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  1. Dev Blog(7/22)

    Is anyone else having trouble using the Discord link? https://discord.gg/YAmhmH I received a message saying that the link is expired now. Any help out there?
  2. (Roleplay) Rest Up Bar & Grill: Part One

  3. I am here to help you out!

    That looks really awesome, man, I hope you get some more hits to this thread.
  4. (Roleplay) Rest Up Bar & Grill: Part One

    The Rest Up Bar & Grill is a little dive of a restaurant/inn that can be seen by anyone passing down the highway. You've might have heard about it through a friend or a quick search for awesome burgers. It's not the prettiest building around, but it looks like the owner has kept it up with the times. There's free wi-fi, spacious rooms for waiting out the rainstorm that's headed over in a few days, and more. It has a welcoming neon sign that doesn't blink creepily during the evening hours. During the day, there's a few billboards letting travelers know it's coming up and open for business. Behind the establishment is a river, and on the bank of it there's a dock that's in need of repairs, though it still appears to be serviceable for anyone boating up to it. A parking lot laden with gravel and bits of leaves shows a spacious area for parking. The area is generally well-lit after sunset, leaving it to appear a safe haven for patrons, new and old. If you go inside, the scent of fried food and probably the best coffee you've ever smelled hits you like a freight train. You're then greeted immediately by a short grey-haired woman in her 50's. She's wearing a bright blue apron over a pink uniform, has chubby cheeks and a very cheery, grandmotherly demeanor. She hands you menus, and takes your order when you're ready. There's plenty of seating at the bar and the tables, as well as a jukebox you don't have to pay for... (Rules: Have fun, don't post anything unrealistic (magic, for starters) and again, have fun. Keep your postings in-character as part of the story you'd like to make and post out of character commentary in brackets or parentheses in that same post. Make your posts substantial, at least a paragraph; the more detail, the better your character/story intentions are better interpreted this way. All rules of the forum apply to this thread. This thread is meant ONLY for roleplay while waiting for the Town Square module to come up, and to also get some activity for us players going. If your character arrives at this place, they'll already know that this is a good place to wait out both a really bad thunderstorm that's headed over in a couple of days, as well as the completion of the new development happening in the next town over, which is a couple of hours away. This is going to be slightly freeform and I'll post changes here over time if it grows, it's a bit of story I created so be sure to read updates carefully. If you have questions about details of the setting or what you're character can/cannot/should/shouldn't do, PM me and I will add them into a little FAQ section for this thread in this post. I work full-time, so please be patient, but I will reply to your messages as soon as I am able to. I just whipped this up and am eager to see how many are willing to partake in a little prequel to the Town Module!)
  5. Pa System

    Will there be an alert system or global message system for law enforcement, that can act like a radio callout via chat or VOIP? It could come in handy, something like a dispatch or emergency alert system of messages that only gets sent out to police or SWAT.
  6. Marriage & Children

    My response to this would be an absolute NOPE. Roleplaying a family in-game skirts complex (and illegal...having children in a game with certain content) issues/concerns that I am certain the developers do not at all want to deal with. A concern of mine, personally, is how many people would forget that this sort of "Marriage" roleplay is just part of a game (for example), and that it is NOT part of real life? I've had that experience in tabletop games, where I had intended to create a story including a family (games like D&D, Mage, etc.,...) and the other player(s) would take so much of the connection between the characters to heart, that it would cause IRL conflict, and at one point, it ruined friendships. I agree with LuckyDuck when it's stated that some sacrifices are made in favor of better mechanics, and in my opinion, so much more could be added to the game in favor of that. Personally, adding a family via NPC in this game would play a part in taking away from the whole social aspect of the game from the actual players. NPC families? There's definitely other games for that. Edit: If there is going to be marriage in this game, there should be benefits like reputation increase, shared finances, properties, things like that, but I'm wondering if that would give an advantage over single players in the game...?
  7. SWAT Questions

    I'm wondering if there'll be hidden SWAT checkpoints later in the game that can only be accessed by SWAT members with rank above a certain level? That could definitely make things interesting, especially if a new member of SWAT is trying to spy for a cartel?
  8. Opening a Business: How To Supply?

    Thanks, AP!
  9. Opening a Business: How To Supply?

    Just giving this a quick bump. In the process of creating a character, and this is part of the background. Thanks!
  10. Tea or Coffee

    Unsightly amounts of coffee with a dash of sweetened cream. I drink tea when I am sick or if I need a hot drink before bed. And then I add bourbon to it.
  11. Opening a Business: How To Supply?

    I have a few business ideas for my character, though I am wondering about an element to that which hasn't been addressed in the FAQ's (from what I've seen): For whichever venture we're choosing to pursue...(opening a store that requires items to distribute in the game) for example, if I were to open a stationary/writing tools shop and wanted to sell items like pens, pencils, arts and crafts supplies, etc.: Would the items/supplies I need to stock my store, be readily available within the game? Or, would I have to create/purchase the stock/items myself? Are players limited to what kind of business they would like to open based on the flexibility or availability/accessibility to what will be/can/can't be provided in the game?
  12. Radio Station

    I really like the idea of being a radio show host, or something similar. I've been into voice acting for the past few years, and it'd be nice to include a bit of that into my gamespace.
  13. Hello future citizens of Identity

    Welcome! I've seen quite a few introductions where folks are intending to enter into law enforcement. That's pretty neat, hope you enjoy your idea when the game begins!
  14. Heyo!

    Welcome to you! Not really certain what my concept for a character/background/goals, etc. will be in game quite yet, but I don't think I'll share it until the game begins officially. It's like a surprise.
  15. Hey :)

    Hi and welcome! I'm not quite sure what I'd like for my role to be either, but I have a few ideas in mind. Enjoy your time on the forums 'til the game begins!