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Posts posted by Chuc

  1. You should be injured for a set amount of time after being in hospital. 

    You get knee capped, you can't walk until you get to hospital then when your out you should have a limp for awhile

    If you die you should only have half health and stamina, maybe something like that

  2. On 30/01/2016 at 6:17 AM, Crumby said:

    Maybe you could pay someone to distract the cops from you by staging a larger crime? Just a theory, police force might be too big for that.

    You could set up a few car accidents to block all roads leading into the area. Should give you some time to do what you need


    Edit: or set the police station on fire

  3. 3 minutes ago, AndrewDonaldson said:

    @Chuc But of course, I would then need to pay the robbers. Although that is a thought. Sadly, that would classify me as a criminal, which I hope not to be. 

    That's why you higher other people to steal then higher a legitimate delivery service to bring the guns to you in bulk. That should keep you out of trouble. If you can make enough cash from it maybe get someone else to sell them as well. Your hands will stay clean

  4. 3 hours ago, AndrewDonaldson said:

    @Aetion I wish, but its very unlikely :(. But I hope they implement a system where if I buy large quantities of weapons from the NPC's, the NPC's give me a discount on the firearms. Then I would see the weapons I bought individually at a slightly higher price. Which makes me the dosh! 

    You could higher people to rob the gun stores and then just re sell the guns.

  5. Name: Chuc

    Age: 28

    From (City, Country): Australia 

    Appearance (Body, Face): 5'11", average  body type

    Attire: Dark blue suit

    Job: Banker

    Detail of House: Bank, I live at work.

    Detail of Car/ Vehicle: don't have one yet

    Personality: Charming 

    Background: Was a witness to a mob war back home. Testified against crime families involved and got alot of them put in jail for along time. Worried about repercussions from the crime family I moved to identity island to start up my banking career. Hoping they won't find me and always looking over my shoulder.

  6. The only way a zombie apocalypse would work in identity is if it started as maybe some contaminated food/drink. Then 1 unlucky person eats it gets sick turns zombie and starts infecting people, if they choose the wrong person to infect and get killed, apocalypse is over. 

    You should NOT spawn in as a zombie and all zombies should be real people no npcs.

    That's what I think.

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