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Sorry if this is already answered, but would you be able to be a film crew, with your own cameras and have a TV station? Seems like it could be fun to do with friends
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on February the 1st Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... Face Customisation - There are a number of blemish and makeup options, you can morph your face. There will be a lot of freedom with this aspect of customisation. Gameplay Video - “Very very soon.” “Battle Scars” - At first you will not get bruises/cuts from fights, but it is something they want to add later on. Immersion - There will not be much “goofy” stuff, such as clown costumes or furry costumes, as it is not something you see in modern culture everyday and it would break immersion. On official servers, roleplay is not mandatory but heavily encouraged. Market - If there is a lot of an item in a city, it will become worth less in that city. You can always buy items cheap from one area and sell them for higher prices in other areas. Stock Market - There is not a stock market planned for Identity, but there will be a buildings you can go into to check prices of items. Visual Aesthetics - There will be items such as handbags that are purely for fashion, and do nothing beneficial for characters. Jewellery - There will be jewelry such as golden watches, necklaces, earrings. Damage Areas - There will be areas where it is more dangerous and you will naturally take more damage, such as areas you go to clean cash you might have robbed from a bank. Ping/Region Locks - Not planned as a feature yet, but will be tested due to it being a bit problem already in other games, such as PUBG with China (there is an issue where Chinese players join EU servers and people can’t communicate). Colour Options - When painting, making logos or clothes there will be a colour wheel with your standard varying amount of colours. Pledge Rewards - These are not one time use items, and will be available when you start on any server you go on. These won’t be available for long, so if you want them you should look to investing soon. House Inventory - Houses will have inventories to keep your stuff in so you don’t have to carry it around everywhere. This will be the main advantage of them, as criminals can keep their illegal weaponry in, or people can just keep spare items they want to use for a later date. Federal Reserve - This is planned as a large bank heist, which will take a lot of skilled criminals and cops to do. House Security - No one can rob your house, and police house raids are not planned. Safe Zones - There will be places where you will be safe, and certain buildings will have metal detectors that temporarily take your weapons when you go inside. Private Servers - These will be very customisable, and you can change laws for your server, the police ranking system, turn off the stress system, etc… Legal guns - There will be legal self defence guns, such as handguns, and illegal guns that can get you arrested if caught with. Swat Weaponry - Police will only have these for the duration of a robbery instance. Communication - There will be text chat options as well as ingame voice, but private servers could make their own rules where you have to have a microphone. Further Modules - These should not take as long as Module One, as the foundations of the game, and base code has been made. Once all the modules are done, there will be a Beta, for final changes, then full release. Hair Dye - You can change hair colours and types in barber shops, and there will be various hairstyle options. There will be a few in Town Square, and lots more added as the game progresses. Link to Twitch VOD (Split into Two Parts due to Twitch Crashing): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/226385811 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/226394688
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on January the 30th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... -- Sorry I haven't done any steam notes for the past 30 days, have been really busy, but hope to start again now so people who can listen to the dev steams have an easier way of viewing them. -- Not much on this one as unfortunately the lead Devs had to be somewhere for half of it. DLC: None really planned, and only will be decided on after full release, as there are a lot of things to add before that. If there is DLC, it will probably just be new Islands that you can possible fly to / take a boat to. Module Language: English only for first module, as they want to get everything out first. In full game, there will definately be many language options, and there will be servers that people will go to depending on how close they are to them geographically. This could mean that there may be servers with their own languages, such as French servers developing. FAQ: FAQ coming soon in discord, for an easier way to find info on the game. FAQ is currently here: http://www.identityrpg.com/community/topic/7-frequently-asked-questions/ New site: in development, with new FAQ and more. In game purchases: You can not purchase in game money with real money, only things you can buy with real money are cosmetics, such as wallpapers for your house. Possible vehicles and apartments may be purchasable, but they will be lower-end ones, not good sports cars etc.... Nothing good will be purchasable, and the Devs are strongly against Pay To Win games. Price of full game: Planned to be around $40-45. The Devs want it to be cheap, but not too cheap so cheaters can keep buying accounts. System Requirements: Optimisation will be a main focus to make sure most people can play it, but with very realistic looking items it may be a bit hard to run. It is too early to say, as a lot of optimisation is still to come, so it’s hard to tell. Possibly GTX970+ Can the community contribute to development?: Not planned to have community help with making textures, and nothing is set in stone, but there could possible be events where people make textures for a contest that could be put in game. Clothing Types: Lots of different clothing types, e.g. baggy, type. In Town Square, there will be mainly generic clothes from modern culture. Past then clothes from different social groups clothing, such as what you would see people wearing in high school, will be implemented. Production of clothes: You can craft clothing and with a corporation you can mass produce clothing, e.g. with company logos on. Clicking on clothes in the inventory will give some info on it, such as who created it / what corporation created it. Clothing Layers: You can wear shirts, jacket, pants, shoes, gloves, 3 accessory slots (rings, necklaces) and a hat simultaneously. There will be outfits that will be the whole clothing slots filled in one. Religious Clothing: Undecided still, as not only could it be used in offensive ways, but it could break immersion, with for example an armed nun robbing a bank. Still undecided and could still be added. Day/Night: Day/Night cycles will be in Town Square Module in March. Jail/Prison Visits: You can try and visit people in jail as jail is not instanced, but prison is so you can not just walk in there. Pardoning: It’s still undecided if governors can pardon someone of their prison sentence. It will be hard to implement due to possible abuse of power. XP: There will be a sort of progression system, where for example if you cut a lot of wood, you can learn to cut wood faster. The game will not implement people having an advantage over other people due to experience, and you won’t have to grind to your friends level to be able to play / do stuff with them. Animations: Animation that require two parties require consent from the other person, e.g. kissing/hugging/ high-five. Marriage: You can get married in game, but it won’t make much of a gameplay difference. Negotiator: This job in the police force won’t be its own job but police can send one in to negotiate, and cops will receive penalties for harming/killing hostages. Self Defence: If someone pulls a gun on you, and you kill them in self-defence, at the moment they haven't got a plan for it, as it’s hard to detect who the gun is aiming at, so its very difficult to tell if it was a murder or self defence. A method will hopefully be added. Healthcare: You will have to pay for doctors, but it won’t ruin you financially. If you can’t afford the fee for a broken leg, you will have to find a way to fix yourself up, or go for a hop. Robbery: When being robbed, there will probably be a pop up window to give the robber the money from your hand, that he is demanding. Skiing: There are snowy mountains, so it can be added but probably on full release. Fishing: Definitely a planned way to get food, and sell fish. Link to Twitch Vod of stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/224047930##
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on February the 1st Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... - One Way Replication - A system that could come to apartments, where people in apartments, when looking out of the window, can see the world going on outside, with people and cars moving, but people outside can’t see into apartments. This would get around the performance problems for people outside having to load in all the apartments, and people inside the apartments can see the world. When looking into apartments from outside, you will just see an empty room. - Loading screens - When entering apartments which are separate instances, you will enter an elevator and going up is the loading part, to make it as seamless as possible. - Luxury Apartments - These apartments will be pledge rewards only, meaning you can not purchase them with ingame money once the pledge rewards have been taken down with the new shop. They generally offer more space than normal apartments and are meant to be unique. There will probably be other small little perks such as more storage space. - Pledge Apartment Info - The homeowner package is the minimum pledge to start with a house, giving you a very compact studio apartment. After that is the Up-sized package, giving you a normal, 1 bedroom apartment. The Speed Demon has a Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment and the VIP has a normal 2 bedroom apartment. Apartments that are higher tier than these can not be purchased anymore and came with the most expensive kickstarter pledges, such as the Two Bedroom Luxury Apartment from the $1000 kickstarter package, and the Penthouse Apartment from the $2500 and $5000 kickstarter packages. - Location - Pledge Apartments will have better location that normal apartments that can be bought in came. - Inspiration - Identity is based on modern day society and is based on cities from the East Coast of the US. -Drug Making - Drug making has quite a bit of realism for immersion, but not so much as to teach people how to make them in real life Some “ingredient” names have been changed and the process is more fun than realistic. - Renting Homes - You can rent out your house, but not apartments. However, if you own a 2 or more bedroom apartment, you can make a non-formal deal in game where they pay you rent and you give them access to your apartment and permissions to edit their room. -Death Row - This is not a planned feature. Community servers can consider a ban a lifetime sentence - Module Progress - There will be small things added over time, as module 2 is being approached once module 1 is out. Town Square will be constantly updated, and it will be out for a “fair bit of time.” -Check out Jade TV who steams modelling items for the Identity game (they’re super realistic): https://www.twitch.tv/jade77 - NPC’s - There will be animals and street vendors that will be NPC’s. E.g. if you own a shop, you can’t be there 24/7 so you can get an NPC to be your shopkeeper. Apart from that, there will be very few to no NPC’s, so that when you see a car, or someone you know it is another player (a potential risk). - Town Square will be accessed through Steam, and everyone who has access (Founder pack+) will be given a steam key. - Brewing - You can set up a distillery in your house to make alcohol that will be given a date, with the point being the older the alcohol is, the rare/better it is. - Day/Night: There will be 3 hour days and 1 hour nights and this feature will be in Town Square. - Previous Versions - There definitely could have been an earlier Town Square, but everything would have been much worse, with low quality models, etc… After seeing GTA V, they realised they needed to step it up, and knew they could do better, so the Devs spent more time to make it a lot better, hence all the delays. - New Website - With the new upcoming website there will be a new store with different payment methods other than PayPal (e.g. Paysafe). - Cops & Robbers - There will be systems to make sure there aren't for example, 1 cop and one hundred criminals on or 10 criminals and one hundred cops online. - Body Armor - Not planned as it will give too much of an advantage to people robbing other people. - Modules - Module 2 should feature bank heists and criminals, and Module 3 should introduce race tracks and cars. Link to Twitch VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/224698296
The $1000+ packages were on the Kickstarter page as I said in the notes Also, I suppose the point of the luxury apartments is just to be a reward for backers, but I am Sure that in full release there will be just as fancy apartments to buy, these ones are just meant to be unique
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 28th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... Auto correct: There is no auto correct feature planned for in game chat in Identity. Passive Income: Passive income is going to be avoided wherever possible in Identity, so you will have to do actions to earn money. Cop Life: When in Cop Duty you will not be able to do many civilian actions. Custom Outfits: You will be able to make custom clothes, with layers of decals. You MAY be able to import pictures for clothes, but this feature may not be added as it would be a nightmare to moderate what people add. Guns: Guns will be visible, such as on holsters, when on people. Weapon will always be visible, so if you are carrying an illegal gun you will have to be careful not to run into cops. Social Media: Social media in Identity will show you about what your friends do, such as purchasing new cars, or houses. Bulletproof vests: These may only be added as a cosmetic, as they give too much of an advantage. People will decide that they will not go into combat without one, and the Devs don't want one person having a big advantage over another. Engine Sounds: Some bikes will be louder than others, and they may make it a feature to change the loudness of your engine. Storage: There will be a limit as to how much your character can carry. Each item will have a weight and you will have a max weight you can carry. Radio Stations: There will be real world radios that can stream into Identity from real life, and servers can set additional radio stations from the internet to add that radio's and cars can listen to. On top of this, when at radio stations you can broadcast your own voice. All of these apart from broadcasting your own voice will be in Town Square. Server Locations: There will be server locations all over the place (Asia, Europe, Americas etc.) Possibly some in Africa. Licences: When you get arrested, you could lose your licence, such as gun licences for gun crime, or drivers for dangerous driving. Drugs & Food: These will be available at a point in Town Square Voice Chat: Jaws will move when speaking, but not in sync with voices. Hunting: After killing a deer, you can skin it on the spot and sell the meat, or cook it and eat it. Steam: Unsure when the game will be available to preorder through Steam (if at all), best bet is to preorder the game using the current system on the official website. Leg Wounds: There is a damage model, where if your legs are hurt you can break your legs and this will make you immobile/need to crawl to places. Apartment Payments: Apartments will be a one-off payment, instead of a rental system. Houses require an upfront purchase with regular upkeep fee. Trailers: Trucks can tow trailers around, however the plans for the inside of trailers and how much you can customize them are not yet planned. Insurance: You will not instantly get a destroyed car back, certain more expensive cars may take hours to get back, so people don't just think they can crash and wreck their car, and just go get another due to insurance. Car Health: The amounts of bullets a car can take depends on the type of bullet hitting the car. Generally it will not stop the car unless they hit tires or the engine a lot. Cars will not survive large stunt jumps, such as in GTA. Seasons: There are seasonal events, but there are not seasons such as snow on the ground, autumn leaves, etc... Custom Servers: Custom servers will be dealt with if they are associated largely with racism, etc... There will be lines that can be crossed, but the devs do want server owners to handle their own server, and ban people causing harassment themselves. Police Equipment: Some equipment is rank based, but most is not, so most cops can use them. Cops still have to purchase access to upgraded items, so it will still take a while to get all the different pieces of equipment. Shoplifting: Alarms in shops are planned for those who try to shoplift from clothing shops. Counterfeit Money: This is not a feature planned for Identity, as this would be handing out money with little effort. There will be money laundering however to try and clean "dirty money" from robbing a bank, etc... Taxi Businesses: This is a planned feature, people will be able to make their own "Uber" like systems. Alcohol: More aged alcohol will be more valuable and have larger effects on players. Early Module Testing?: No public plans, there will only be internal testing. Make sure to tune into the stream on Thursday for a possible raffle! The Twitch channel is twitch.tv/identityrpg and they will be streaming Thursday from 4 to 5 PM EST. The Link to this streams VOD is here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/205078031##
Fair warning, RP will not be forced/necessary in official servers. This means until full release (in possibly over year+), no one will be expected to role play or have to. Most people will of course, for fun, but don't expect everyone to. Community servers which will be out on full release can set their own rules, such as forced RP with NLR rule, RDM rules and such.
Pretty sure you do a large, one time inductance payment, with more expensive ones offering faster replacements.
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 21st. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... Drug Addiction: There will be an addiction system when it comes to drugs, and different drugs are more/less addicting than others. Drugs may give stamina advantages, or allow users to perform actions faster. Buffs acquired through drugs will be minimal as to not make a severe impact on PVP scenarios. New Staff: There is a new game developer called McWolf and a new developer archer for UI. Backpacks: They want to not have giant backpacks necessary for inventory space, as they look horrible to wear, as in Altis Life. Logo Creation: There is a logo creator to make logos for clothes you make, so you can make unique logos for corporation clothes, and other clothes. Motown mentioned it's somewhat similar to APB: All Points Bulletin. Sports: There will not be any big sports that would take the building of a whole different game to add such as NFL. Things that require simple physics, such as a soccer ball can be added, however. Third Person View: At the moment there will be the third person system where you can look around corners. Private servers will likely have the option to have a first person only mode. Licences: Anything that requires a licence will be more or less a tutorial. Licences are not meant to prevent you from doing something, but instead to just teach you how to do it, such as driving safely. Things such as drivers licences will cost money to buy. RP: On official servers, RP will not be mandatory, but in community servers, you can set your own rules on it. Mods: Modding isn't a top priority, and will likely be implemented sometime after full release. The devs acknowledge modding is a good thing for games and can keep them alive for years longer, and are great for improving gameplay on custom servers. Community Server Police Force: Community servers can set their own ranking system in the police force, and choose their own ranks. Off Duty Cops: Off-duty cops will not be able to wear uniform or drives police vehicles, to show a distinct difference between the police who are a danger for criminals, and normal civilians. Undercover cops: Undercover cops are not planned for official servers. Sewer System: Motown is intrigued by the idea of having sewers or an underground system in place to allow criminals to travel around. Nothing like this is currently planned, but it may make it into the final game if the other devs like the idea. Bank Robbery: You will be able to murder your accomplices to get yourself a bigger cut in the robbery if you want. Friendly Fire: This isn't planned as no one in identity is meant to be your friend. With Cops, however, there may be no friendly fire, as the official servers do not want corrupt cops as this can easily ruin gameplay. Court: There will be a court and if your prison sentence is more than 15 mins you can request a court case, with lawyers and a public jury where the community can be summoned to help as a jury. The judge will be an NPC in this scenario and the players who are summoned to listen to your case will determine your fate. Lawyers will be useful for those who do not want to use their microphone, those who don't want to speak, or those without microphones. Speed Limits: There will be speed limits, and cops who can see your speed when sitting on the side of the road. Cops can ticket you for speeding. System Requirements: The system requirements are unknown at the moment, but the devs believe around a 750/750ti will be the minimum. Explosions: Explosions will be kept minimal in identity, meaning you likely won't be able to explode world props such as propane tanks. Bullet Drop: There will be bullet drops, and the ballistic system is close to real life. Ricochet: There will be bullet ricochet off certain objects, and different bullets will pass through different materials. Limb damage: This is planned, for example, if you are shot in the leg, you will have a limp. Police Cars: Police cars will have different sirens and different types of flashing lights which the driver can control. Police Stations: Police stations will have rooms specifically for roleplay, such as offices and interrogation rooms (mainly for community servers), a gun range and an armoury. Detectives: The whole point of detectives is to collect info from the crime scene. Data you find on the scene can be taken to the forensic lab of the precinct and you will be given a general area the criminal is in, and from there it is up to you to locate him. Police Uniforms: These will not be very customisable, and police officers will mainly look the same. Your rank will be displayed on your uniform to show off if you are a superior to others in the police force.
That's awesome, I loved the sewer system in GTA and avoiding the cops by going into the vast underground tunnels
A large part of this game will be the combat. The "Cops and robbers" aspect of the game will be one of the main parts and in my opinion the most exciting, especially with all the cool, detailed weapons they're adding.
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 15th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... Drugs in Town Square? This is not planned for Town Square, even for tasting them. They should be added later and the effect you get off heroin will be different to coke, and weed etc, and all will be very different to make. Signatures Any item that is crafted in Identity, you can see who crafted it in your inventory. Weapon Racks You can have weapon racks in your house to store and showcase your guns. Same applies to books on a bookshelf. All items can be brought into your house and placed around it and left there. This can be a big brick of cocaine on the shelf, or empty beer cans on the desk. Furniture Inventory Houses have furniture inventories. When you buy furniture, it is delivered to a house and put in the furniture inventory. Drivers who are players deliver furniture. If no one can do it or it takes over an hour, it will be auto-delivered. Sketchbooks There will be a sketchbook that you can draw in. SWAT & Bank Robberies Bad guys form a party, which is a temporary group. This party is used to initiate this event and different events require different size parties (Most things can be done solo). The event will be instanced and the amount of people in the party relates to the amount of police in the police response (more criminals means more cops are called in). SWAT will be normal cops and in an event they will have their own area to deck out themselves in SWAT gear then go into an event to catch the bad guys. When the event is over, your SWAT gear disappears and you go back to being a standard cop. SWAT will have its own progression, so SWAT will have different bulletproof vests, MP5's, MP4's, fibre optic cameras for looking under doors, flashbangs, smoke grenades and more! Police Chases There will be roadblocks, spike strips and generally cops will try to ram criminals off the road. Bounty Hunters Bounty Hunters will be civilians but with the power to arrest criminals. They will be tasked with finding criminals and will have a method which shows you the general area the criminal is in and you have to go there, look around and try finding him, subduing him, handcuff him and take him in. Then you will be rewarded. Servers You can rent your own server, but you can not host private servers. Tax will be on items, you will not be taxed every month/year. Only the governor can change tax. Shooting Whilst Driving The driver will not be able to shoot at all. Passengers will be able to shoot forward but not directly back in order to make chases more interactive and so you can't easily win against a single cop in a car when you have 4 armed people in a car. Real Estate Real Estate is player controlled as you can list houses for prices you want, and an automatic system will show the house and price on a real estate app you can look at. Apartments will be bought from AI. Report System There will be a reporting system on official servers for things such as harassment, or trolling. This will likely result in a temporary ban. On community servers, owners can make their own rules and punish accordingly. Motorcycle Customisation You can swap out parts, and change it cosmetically quite a lot. Cooking The Devs are looking to add cooking later on. You will add different ingredients like cooking in real life and combine them in different ways and orders to make different foods. Films In Town Square There will be public domain movies (older movies) in the cinema. Server owners can set a playlist of movies to show, select times for them to start and put commercials in between films. Apps The devs want to add an app later on after full release to check out in-game stats, such as bank balance, etc... Official Servers On official servers some characteristics will transfer from official server to official server such as character appearance. Money/cars/vehicles will not. Shooting Range The Police HQ will have a shooting range to practice your aim. Prison currently has a max time of 45 mins. There will be lots of things to do in prison, including gang fights. You can get gang tattoos in prison that can only be achieved through gang violence. If you enjoy prison, once your sentence is over you can stay, and leave whenever you want. Escaping Prison There will be both Prison breaks (outside friends coming to break friends out) and prison escapes (leaving from inside). [The following is not decided on yet and is VERY open to change] Community Servers If a community server's population buy microtransactions (which will only be cosmetic)/the server is very popular, the owner could get discounts on the cost of the server to give back to community makers. Special thanks to the Developer Jade for hosting this stream, and to the whole team who did a giveaway of the Motorist package on identity and 1 other package. The Link to the VOD of the twitch stream is here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/201525189##
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Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 14th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... A gameplay video is confirmed to arrive before 2018 They have previously stated once they have finished the UI, nothing will stop them from pumping out gameplay videos constantly to show off Town Square. Town Square is always 89% as on the next update it will be updated to 100% and they don't want to bother doing small % updates since everyone knows the release date. Musical Instruments and radio stations will be available in Town Square, later on in the Town Square module, but not at initial release. The Stress System does drastically reduce damage - even a shotgun shot to the back of the head will not instantly kill a person when he is on 0 stress. This is to really push anti-RDM (randomly killing people) as that was one of the biggest problems in Altis Life and in Official servers, there will not be policing or staff to really prevent this problem. On top of this, there will only be official servers until full release (quite a bit down the track) so it is important to get RDM under control. The stress system will also apply when hit by cars - with low stress you will just ragdoll. Map Size will be 225km squared. Grenades and other explosive weapons will not be in the game. SWAT will have access to stun grenades. Shops can sell really anything. Anything you can have in your inventory can be sold in shops that players run. Ingame Lottery will be a thing, as a way to (with low chances) make quite a lot of money. There will always be the same fixed chance of winning. Pets: Pets are being looked at as a house companion after launch. They also said that maybe further down the road, pets will be able to leave and be a part of the real game. Nudity won't be added as it adds nothing to gameplay. Car Insurance: Pledge cars have a lifetime insurance, but with normal cars, you can get a variety of insurance plans when buying it and these can change how fast you get your replacement car and more things. Cars will look like real brands, but will not have real brands due to copyright issues. Gang HQ has collective storage to store weapons and share items amongst gang members. A gang HQ can be a members house/apartment or a shop/bar one of the members own. Resolution settings and other will help make sure it isn't too hard to run. Console: UI and control schemes are developed to be console friendly. Console will not come soon, but it is a plan for later on, after PC launch. There will be a huge variety of police cars and you will have to buy different ones yourself with own money as a cop. Detectives will have other abilities that other cops won't have, such as the ability to better wind out identities to see who committed the crime. For those with Founders package and below: Base money you start with is 1000$ at the moment. Pledge money gives you extra. You can use hotels at the start as a free house, whereas those with Apartment packages will have one, to begin with. The devs are adamant there will be no helicopter as they have too large of an impact on the game. They remove lots of interaction and the Devs don't want dozens of people flying over the cities. Grind: A small, licenced and legal handgun will not require too much of a grind to get. A rust bucket car will also only take a bit of a grind, but to get high tier guns and sports cars you will need a fair grind. The game will be controller friendly for those with controllers. Trash Bins will be functional items in Town Square and on the map. One player can put an item in them (usually trash) and other players can take it out. Yachts can function as a house in the sea as it has storage. There will be dingy, boats and yachts which you can store in the dockyard and treat them as a mobile home. They are not instanced like normal houses and so have very little customisation. Certain things in the world will be breakable, but most will not be. Bikes will be the cheap, early on method of transportation for most. At first Town Square won't be localised into regional servers, but later on, servers will be. In community servers, owners will be able to customise servers in most ways. They can disable or change the stress system and do far more. The Devs do not want customisation of base game mechanics that will change the game from basically becoming another game. Next Dev blog could be sometime towards the end of the week- but could take a bit longer as the team is very busy (one member even has a baby on the way!).
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here and I hope to see you in March for Town Square Remember to check out all the Dev Blogs and that FAQ for info on the game, and to join the discord https://discord.gg/xxGJgTw
Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 9th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... - Game play videos is in the works. Previously the Dev team was running an old version of Unreal Engine, but this week they are merging the game and upgrading to the latest version. UI is a top priority right now. There is also a vehicle physics video planned soon, but it cant be done until engine merge is finished which should take around a week. - There will be lots of weapon attachments including a range of optics, flashlights, compensators, etc... There will be no very long range optics or silencers as this would make murder too easy of a task and promote RDM. By making murder an automatic wanted level and police report, it makes murder a lot more important and discourages RDM, whilst also promoting jobs such as assassins who will take the risk of the murder. - Your civilian life is very separate from your cop life. You will join the server as a civilian and can go to the police station to clock in as a police officer where you will be allowed to join depending on the servers max number of cops allowed at one time. You can own a corporation and be a cop at the same time through this system. - There will be character creation, but it will be limited in certain parts to avoid unrealistic characters being made that ruin Role play. - Town Square Features: An Art Gallery (you can Paint pictures in your house and take them to the gallery to submit them. If it is accepted everyone who goes to the gallery around the world will see your masterpiece. - Karaoke bar, Chess and other board games should be ready for Town Square and more board games are planned for later on. Later on you will also be able to have your own chess sets you can take to your apartment. - Town square has been a total redo artistically since early kickstarter concept art. - To vote for your governor you will have to go to a voting booth which will be in city, usually in high population areas such as Town Hall. Whichever Governor pays more gets higher priority in the voting list (basically if your campaign fund is more you will be high up in the list of candidates to vote for and so will get more votes out of the hundreds of applicants that will be in the list). The same applies for billboards, where more money means higher billboard priority. - Marijuana business will be easy to run, where you simply have to find it, pick it, process it and sell it. The same can not be said for other drugs. Meth will be much more complicated to make and can be dangerous to make (for example you need to wear appropriate clothing. With Coke you will need to stomp the leaves, process the product with gas, etc... All the drugs were very researched - John spent days "researching" these drugs. - Kidnapping: You can restrain people with zip ties, and you can then force people into the back of your vehicle. There are special animations for throwing people into back of cars. - There will not be helicopters or planes in Identity as they remove interaction. - There will be Debit cards (which can't be stolen). They are for convenience purposes so you don't go to a shop to realise you are 23$ short and have to go back to an ATM. They will not accepted everywhere, such as in illegal areas. Someone asked: will detectives have access to debit transactions? Not planned yet but they will take it into consideration as it would make carrying cash (though risky) more useful for criminals. - You can get containers and fill them with drugs, weapons and other items and transport them by vehicle. - Pledge cars will have a lifetime insurance. Stealing cars is a touchy subject at the moment as vehicles with insurance could be duped if you stole a car and could take it for yourself. - Mechanics have the ability to repair vehicles. You can get called out to repair someones car and then you can tow it back to work on it, or replace a wheel there and then. - Trains will be AI run going cross map at high speeds. You can walk around the interior of the train while they are in motion. Busses will be player run and can be run by corporations. - You will need to refuel your cars quite regularly as they want this mechanic to be realistic. - You can go to the gym to improve physical attack stats (i.e. punches) but it won't change character appearance (how muscly you are) as they would have to make different sizes of all clothes for all physiques and there are a huge amount of clothes planned for the game especially seeing that players can make their own clothes. - Pledge rewards won't come with a drivers licence, but they will be easy to get (more like a tutorial video and game play scenarios such as getting tickets to teach role play and the realistic driving mechanics which should be a 5-10 mins task) Police can revoke your drivers licence for reckless driving. - Corporation logos can be branded on clothing to show something is authentic. - When you create a shirt you can have a decal on it (such as a logo or a graphic) and then you can choose clothing material, patterns (stripes, circles, checkered, etc...), colour each part of pattern, rotate patterns - variety is endless. - There will be a 2 seat Harley styled motorcycle. - You can wear 2 layers of clothing (shirt and jacket for example). - There will be tons of Easter eggs and little things that the map has to offer that can be found. The Devs really enjoy adding pop culture elements, and items such as (examples they named could be implemented) big foot in the woods, UFO's in the sky, etc... - You can make/drink coffee. - If you kill a corporation leader nothing really happens. The corporation isn't lost but it can be a show of rivalry. - You can't take clothes off bodies but can ask for their clothes in robberies. - Rain will effect road conditions. This mechanic is really based on the tyres your car has. Your car can get multiple types of tyres for different conditions. -RV's can switch between meth labs and drive-able vehicles, but you can't cook meth whilst driving. - Vehicles will despawn after around 45 mins. Link to Twitch VOD: https://go.twitch.tv/videos/188955437
No problem
Here is a summary of what was discussed on the Dev stream this Tuesday, remember most of these things are open to changes: Town square will be updated periodically to add/test features. Housing: In the game, hotels will be free (they are very small and technically are not yours). In Town square, all will start with a free, small studio apartment but If you pledged a package with a larger apartment you will receive that apartment, with infinite money to test the customisation. In Town Square there are not any apartment buildings yet, so all apartments will be in the hotel in the town square ("yes this is weird but its how things will at the the very start"). Upkeep fee for houses will not be too frequent as the devs don't want you to have to log in every week just to keep your house, so monthly payments should do (open to change). You can buy PC's for your houses and there will be internet cafe's with them in, such as in Town Square (will not be open at first Town Square launch) and the computers can do quite a bit (e.g. surf the web/watch twitch). Houses/apartments will be separate instances as they are so detailed, loading everyone's apartments by looking in would be far too PC-demanding. You also can not see the world in real time out of your apartment windows. Housing isn't like houses in GTA V in the terms that housing in GTA is useless, whereas in Identity it will have a purpose - you can store items you collect (such as guns) and extreme customisation/furniture moving will take place. Your area can also be used as an HQ for good RP. There may be microtransactions for certain wallpapers/furniture The Stress System is the games anti-RDM (random deathmatch = randomly killing people for no reason) system. What happens is everyone has a stress level, and if you stress is low, you take less damage, and high, you take normal damage. When you pull out a gun, you instantly get high stress, and when one is aimed at you or you are near a fight, your stress will slowly rise. This helps you to fight back and try and get the advantage on a gunman by using the stress system to your advantage. Murder will be automatically reported and the murderer will be wanted immediately as the devs said: "the game would become the wild west, which is not the kind of gameplay we want." Other crimes will need witnesses and a phone call to report. Health: In Identity, you do not NEED to eat and drink, but if you do not you will get "de-buffs" such as being slower or worse vision, but you can't actually die from it. There will be diseases later on (to a small extent) which can spread. Medical System/911 EMS: This will have some detail to it, with leg shots being different to arm shots and so each needs different treatment. People who sign up to be a doctor/paramedic must watch a video showing how to deal with all this (slideshows ect...). How well a paramedic knows how to deal with different injuries effectively will split the good ones from the bad ones. There will be certain safe zones where you are safe from getting killed by people (Town Square may be an example). Certain buildings will have metal detectors that when you walk through, they take your gun, and when you walk back out they give it back to you. In jobs such as police, you will progress by doing your job and gaining XP to a point where you can choose accept a promotion when you have enough XP. In community servers, the owners can change the progression system to one where the Chief picks ranks and people manually promote others. On official servers, you can see floating names above peoples heads. Community servers can disable this or make it so you have to interact with someone (for example /wave at them) to then recognise them permanently and always see their name. Server-Size: 300- 500 Players. It was initially 300, but with SpacialOS, 300 will be easy to achieve so they may boost this up. All official servers will have the same size in terms of player cap. There will not be rules such as NLR and RDM on the official servers. Governors are called that and not mayors as their control will be island-wide and not local. There will not be lower level power positions to avoid diluting the governor's power. Governors will have a lot of power as the point of the game is that it is player run, separating it from others. Governors will not have so much however that they can take away peoples fun. Governors can change taxes and legality, for example. Governors can take cuts from taxes to "pad their pockets." This will mean they can add high taxes if they are corrupt but will likely not be elected again. Governors and businesses can advertise through billboards, which are automatic and governors can pay with their campaign money, and the more you pay, the more visible to more people your ad is. Gangs: There will be a gang system, such as making a guild in MMO's. Gangs will have ranks and even HQ's which can be someone's house where all gang members have access or a shop a gang member owns. In Town square, there will not be a gang system YET, but there will be a friends contact on your phones and you can easily roleplay your gang, to begin with. You can have biker gangs, as there are Bikes (such as the ones in the pledges) and leather jackets. You can put insignias on your clothes to show off your gang. There won't be designated gang categories, such as Biker gang or Mafia, but you can Roleplay your gang to be any type you want. There will, however, be areas of the map designed for specific sub-cultures, such as bars that are Biker themed, such as Biker Club Bars. A player can always buy a bar, make it a Biker Club / Bar and make it the HQ of their Biker Gang, or the same with a Mafia gang, etc... Gameplay videos have taken so long as they NEED to make a good first impression. Remember, these videos could cause more harm than good if they are not good enough, as people base their thoughts of the game off first impressions. Hopefully town square gameplay in quite near future. Skillform (their flash interface) stopped getting supported so they had to remake a lot of things, which caused a delay. On the bright side, UI is faster to make with their new system than it was with Skillform. Town Square has most things operational, they just need good UI and then they can start shooting out constant gameplay videos for us. Cops: Police can not arrest you unless you have done something wrong, so you have to be guilty to be vulnerable to the police (this will stop abuse). In the words of the devs, "if a cop is stalking you, run around a corner, get a gun out and shoot him. He can't follow you if he is dead." Cops have to take people to Jail - Jail will be 45 mins max and there will be things to do in jail (gang stuff, craft shank knives, ect...). There will be police motorcycles. You don't need a job to earn money, you can do your own thing, such as get a pickaxe and go to a mine, cut trees and sell wood, pick apples, make drugs, etc... Weed: CAN be grown in House with hydroponics cable, but this will make very little so only useful for a... personal supply. To make real money, go out to fields or make some in a garden. Car Mechanics: Will be realistic, so crashing will have serious impacts on your car. "Broken wheels will be a big problem at first while people learn to drive safely." You can own as many vehicles as you have garage space. You can own multiple garages across the map. There are systems to check on your companies to see how well it is doing such as on a laptop. Workers for a company are not paid by salary, but when they do an interaction that would earn money, they get money and the company takes a cut. Plans for other language communities: There will be no official communities outside their own current one as they cant have others managing something with their names on it. There will be different forums for other languages further down the road and the will have as many languages as possible added later on. To begin with, only English as they need to make it work well locally first. Minigames in Town Square: The devs have stated they are "Working them in as we go". Checkers and chess weren't originally on the scope for Town square, but they have been "tinkering" with them so it is a likely possibility. On release, they are most probably going to be a public chess board in Town Square. Paintball will be added as a minigame later on and will be a Team Deathmatch game with physically accurate paintballs. They hope to possibly add other small minigames (for example snakes and ladders, connect 4?). Other people can watch the games such as chess from 3rd person to see how the game is going. There are no rules on the chess board, as in you can only move a piece here: players are given the board and can do what they want.
Murder being auto reported brings a good amount of risk to prevent RDM, and it creates really useful and fun job opportunities such as assassins
Yeah Thanks, no problem
Well, it is a system where you won't just die if too far away from civilisation to get food, but it serves a purpose.
Hasn't been stated, but they said If they add DLC it will add new islands, and you will use airports/ports to travel from one to the other, so potentially You can go to the beach for a swim though if you want
Yeah I am hoping to do more summaries of the Dev streams in the future. Unfortunately on phones the bullet points don't appear aswell But I'll make sure to space it all out next time! Edit: Spaced out big wall of text
No problem, thought it would be handy to those who didn't see the stream / don't want to watch a 1 hour vid for all the info
Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys learned something off of this. Remember; if you have a question and no one can answer it, the Devs stream every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 4-5pm EST. So don't be afraid to ask them! Full Stream Video Link: https://go.twitch.tv/videos/188458224
Identity is a good thing for Arma 3 players, it provides them with a standalone version with a lot more options and possibilities, which is only good. It isn't really Paratus's fault, he has to devote his time to working on this game which is to be, in a way, the successor to the Life servers on Arma 3.