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About RampageAU

  • Birthday 07/19/1990

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  1. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    OH DAMN. That was harsh. kinda makes sense what you are attempting to say. i honestly think the main issue was all the delays. we all understand crowd funding and everything else you listed in that post. but when they gave 1 date. then changed. then changed then changed. kinda steals away from that hype and strips away from that momentum they may of had. (and yes. i am fully aware of that delays happen and it's not their fault ect. i think putting a release date on the internet to begin with was their biggest mistake yet.) and i dont think anyone is claiming that these devs are scam. but projects die if not enough people are backing them. ultimately giving them the title of SCAM These things cannot be planned for or foreseen. time will tell i guess
  2. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    You don't really have authority to tell someone they aren't being scammed. although scammed probably isn't the word i'd use. I've bought into a few EA games that just bombed. Dev left because they had no direction. and people lost money. This (identity) has been claiming for awhile that it is going to be massive. And interact with almost everything in the game world. now that is no easy task to achieve. Next to impossible for such a tiny company like this one. by now. so close to release. there should be at least teasers out. or 'hey look. this is what TS looks like.' It may still be a month or 3 away from them being 'happy' with releasing it. If time has shown us anything. it's that they aren't prepared to release half finished garbage to the general public.
  3. ahh this just makes me sad. i was kind of hoping the 'TS' wasn't just a social interaction release. i don't know how much faith i can have with a social module taking up this much time. been delayed so many times. i was really hoping they would of given us the whole map to fuck around with. honestly cant see this being released within the next 5 years.
  4. I don't know if this has been answered in the past (by the devs or by the community) so my apologies if it is. When TS drops in a few days (or maybe few weeks who knows?) will a 'town square' be the complete module release. Or are we going to access to the whole island to play around with and cars and guns be limited (or even none existent). I only ask this because if there is only the town square and everything listed on the TS page, Won't 99% of the community load in. walk around for 5 minutes, check out the bars, the library, the apartments and think 'yep. i've seen enough. see you in 6 months'? Are we able to start a career with the starting module? police, emt, mail man ect. or is this simply a beta test on how annoying 30 people singing along to 1 song at a karaoke bar can be? i would loveif someone has a direct link to a dev blog explaining what exactly is coming. Thanks!
  5. Called it

    well yeah. i get that. but have they said 'yep its delayed now' wasn't the tracker just put up there so the community could see what needs to be worked on while we countdown till. well now?
  6. task list

    their company is tiny. i would be suprised if they have the typical 9-5. mon-fri work week,
  7. Called it

    Have they actually said it's been delayed? or are you just going off the tracker on the town square page?
  8. Get out today? Who bought Founder Edition?

    that is correct. it could be today. it could also be a week from now. if you check the dev tracker there is still alot of stuff to be done before release
  9. No one knows. @ a guess i'd say yes. there seems to be alot of 'tasks' to still be done. with only a small % only showing up as completed. i dont think the 23rd release is happening.
  10. The police system won't be like altis life right?

    i kinda wish none. imagine if big time gangstas start paying off certain cops to turn a blind eye as they conduct their business or not follow up certain leads (just like the real world in many circumstances) you could have a separate branch of the police to conduct inquires into 'bend' police officers. even 'ban' them from the force for a certain time period, make them serve jail time, or work a low income job for 'x' amount of hours (best thing i could think of that comes close to community service) i don't think every cop should be on the straight and narrow. give them the chance to take a pay rise with some dirty money.
  11. Yeah i did pledge under that. i'm only a founder atm. that will probably change once the 1st module hits. if it's as good as the clips they put up on youtube then i'll start throwing more money at them.
  12. HEY dung! (that just felt wrong to type) i know delays happen and can't really be avoided (game this massive i'd expect many many delays) When i made this post. i had only known about to the game for 20 mins. my head was about to explode so i made this post. after i made this post though. i went and checked out the FAQ's and watched some of the dev Q and A's. i honestly don't think i could become bored with this. Going to be INSANE.
  13. player written notes?

    Not really sure if this will come. or something along these lines. but gee it would be fun. for people committing the crimes and the police attempting to catch them the idea is the ability to place a note with a message on the body of the guy/girl you've just killed/mugged or even the ability to place a note at a location A note containing a quote, a message or even a well written riddle to either keep the cops on the trail or throw them off. now i'm sure anyone could just load into a game. go and rob some people or even go on a murder spree. But seriously. if your going on a murder spree you are probably going to get caught. Even killing one person per week. stalk your prey. leave notes as clues in town square. or even inside of a police station to let them know you have you eyes set on someone else. either it be a politician who's morals you don't fully agree with, someone who said something in town square that rubbed you the wrong way.. or even a taxi driver who took you to the wrong place.
  14. ahhh. that makes more sense thanks!
  15. and that's what i've been reading in the post by many people. but then on their site they have this The Town Square is the first Identity module set for release, available to all pledgers with access to the game beta testing phases. so. is this not correct? beta comes when all 3 are finished? or pledgers get a beta phase of each module after they are finished and released?