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Everything posted by Emiellio11

  1. I was 14 (now 22) when I paid for the beta access. Been a long time. What do you guys think about the future?
  2. I joined identity about 2 1/2 years ago and was very excited about the game. months passed and my trust in the game and the company was hurt a lot. Now more than 2 years later i think it is time to say that this game will NEVER NEVER release. The town square module is boring there is nothing to do it is small and I dont think many players and funders like it. Also the modules and the status of the modules have not been updated for almost a year now. When are the devs going to get some work done and when are they going to update the module tracker again. The trust in this game is 0 and it will never get out of the boring town square... But i still payed $30 2 and a half years ago for this game and still regret it today... So please what the F*** is going on with the devs... Yours sincerely, Emiel B
  3. Dear developers what the F**** is going on there

    I want an answer of the devs why the f are they doing this to the community
  4. Dear developers what the F**** is going on there

    The people who work at the so called (Company) do not know how to manage it. Its a shame...
  5. We have seen the devs spend a lot of time in making houses and the interior. But there is one thing that bothers me. Why spend so much time in houses and interior when a lot of people are not gonna have a house? Why not spend your time better in other things that more people can use. Or make a seperate pass with only the house and nothing else so that people like me do not have to pay 60 dollars for only a house. Kind Regards Emiel Bins
  6. Make a seperate purchase for only a house

    i mean for the town square no one is gonna have a house there when the game releases u are going to have a house i know. not when town square releases
  7. Used gtx 1070 searched 350-400 dollar

    I want a used gtx 1070 for around 400 dollars if u have one contact me in this topic thank you
  8. map loading

    i have in nfs 2015 that i fall through map and in gta5 that the map does not load fast will this also be the case in identity? or should i get an ssd
  9. Dear identity enthusiasts

    I have been following this gamer for over a year now i think most of you are. This is by my beliefs the best rpg mmo game ever to be released, I cant wait for the 21th of march and finally play it what are you all going to do first let me now in the comments. Have fun Emiel B Netherlands Identity.
  10. Time between modules

    I have spoken to motown about how long will it take for the 2nd 3rd and beta to release what do you think or what do the devs think
  11. if you can run Ark or Gta V without problems you should be fine
  12. u will be able to put ideal money in your paypal go to https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/wallet then u see on the left add money from ideal then add it and buy the game from paypal
  13. Dear identity enthusiasts

    o wow again
  14. Ingame money

    you can make money from illegal activities.
  15. Graphics - Level of Details

    yes i can play it
  16. Graphics - Level of Details

    i have i3 6100 gtx 750 8gb ram and thats it i can play almost every game so on medium i hope ill be alright
  17. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    in your dreams
  18. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    i hope in a few weeks
  19. Town square at least in a couple of months

    i will give LuckyDuck that one
  20. Starting money

    i want to be officer
  21. Which to buy?

    the 30$ pack i have also bought it it is the best for your money pack
  22. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Mercedes all the way!
  23. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    im now playing Rainbow Six Siege a lot, i like it. but when Identity comes out im going to no-life it .