would really appreciate it if you could spare a minute to complete this brief survey. With the launch of Identity nearing, we are beginning to gather key data. -Jack
Custom Jobs You should be able to create your own company like a online business ,transport company etc. So there is choice in what you do and you can generate income and respect from the local commuinity. You should also be able to make your own vehicles if you are wanting a unique vehicle like a bus or limo so players can create cars by designing them then a machine makes it. This will create thefreedom to create companys and make the ecomomybetter and people happier. Think about if you live on the outskirts of the town/city and your car is broken down or you can't use it for some reason and it is too far to walk you could take the bus or tram that is run by a CEO who made the company and would help people get place or city to city.
So are players able to rent their houses in this game? If so, would I be able to set up a letting agent, where players looking to rent their homes could come to me for help in finding someone to rent their home? Not sure if this would work effectively, but it could be big business if players are looking to rent. Or, would I be able to buy multiple houses/apartments and rent them to players myself?
hello it's to know if I can for example be a business leader and criminal. Because if we only do criminal we have no cover. Could you be a policeman and criminal (a fake policeman).
Identity TV (IDTV) Do you want to earn your living in Identity by acting, producing, writing or editing television programmes? Then you have come to the right place! Identity TV (IDTV) is Identity's first and best television channel. We will have Identity TV (IDTV) split into 4 different channels; IDTV 1 IDTV 2 IDTV Sports IDTV 1+ It will consist of 100+ TV shows, which will be announced in due course. YOU! Yes, you, can also make and earn money from either, Acting in a TV show Writing the script for drama programmes Edit footage from television shows Upload or stream the programmes Hosting reality TV shows or chat shows Participating in reality TV shows or chat shows. How we will earn money: By selling advertisements to in-game businesses or to real life businesses. We will also be uploading some of our TV shows snippets to our Youtube channel. We will also be streaming ALL of our programmes on Twitch! Our Youtube channel could make some ad revenue and certain programmes will be EXCLUSIVE to our Twitch subscribers. We will be announcing the programmes very soon and feel free to apply to ANY of them if interested! Stay tuned! -Marie Clare Bouchard.
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