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About Homgrwn

  • Birthday 04/21/1982

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  1. So as for recreational intoxicant usage

    I’ll be your first employee....an on call therapist! Lol
  2. I feel betrayed

    Sorry you had to write all that(I didn’t even finish reading) but I think you miss understood me! Anyways back to living life.......

    your better than that....put your head up and remember none is against you. You make your life and NONE WILL EVER TAKE CARE OF YOU BETTER THAN YOU!!!!

    my dad took his life when i was 7 and I ust to hate him for it. now i just wish he would of showed me things a dad should show his son but dont ever think noone cares or it is the only way because its not. Suicide only hurts the people you leave not yourself!

    your better than that....put your head up and remember none is against you. You make your life and NONE WILL EVER TAKE CARE OF YOU BETTER THAN YOU!!!!
  6. I feel betrayed

    like stated as long as its not pay to win type of stuff then who cares......u dont want then dont buy!
  7. Just want to say hi

    Honestly not sure what route I will take in this. I have done so many different roles in quite a few communities that I really just want to see what happens and how the environment itself molds my character.
  8. Wrong Username on main Website and it is bothering the hell out of me. Homgrwm is what it is showing and Homgrwn with a "N" at the end is what it should be. How Can I fix This....all i see is where i can change my name. Also is the name "first" and "last" my RP name or my real name?

  9. Just want to say hi

    Just joined after months of watching videos and learning about game. Figured I'd better get in now and I am so excited for a real RP game that is created from the ground up with RP in mind!