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Everything posted by MarOneKey

  1. Greetings from Russia )

    Hey Ya. Comrades! My name is Mark and I come from Russia. Recently discovered this project, and he damn incredibly cool! I longed to see something like this and hope to play ) I hope that the Russian and the Slavic community will not either infringe. As it became common in our world. I hope to meet compatriots in this project and if any of them see this topic, then write to me here. I would like to stay in the place of the Brothers) I think my character will appeal to you ) Good mood to all. And GOOD LUCK OF COMRADE !
  2. Greetings from Russia )

    С моей стороны вряд-ли так будет ) только если какая нибудь перепалка Ну надеемся на то, что игре будет все строго с правилами Рп
  3. Greetings from Russia )

    Thanks guys ) Русский иммигрант будет ждать