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  1. Beta release question

    Long story short: Yes, you are allowed to stream it and make video content about it.
  2. 1 day left

    The release date for the 1st Module will be announced in todays Dev-Blog. Because this thread is no longer needed, i will close it for now.
  3. When will the first module come?

    The release Date for the Town Square module will be announced today in the new Dev-Blog.
  4. PC requirements

    I don't think they will provide an Upgrade for the Town Square Module. Maybe for the final Game.
  5. PC requirements

    There is no information about the system requirements yet. If you can run Games like GTA5, ARK or ARMA3 you can also run Identity.
  6. Applying for mod?

    I wish everybody who writes an application best of luck
  7. How will time/sleeping work in Identity?

    When you go to bed ingame, the time will not pass quicker. It will be 3 hours day and 1 hour night. The Day/Night-Cycle can be adjusted on private servers.
  8. That was the question. Why don't you do it? GVMP already has a good community base and you could profit from it. Also the Project then could have a unique name instead of just "identityrpg". Me personaly think it is very brazen to register the same domain as identityrpg just with nearly all available big top level domains like .net and so on.
  9. Tow Truck/ Body Shop

    Sure thing
  10. Enough for the game?

    As far as i know Paysafecard cannot be used with paypal. It's very complicated to load your paypal balance with a paysafecard. (It's possible but you loose money and have to register on betting sites to "convert" the paysafecard money into paypal balance)
  11. Tow Truck/ Body Shop

    Yes, there will be a tow truck for players occupied by the mechanic job to provide roadside assistance. Unfortunately, players will not own or operate vehicle repair shops themselves, but they can take a job working for one to earn money, and be notified of nearby vehicle accidents, as well as recieve calls from players requesting roadside assistance. Those who wish to tune their vehicles will be required to visit a tuning garage to upgrade parts of their vehicle.
  12. Enough for the game?

    With PSC he means Paysafecard. It's some kind of prepaid card you can buy nearly everywhere and pay anonymously. Long story short: He cannot use it to buy Identity
  13. Short answer: No ETA for the release of the first Module yet.
  14. No, this is not needed this time
  15. Will There Be Drag Racing?

    There will be a Race Track on the Map. Not a specific Drag Racing Track.