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FlyingDuck last won the day on January 17 2021

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134 Diamond Miner

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  1. What's to come

    I don't know why, but I just got reminded that Identity exists. Been here as well since it's seeding investment days, first community startup and what not. And it is way too relatable with the "staying up" all nights part. I remember I used to write down my thoughts on paper, start making deals and whatnot. Preparing for everything. I believe we just have to be patient indeed, it might be hard as our imagination and promises exceed often what we get delivered. Like with Cyberpunk 2077 for an example. But then again, it is this ambition that drives the innovative process. We just have to make the best of it and be patient. God's Speed, to the Developers.
  2. What will you RP in identity?

    Initially an emoji, yes. Why are you asking 2 years later?
  3. Why HTTP and not HTTPS

    Security should always be a priority whether it be a forum or not even if it accepts payments or not. Plus actually adding the certificate is quite easy, I use it for my sites and it simply just makes the site more secure even if it isn't really needed.
  4. Why HTTP and not HTTPS

    The title says it all, figured that HTTPS is way more secure than HTTP. You payment sites are HTTPS if I am correct with is great! But (...) I think that in the future HTTPS would be greatly appreciated as it would improve the site's security. Best Regards !
  5. EU, US, AS, etc

    Firstly let me introduce myself once again as I feel quite a bit old fashioned by now for some reason. My name is FlyingDuck also known as the founder and owner of the Famtiano Family. However that is not the case. I have been here since the start as far as I am aware, and I see that when people like to plan out their identity "life" they would need to ask for whether they are playing in the EU, or US as an example. So my suggestion is to simply to organize the section of e.g. The Board in a way that if you are going to play in the EU servers you would go to the EU Board Room and not the US Board Room. I think this would be greatly appreciated by not only myself but by others too as I for one would need to advertise that I am in the EU and that I recruit only people within the EU. I am not really active so far due I don't find it necessary at the moment due all my other contacts are also inactive at this time, so I am wondering if you could introduce yourself just a small bit while typing in your question / feedback to me so I could get to know you better. Best Regards!
  6. It's Still Early...ish

    Oh, it is just a short novel fiction. Figured the title should only be written when the book is actually done.
  7. It's Still Early...ish

    Hope this got you excited for my new book that will be released in Identity! This part was taken out from my book that I am writing and releasing in Identity.
  8. The Prodigal Son

    How dare you, of course I remember you.
  9. It's Still Early...ish

    Politics are a lot like chess. I currently have mostly every brick in place. And corruption is usually the way to go for anything.
  10. I am never dead, I am just simply watching over you all. I will awake from the dead and so will my family as the Famtiano's are still the biggest ones in the EU. 


  11. LoliVape introduction <3

    Well if you want the thrill, I sure can offer it to you. More secure by being associated to me if you want to rob something. I will hook you up tho with whatever you need. Msg if you want to discuss further.
  12. LoliVape introduction <3

    Greetings fellow citizen! If you need a job in Identity or some action be sure to contact me and I will get you in your dream job in no time. *OOC* Ah, do you have a MAL list ? ( Here is mine
  13. The First Governor Debate

    Well, I will be interested in investing in a campaign.
  14. Hello from Norway

    Greetings fellow Viking. If you want a job then please contact me. Aka insurance for job when the game comes out. Anyhow enjoy the forums!