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Everything posted by Dominic_

  1. 1 day left

    Same Been checking literally every day and will keep doing so until it comes out!
  2. Windows in Appartements

    Probably just the area - buildings etc... No people or cars though. Maybe weather later on like rain as well Sorry if I didn't exactly answer it before, I hope this answers it
  3. 1 day left

    IMO I doubt it will be November the 1st, as you're right, it probably wouldn't make sense to do that rather than Oct 31st. It probably will be on October the 31st, and the only reason I can see for why Rinyuaru-Kun said it could be November 1st would be timezones? I.e November the 1st for Europe but 31st for the US. But yeah, you're right it wouldn't make much sense, but if they did I'm sure there would be a good explanation.
  4. 1 day left

    Can't wait for it to be November 1st and people complain that they were late
  5. It Is Time

    Damn PlayerUnknown, you already have the most played game on Steam, no need to throw around threats
  6. Cars & Customization

    That would be a really cool idea About putting police lights on a civ car, generally, RP games don't add that as it allows for a lot of abuse. Also, people may not see a point in buying a car and earning money if they can just buy a gun, steal a nice car and keep it. Also, people can get their friends to steal their car to duplicate it, and that would break the system. I'm sure community servers and the game will find ways around that though
  7. 1 day left

    Exactly. It's just annoying that if it isn't released this month, there is going to be a barrage of complaints when people should just be a bit more patient
  8. DreamAngelCore Here

    Hey In answer to your question, the first module (The Town Square Module) is going to have its release date released hopefully sometime in the next few days. It will be very new, so not too sure on optimisation, but as a Mod LuckDuck told me since it is only 1 module it shouldn't be too hard to run. Welcome to the game, the community is very nice so if you ever have an idea or question just put a post up or PM a mod/dev.
  9. Waste Management

    Yeh I totally agree
  10. 1 day left

    I have hope they will make it, and even if they don't it will probably be for the better - I just want to make sure they do a good job so it isn't bad when it does come out
  11. The Rare Breed

    Yeah no doubt its not a bad trait to fight for what you agree in, just the insults seemed a little bit far
  12. The Rare Breed

    Thanks for being the better man Also thanks The1thoOnlyGoNzo for sorting things out aswell
  13. The Rare Breed

    Sorry if it seems so, if you scroll up I did make a reply around when it started, but didn't expect it to continue this far haha
  14. Waste Management

    I think that is basically what might happen for a lot of job ideas people have come up with, but obviously, it's not the devs fault as they can't add everything. Still they're doing an amazing job so far in my opinion
  15. Waste Management

    Yeh! The game still has a bit to go and no doubt they will look to the community for lots of new suggestions of what they want. Your idea seems really cool
  16. The Rare Breed

    This has gotten a bit far... The dude was only advertising his club for a game that's coming out and you're calling him retarded for it. I think the mods should get rid of your posts as you have taken this way too far for seemingly no reason
  17. The Rare Breed

    I don't think it is that bad of him to name a club after a real life one... This is an RP Game after all. If he wants to do this he should be allowed, and he isnt "dumb and narrow minded" for not knowing the history of some Motorcycle Clubs. That is like me calling you dumb for not knowing the name of Karl Marx's wife or something random.
  18. Will there be poorer areas than others?

    At first only the town square is coming out, but definitely as they expand there will be luxury areas with the expensive apartments and some shabby-er areas. I think as Shwado said, ghetto areas could be cool, but the poorest we know of at the moment is probably the cheap studio apartment areas.
  19. Can you be a Arms Dealer/Gunrunner

    I am sure you will be able to buy and sell guns, but not sure if they will implement shipments you can collect. Problem with buying and selling guns is that it would be hard to make profit as people would rather just buy the gun themselves. I think you could do raids for guns (killing people / cops / gangs) and taking their loot to sell. They have not said anything about adding in these shipment kind of deals but who known, we are only nearing the first module so time will tell.
  20. Well at least in Altis Life you can't just loot people who are injured or dead, but I don't think / know if that will be the case in this game, they have not specified. I think that you should be able to, but it would be annoying as it would encourage a lot more RDM as people will just kill you, take all of your stuff, and run off. As for taking people hostage, I'm sure you will be able to run up and take injured people hostage. Sorry if I didn't answer your question fully
  21. Will they do it?

    I did a bit more looking and it looks like it will be when Town Module comes out the prices will go up I think it's from one of the gaming dev streams they do. Thanks for the like on my other comment by the way, much appreciated
  22. the future of the game !

    If it is an online download what can they do about it?
  23. Im Moving To Town Soon....

    Yeah, track him down when the game comes out and take him out
  24. Will they do it?

    Not sure that soon, but when Town Square gets released the store prices are meant to go up and certain things you can get now will no longer be available. Sorry if i didn't exactly answer your question
  25. Youtubers?

    Wish you the best of luck When Town Square comes out I'm sure Identity will be a hit and some Youtube vids showing it off could get a lot of views Also, if you have an Nvidia graphics card, use GeForce experience to record - far better than any paid recording software I have seen