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About BananaBaiter

  • Birthday October 11

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  1. Workplace Ideas

    Yea hopefully they make it good, and if not when it first releases then later on.
  2. Workplace Ideas

    So I was doing some more thinking (never a good thing) whilst watching over some of the q&a's and one of the questions brought up the mechanic position. How cool would it be if the mechanic position were like the indie game My Summer Car!
  3. Imgur Album - All Identity pictures in one place.

    There's several new pictures on the Twitter page, could you add them when you have a chance please Nvm, just realized he hasn't been on since August of 2016...
  4. Workplace Ideas

    I feel like the Whole Medical career path has potential to be really awesome; I'd honestly love to see a surgeon simulator sort of thing, of course more organized, added in. It would be awesome being able to treat the wounds of the things we hear the newspaper and just the whole system is super potentious! I'm legit fangirling over a potential module in the game... :)) And also that's a whole different story right here the fishing industry mixed with the shipping and commercial industry!
  5. June 5th

    Thankfully I've boarded the party boat a "tad bit" late so I haven't had to wait 2 years for it to release. I can say I know your pain to an extent though as I've been waiting nearly 3 years for a seemingly simple kick starter project to release but the creators have been silent for over 6 months!
  6. Signatures

    There we go, thx again guys
  7. Signatures

    Thx so much I'm blind and also Imgur is an obvious option; honestly a face palm moment.
  8. Signatures

    Hey everybody 'Nanar here, So I did a not so quick Photoshop job and made myself a image for my signature; but now when I am trying to add the image to my signature(via other media options drop-down) there's only two options: Insert Existing Attachments & Insert Image from URLS. Well the first option just gives me a pop up saying my account isn't authorized to do this & the latter option... well my image is saved to my computer not hosted on a webpage so there's no link. I figured maybe if I saved it to my Google Drive then technically it's being hosted there right? Wrong! (Already to my extent of knowledge) it didn't work and just tells me that it can't retrieve the dimensions. So do I need to find a website to host my image? I honestly don't know and any help whatsoever is greatly appreciated.
  9. sick profile fam

    1. BananaBaiter


      Thanks! Been working on it for 2 hours! If only I could figure out how to get my signature image I made up. But it requires a link.... which I don't have as my signature image is local and not hosted