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About Sid

  • Birthday 06/10/1991

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  1. Hey

    Welcome Lorghon! can't wait to play with you too!
  2. just pledged!

    Welcome Luigi! Where are you from? i'm asking because u've such an italian name and i'm italian too... just asking hahaha
  3. Curious new citizen

    Welcome among us, chris! ^^
  4. Pleb reporting in!

    Welcome Geero!
  5. Hi there! Just Arrived

    So happy you enjoyed my country see you in game Thx Care
  6. Hi there! Just Arrived

    Can't wait to play with you all ❤️
  7. Feeding the town

    It would be absolutely amazing!! Something like you start with a cow and some chicken and up to be the first importer of food for the city!
  8. Architecture

    Maybe they'll introduce something like Design so you can create your own stuff and sell them! Would be cool too
  9. Restaurant Owner

    Good luck with your business dude! I'll come for sure to try your restaurant!
  10. Priesthood/ Religious Occupations

    It would be really cool to "build and rule" your own church dressed like a priest!
  11. Is this possible?

    Yep he merged vids of wildlands and identity and here we are...
  12. Hi

    Welcome Evil
  13. Hello!!

    I think it happens to everyone of us here... can't wait to play with you
  14. Hi there! Just Arrived

    Hey thank you! Can't wait to play with you all guys ! Thx Fisk
  15. Hi there! Just Arrived

    Thanks for the warm welcome ❤️