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  • Birthday November 19

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  1. Scam

    I’m sure the digital artist is extremely talented, but they’re not exactly showing it here. The jungle mood boards must have been quite limited in content if these designs were based off of them, because it doesn’t look like the design in question has pulled different elements from multiple sources whatsoever. Sure this ‘compositing’ can be done quickly, but that’s probably because the house is more or less a perfect replica of the source material. The problem here isn’t that it’s the first stage of development and you’re using it for inspiration- that is completely fine. It’s extremely difficult to just pluck designs out of nowhere and I’m sure every other artist does the same. The problem is that you have showcased it in a manner which led me (and I’m sure others) to believe that it was original work and was an example of some of the concept art you had recently created- especially as the dev blogs are usually used to showcase the progress you have made in the previous month. Had you just added that this was inspiration, instead of leaving it up to us to decide, then I’m sure you could have stayed on the beach loungers at the side of the pool, rather than cannonballing straight into the hot water. I still have faith in this game, and I will still support it- but you really are making it difficult for yourselves- hence why people who have been supportive of you, and active in this community for the past 2-3 years are now beginning to raise eyebrows.
  2. What is this shit

    Before I post this, I'd like to first point out that I am a great advocate of this game. Identity does exist, and I am sure it will eventually release and also be a great game. I have always supported it, and will continue to do so. I understand that development takes a long time, and that there can be hiccups along the way. I disagree with what most of OP has posted, other than the part that I have quoted, which has bugged me for the last week or so. I have followed the task tracker religiously since it was announced in April- nearly every day I have opened the website to check what has changed, and have made a note of the changes. At the start, the devs were completing multiple tasks each day, and progress was flying. Now that we've gotten closer to the end of the tracker, production has slowed right down, and at the moment we're getting around one task each week. I understand that as we got closer, progress would slow down as different developers who had finished their work on TS would move to work on something different. However, I wan't expecting things to move this slowly. Maybe I am being judgemental and pessimistic, but it seems to me as if that is a: "Oh shit, we're near to 'release' so let's slow down how quickly we complete these 'tasks' that don't really have much connection to what we're actually working on, and were only introduced to appease the community." I know that you guys have also said that the devs have encountered smaller, backend bugs that were not significant enough to be on the tracker. However, it just seems suspicious that these bugs that have brought task progress to a standstill have only been a problem in the last week or two, when the game is at 'imminent' release. Look, I am obsessed with this project, and want nothing more than it to succeed, whatever the timeframe. However, I just want a bit of transparency, because at the moment, I feel like I have spent the last couple of months constantly checking the task tracker in vain. I will still support this project and it would be bloody fantastic if this is just an elaborate conspiracy theory I've created in my head. Please prove me wrong Identity; with actions, not words.
  3. After the development tasks are completed, the game will be submitted to Steam. It should take 1 week (estimated) for the first module to release after that.
  4. Current plan for the next stream (May 29th)

    Way to throw your toys out of the pram; just because you've given them money doesn't entitle you to make demands. In answer to your question though, I believe the streams are usually around the hour mark, so I'd guess that we will get 10/15 minutes of gameplay on Tuesday.
  5. Pay To Play?

    If you pledge, then you are effectively buying the game early, at a cheaper price. So yes, if you pledge now, you won't have to pay for the game again at release. (It is also worth noting that the $30 and higher pledges give you access to the 3 modules and then the beta.) Hopefully that helps!
  6. The Quarter

    Thanks for the positive feedback! Be sure to get in contact when Identity launches!
  7. The Quarter

    Yes! As a free newspaper, The Quarter will rely upon advertisements in order to be profitable. Please check the website for further details.
  8. The Quarter

    The Quarter. The free weekly newspaper to keep you updated on all things Identity, without ever taking up more than a quarter of an hour of your time- guaranteed. Yes, you heard that right, free! Each week, read about anything and everything, from business, politics, crime and more! With a team of dedicated reporters, be sure to get the latest news from across all of the Identity universe. The Quarter will be distributed across multiple Identity servers, and the latest copy will be released every single Wednesday. Since launching in 1959, The Quarter has seen great successes, and is well renowned for bringing you the ideas that matter. However, we also believe that the world we live in is constantly moving, and so innovation is key. Hence, you can also read The Quarter online, so you can keep up to date, on the go. “Journalism is literature in a hurry.” Matthew Arnold © 2017 The Quarter News, a member of the Sheeran Media Group and its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.
  9. ?Crown Merch - NEW WEBSITE?

    Interesting concept! Look forward to seeing you in the Identity world! Just one thing though, you might want to consider changing the text from black to white. (I had to highlight over everything to read it properly!)
  10. Tax

    I believe that the tax is set by the current government on a particular server. As for money laundering, nothing has been confirmed, and it may be quite difficult to carry out on public servers. However, I could see it being more of a possibility on private servers.
  11. Market Research

    Hello there, Identity community! I'm relatively new here, but still ridiculously excited for what is shaping up to be a fantastic game! Anyway, I'm very intrigued to explore the business side of this game, hence the reason for this post. If you could take the time to answer some simple questions for market research purposes, then that would be incredible! Thanks, Sheeran.
  12. Football Fans

    WE'VE GOT PA... oh, nevermind. Answering your question, I am a City fan. If the rumours prove true, take good care of Zabaleta for us! (And naturally, my first post here is about football, typical!)