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Everything posted by Gamepilz

  1. French or not ?

    je ne parle pas français
  2. What guns do you want to see?

    Both of them
  3. Vaulting And Climbing

    colours are great <3
  4. Which Mafia/Gang will succeed

    I don't know any of them
  5. Will there be explosions like in Arma 3?
  6. Explosions?

    So no big vehicle accidents with 10 deaths hh?
  7. In the basic A3 Maps (Altis,Stratis) you can go in every house u want, so I wondered if it was also possible in identity? (Off course u can't go in locked houses )
  8. Lets go deeper

    In this game u won't be able to have sex
  9. Translate for baguette
  10. Town square

    I expect a delay even for the 1st video
  11. Here ya go
  12. Here ya go

  13. Hi from Germany - You will fear me!

    Deine Partei scheint mir sehr vernünftig zu wirken, hättest sie aber lieber früher erstellen sollen, da dann logischerweiße mehr Personen darauf aufmerksam werden... Mal schauen für wen ich wählen werde, Du bist aber einer meiner Favoriten
  14. Will you show us a more detailed map in the 1st module, like a little map on a wall
  15. Will the medic system in Identity be as complex as AceA3 (Arma) or even better? Thx, Aaron
  16. System

    Thx, but I wanted to know how the medic system works (example Ace Arma3)
  17. Windows in Appartements

    If you were in an appartement, there will be (off course) windows... But will they be synchronized with the environment?
  18. Dark City

    The world blowed up and everyone died. (how to delete this... )
  19. 1 day left

    Should change the name of this topic to "2 days left" (UTC +1)
  20. Windows in Appartements

    K, thx
  21. Windows in Appartements

    I know.... but what will you see out of your appartement?
  22. Stealthy Heist

    A "Tactic Board" like in GtaV with all the preparations would be cool