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Lexan last won the day on June 23 2017

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79 Entrepreneur

1 Follower

About Lexan

  • Birthday 08/08/1996

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  1. Will they do it?

    You did thanks ;^)
  2. Will they do it?

    I was wondering, when the release date gets announced, will the identity devs increase de passport price or they will wait until the TS module release? :^)
  3. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Naughty devs, roaming around town square naked :^)
  4. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I wish i could work in office like that :^)
  5. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I saw that today it was on that dev streamer i said on the topic he is pretty cool :^)
  6. New Dev streamer

    Hey guys lexan here, as a twitch fan, i really like to watch some streams and this identity dev is quite nice and kind and he streams moddeling, im not sure what time he streams but, i'm watching him now and he started 6h ago. Come to his stream, he is a nice guy and i think im his only viewer atm hahaha https://www.twitch.tv/leetperkins
  7. Dev Blog

  8. Twitch streams

    Thanks for the info :^)
  9. Twitch streams

    Hey guys, lately i feel like there are less streams than before.. anyone knows why? Im a bit out of the news of identity
  10. Peoples Coumputer Specs

    Do you run pubg 60 fps at high? My pc is almost the same but i have only 8gb ram and sometimes it crashes my game
  11. What is your character going to be like?

    i will be a fisherman until i earn enough money to start my own private cab bussiness :-) hopefully some of y'all will work for me
  12. Hey guys, i wasnt on stream when they said so i hope someone could enlight me with some info, thanks
  13. The Forums seem dead.

    You are correct sir, soon the video will become avaiable and this forum will be crowded again :^)
  14. How much did you pledge?

  15. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I can almost feel it this game in my hands! Looking forward to meet everyone :-)