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  1. Road Map

    Im saying specific things not just modules in whole
  2. Road Map

    Now that the game is out, you could make a road map with the things that are currently in the works, things that are planned and things that idk Maybe like that looks really nice or you could make your own like the status you made
  3. Can you the devs tell us what is in Programming and Bugs, that are in the sections that need to be done and are in progress. You told us what was in Art, why can't you tell us whats in that. You guys said you were going to be transparent. Not Hating just wondering why you haven't or cant.
  4. Virtual Arsenal

    Any idea if there is gonna be a thing like Virtualy Arsenal on Arma 3 on Identity, where you can spawn anything, or like an editor
  5. What can we do

    Ive been following for ages, but forgot what we can do in the town square. What will we be able to do. If it is just social features, that will get boring quickly. Lets jut hope that teh SWAT comes out fast and then the racing also
  6. Game play Video - Yes or No? POLL

    Just more It was only around 2 minutes, just more, I understand that the animations and plants are place holders but I think we were all hoping for a longer video, instead of 2 minutes
  7. IDEAS for Game

    @LuckyDuck Thank you very much and will there be any more streams in the future or soon with devs going work on the server like one did a phone and like I remember one did eyebrows,
  8. IDEAS for Game

    After reading through the forums I have come up with some ideas for the game. SORRY IF ANY OF THESE HAVE ALREADY BEEN ASKED OR SUGGESTED Will there be a waypoint or GPS system Gun Customisation; What will it be like Taxes, Mayor being able to raise and lower and change laws Will there be motion blur in the game, If so will we be able to turn it off Sharing houses with friends; Like sharing rent like a roommate or something like that, or Marrying somebody like of the Same Gender or different Gun Factory to make guns, and sell them In the future will there be Planes or Helicopter or expanding of the land to add more, like an island Possibly being able to build cars in factories like cars or a job like mechanic What will the radio be like in the cars, like what type of music, maybe people could make there own music with instruments that they can buy and sell it or play it on the radio. Do you think that different maps could be released after the game is fully released and different server will use different ones Maybe there could be a newspaper that a company could make or job that is sold on the streets or delivered to your house with the latest news and tips Maybe like a wifi system where you can only use certain apps where you have wifi maybe in your house or like shops that have free wifi or internet cafes, and when you dont have wifi you have data that you can buy from like something like verizon or a phone company that you buy cell service from Sorry if this is in the wrong place