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  1. Incase anybody cares, I'm still alive lol

    Real life's been kicking my ass the last month or so, but I still intend to stick to my guns when push comes to shove.

    Love, every corrupt Governor's nightmare.

  2. Who's Your Governor

    I'm not contesting his reasoning behind his actions, or even accusing Lucious of malicious intent. However, transparency must be maintained without exceptions. What he's doing is fantastic, I'm all for people owning up to their past transgressions. We'll have to see where he goes from here.
  3. Who's Your Governor

    Actions speak louder than words, and nine times out of ten the people are coerced into electing a crow eater into office who cares more whatever image he's attempting to project than the well-being of his people.
  4. Who's Your Governor

    I'm as American as it gets. Excluding the Deep South...
  5. Who's Your Governor

    No love for the outsider?
  6. Your reputability may have taken a hit for this, but it'll help cement the notion that nobody is immune to bearing the fruit of their endeavors. Definitely a step in the right direction.
  7. One way up, two ways down.

    To add onto that, Ron Perlman is a real life actor, without much care for politics. I just like to photoshop his face onto shit lol
  8. One way up, two ways down.

    I'm not one for drama, so I'll just leave that first half alone. If I'm gonna be completely honest, I really don't have any definite plans for what I would do in office, as I have yet to see just how much control policyholders have. A small example... If conglomerates were cornering their respective markets at the expense of their workers, that would be a problem. Conversely, if workers were striking and holding the company hostage while taxes are low and wages high (all subjective), that would also be a problem. My real gripe is with *real* corruption. If the governor were to hold the police budget hostage, in an attempt to coerce them into combating a rival gang (whist having ties to the gang that isn't being targeted), that would be a problem. However, if the governor were to form such relationships with these groups in an attempt to keep violence to a minimum, a case could be made for the necessity of such an evil. Regardless of what ends up happening, I look forward to seeing just this all pans out.
  9. One way up, two ways down.

    Before I get lost in my thoughts and start spouting rhetoric that compliments whatever mood I'm in, I'd like to give a big thanks to both the developers, and the community surrounding this game, as this is the first time in years that I've felt the urge to actually participate in a forum discussion. (I believe the last time I did so, Runescape "3" was just being announced.) Anyways, onto the topic at hand. While the politics of this world have yet to be discovered, the notion of political coalitions having the capacity to look out for anyone's interests but their own beyond the founders of the part(y) is far-fetched at best, and ridiculous at worst. While I don't expect to ever earn the favor of the citizenry in the beginning stages of this world's development cycle, I only ask for one chance to prove my metal. The concept that conventional leftism/rightism are adequate methods of representing the ideologies of the masses is nothing more than pandering to those whom benefit from numbing the masses. Whist I cannot even guarantee I make it onto the ballet, if by some miracle all of you *choose* me, I can guarantee that my government will operate on a term-to-term basis, with politics taking a backseat to the well-being of the people. I won't feed in to emotionally fueled pejoratives, nor will I overlook my own shortcomings, nor will I attempt to utilize an extended vocabulary. (either to confuse the average person, or attempt to marginalize my opponent) In short, we'll have to see how the politics of the island pan out, but once it solidifies itself, and a hierarchy is established, I'll be there.