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Zebra last won the day on December 13 2016

Zebra had the most liked content!

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27 Farmer

About Zebra

  • Birthday January 16

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  1. New Citizen!

    Welcome to Identity! Its great to have you here. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time on the forums, everyone is very friendly! If you have any questions, there is a Q&A sub-forum that you can find here!
  2. :)

    Hi there! I'm the Chief Design Officer at Supreme and I was responsible for the video. The process was fairly complex but I can break it down into a couple simple steps. 1. I acquired the base video footage 2. I used a complex motion tracking software known as boujou. Using this, I was able to recreate the space in the video using many thousand points in a 3D environment. 3. I exported the points to Adobe After Effects. 4. I cut parts of the video I didn't want and then added music. 5. Using the points created earlier, I assigned text and images to certain parts of the video. 6. I blended the added layers using masks and textures.
  3. Your group is based around the fact that you all stick together in a group. How can you ensure that you will have enough members on at all times to make this a reality?
  5. The Agency

    Great post! Looking forward to seeing more from you!
  6. Does anyone know if art will be able to be imported either as a photo format or .psd or will art have to be fully created in-game? Thank you in advance, Zebra
  7. The Laundromat

    Money laundering
  8. Which Is The Best Gang?

    Thank you very much. Appreciate the positive feedback!
  9. Howdy!

    Looking forward to seeing you around. Hope you may be enlightened and freed!
  10. A Meeting

    Looking forward to our meeting!
  11. I'm A Professional Transporter

    Definitely something I'll be keeping my eyes on...
  12. UPDATED with WHAT DO I RECEIVE? section!
  13. Hello People of Identity!

    Welcome, brother! I welcome you to the prosperous land of Identity, where your mind shall be opened and your soul freed!