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Everything posted by Cuuka

  1. Intrigued by this, so hello!

    Welcome ! Oh yes, it's a game that will have enormous potential, and that will cetainly make a LOT of talk about it at its release
  2. Payment Question

    But.. how do they do their job if there is no sueing system
  3. Payment Question

    Oh, ok ! It would have been a good idea in my opinion, it would add jobs like judge and lawyer etc.. and it could find its place in game (based on the police and criminals)
  4. Payment Question

    It is also possible to sue a person in court, no ?
  5. Hello, everyone. :) New Passportee here!

    Welcome ! For me, same as MR_FISK !
  6. folder

    You have social media and apps who help i think but i like the idea
  7. 36 Min FAQ with developers

    Video added on May 6.. (But TheDynasty post every sunday i think)
  8. HI!

    Welcome here ! Oh yes a reporter ? I saw that there was newspapers 'written' by NPC, and that players can create newspapers as well (if i'm not wrong)
  9. Hi, i've search the answer but haven't found : - When the module come out, will it be possible to test the painting system ? I would like to know the tool on which i will spend a lot of time - Do you think i can paint/draw using a standard graphics tablet ? (I apologize if i missed the answer)
  10. Ok thanks ! (i would still try the tablet when it's out, we never know.. )
  11. Hey

    Hi and welcome !
  12. Topic for French

    Owi des amis français Personnellement je compte jouer sur le serveur officiel. Rejoindre un privé m’intéresserais, mais il faudrait qu'il y ai pas mal de joueurs actifs ! Histoire d'avoir une bonne économie, qui bouge, quasiment toutes les sortes de métiers de pratiqués, de la concurrence etc.. Et surtout, des personnes SERIEUSES qui lancent le serveur. Pas envie qu'il y est du favoritisme ou autre. En gros, comme le serveur offi', mais en français.
  13. Tea or Coffee

    Coffee. Lots of coffee. Too much coffee..
  14. New from France

    Just post a exemple of a painting (sold on Second Life) which accords to the design of an apartment interior of Identity. huhu
  15. New from France

    Thanks you Oh yea i've this idea but i can do nothing now cuz' painting have to be made in game directly on canvas (or i got wrong ?) If you wanted to see what sort of painting i will add my blog to my signature i think In response to your proposal, i imagine that my shop will need security to fight/prevent thieves or criminals.. I would wait for the release to decide I retain your proposal carefully and will seriously consider it at this time ! Hi thanks ! Yes i already read some threads and find A LOT of serious role-player ! The more i read about the game, the more difficult it is to find bad points ! (The only is my english when i would practice RP ahah)
  16. What will you RP in identity?

    Like FACADE said in 1st page, roleplay myself Planning to open my little painting shop, and try to make me know as an artist to increase the price ! And maybe practicing a second job in medical. Beggin a simple and 'safe' life ahah
  17. New from France

    Thanks for you (very) fast answer ! " I can tell you now that guns will not be as easy to get in the game as it is on GTA. Also there is a stress system in place to stop people from going around just killing. " Very, very great ! It reassures me a lot, and give me even more desire to invest myself. I'm reading the FAQ just now, and discover even more on the game Be patient become more and more difficult.. huhu