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About JohnC22

  • Birthday 06/22/1985

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  1. Hello All!!

    Hello and welcome to the community Logan
  2. New Here

    Hello And Welcome look forward to seeing you around Alec.
  3. Football Fans

    haha loved that Sheeran thanks it made me chuckle, yeah i've seen those rumours too! I hope it is true been an absolute legend for City would be an Excellent signing for us. Think you guys will spend big this summer !
  4. Yo sup!

    Welcome Dan, Look forward to seeing you around
  5. Hey there!

    Hello and welcome to the community hope to see you around.
  6. Hello, just got the game here

    Hi Raphael. The game hasn't been released yet however people are advertising for their syndicate to get players signed up and ready for when the game does release, the first Module will only include the Town Square which is a social hub, the syndicates and jobs will follow later on this year maybe into next year. Based on the feedback the community has had from the Devs they are close to releasing the Town Square Module it is just a case of us waiting Hope this helps.
  7. Just finished iZombie... Now what?

    I watched Orphan Black on Netflix I thought it was very good and has 4 seasons on there I think if you fancy giving that a go. And also just currently watching How To Get Away With Murder Also very good so far nearly at end of season 2
  8. Hi lol

    Hello and welcome KOOBRA. Looking forward to seeing you around
  9. Hi Hoy !

    Hello and welcome to the forums, looking forward to seeing you around.
  10. Hello from Boston

    Welcome Bobby Look forward to seeing you about
  11. What's up, everyone?

    Welcome, Cant wait to see you in the town square
  12. Hello guys

    Good Morning and Welcome Federico look forward to seeing you around
  13. Hello!

    Welcome, cant wait to see you in the town square
  14. Football Fans

    Evening All, Random question time, do you like football? if so which team do you support? No hating on others just looking for Banter etc and you will understand when I start it off!, I'm a West Ham fan..... I'm ready and waiting for the abuse now guys and girls haha.
  15. Hello From UK

    Good Evening and a warm welcome for another UK member Look forward to seeing you about on here.