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Everything posted by Chuc

  1. Funerals

    Perfect for the perma death community servers that are going to pop up
  2. Aus Servers?

    They are what we refer to as AUS servers. So there will be Oceania servers? Coz I'm getting sick of playing games on USA servers with 200-300+ ping
  3. How much is 1000$ ?

    @Vix should have the answers for you
  4. 300 Block Boys

    @Vix a gang of strippers maybe
  6. About the packs you can buy

    Also they don't want pay to win. Hence why you only get a little starter cash.
  7. I think he's taking the piss mate. If that is his real computer he couldn't play any game atm. Even being on the internet would be slow and laggy. Win7 needs 2 gb of ram to run then add all the background process running, he would have maybe 300mb of ram left. Solitare would struggle to play proply.
  8. Injuries

    @AndrewDonaldson it is annoying but I find it more annoying shooting someone 50 time and the only bullets that stop them are headshots. In this game I want to be able to stop someone with not killing them. One shot in arm and one in leg. No cop will be after me for murder and that person doesn't have to die and I only use a couple bullets.
  9. Most of your post are just joking and childish.
  10. Injuries

    If they want to make a realistic life sim they will have to
  11. Town Square

    They have said the the 55% is the hole game and that the town module is really at 95+%. @Vix any info on this for him?
  12. Rich is the right word. $2000 just for a titan x.
  13. @fuzz how old are you?
  14. Video Game rating

    @fuzz thats basically what this game will be. My opinion is if it's got a rating it should stick or there's no point in rating any game or movie.
  15. If you have your face covered you shouldn't have a name tag.
  16. Donaldson & Guns - We Supply the Protection

    Set me back 20k to buy and another 15k to fix. It valued at 65k atm. Atm it's a collector, I can't afford to drive it atm
  17. Serious Roleplay

    @AndrewDonaldson i posted a back story somewhere on the forums but apparently it didnt fit with the game so im thinking of changing it but havent thought of a new one yet
  18. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Mini Cooper s. The original one not the new ones
  19. Typing on my keyboard/computer, start bashing the person next to me until no keys are left on the board. I would like to see a similar thing to condemned in the game, where when you rum out of ammo you can turn the gun around a use it to bash people.
  20. apocalypse

    @Atmosphere is making more sence to me than @Shimozukachi I don't understand your memes either. From what I can gather atmosphere is trying to discuss with Shimozukachi but all Shimozukachi is going is just trolling his replies to try and rage him.
  21. Serious Roleplay

    I'm gonna try and rp as seriously as I can. Going to rp a character opposite to my rl. Which should be nice a relaxing.

    It wasn't a suggestion it was a question. I would like to try being a farmer but if people could steal and or kill your live stock it wouldn't be very fun but it would be realistic. Maybe they may put in that only other farmers can rustle cattle and then a time limit that they have to keep the cattle before they sell or kill, so the owner has time to find them. Then you could also make it a law if the rustle gets caught, he has to pay for each head of cattle he stole and go to prison for abit. Just a thought

    Will you be able to kill and steal other farmers cattle?
  24. Keys for your car

    No idea if this has been asked but do we need a key to start our cars?