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About Hiskid

  • Birthday 07/07/1998

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  1. Hey

    Welcome to the island!
  2. Hello Identity companions

    Karma, Welcome to Identity! I expect you to be a worthy business rival... Unless you are looking to partner up. You can see my job offering here And a description of Pike Consolidated™ here Have a good one!
  3. In it to win it

  4. Good day Sir/Madam(s), My name Is Zachery Pike, and I am currently in search for a business partner. My vision for Pike Consolidated is a Corporation that has it's finger in every pie. I want a branch in commodity trading, a branch in real estate, a branch in retail, etc. To accomplish that dream, I need the help of a skilled and resourceful Project manager. I need you to assist me in the organization and development of our own infrastructure, as well as the infrastructure of our clients. If you are interested in the position, please take a look at the following requirements. If you pass, you qualify for interview. - RP Business experience - Discord or Team-viewer/Microphone - Basic understanding of business theory and financial theory - Drive to succeed and over-succeed If you are interested in helping me realize this vision, please contact me privately via PM. I look forward to meeting you, and may our futures prosper together.
  5. Pike Consolidated™

    Pike Consolidated™ _______________________________ Who are we? Business is complicated. You start out with a vision, then acquire investors to generate Capital. With that, you then hire employees, create a social network with other professionals, and attempt to get your name out there. You're this far along, and so far you haven't been able to do anything with your business. In fact, you're struggling just to solidify your business infrastructure. "Surely There's a better way" I hear you say to yourself. And, of course, you are correct. Pike Consolidated™ is the solution. Passionate leaders, a quality network of industry professionals, and an infrastructure already in place. With Pike Consolidated, all you need to do is apply for one of the specific industry business' listed below, and the rest will be taken care of by PC™ _______________________________ Business Operation Once you sign up with PC™, we will assign you your general business model, as well as assist you in attracting employees using in-house and outsourced advertisers. You will receive business management training as needed, and will have access to the council of our professional business infrastructure architects. In return for these services, you will share your profits with us. Since we take care of all your overhead costs and initial investments, the profit you make is yours to keep, but you will be required to give 10% of your gross profit to PC™, though this rate may be negotiated based on your specialty and productivity. Remember, your success is our success, and we want you to have enough profit left over to maintain happy employees and grow your business. _______________________________ Available Industries Retail Real Estate Commodity Trading and transportation Law Food Service Automobile Service (More to come) _______________________________
  6. Hello, My name Is Zachery Pike I'm moving from the east coast USA for various reasons, the greatest of which being the abundance of potential on this island for growing my business, Pike Consolidated™. I am a business enthusiast and a persuasive debater. I look forward to your patronage and partnership as we work together to make this island a better island; OUR island. Yours truly, Zachery Pike - Founder and President of Pike Consolidated™
  7. Priesthood/ Religious Occupations

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