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Thing is i'm not the only one who wants mods if you read above this topic you can see. Even a little google search shows other topics and posts. And like i said above only if you wish to mod we should be able to, and if people wish to play on vanilla they can play on official servers or vanilla private servers.
Yet there are mods that can add realism..... like they say there wont be undercover police cars on release in their FaQ, Almost every cop force on this planet has a undercover police car's so a mod could add that in then a private server owner could add it to their server ,and that's just 1 example. Also there is quite a-few hardcore roleplay servers on Arma and GTA V. I do agree modding should not be a selling point on a game however mods can increase a lifespan of a game and some of them can bring even more realistic stuff.
Seriously you got any way to backup that claim? All the games mods have saved so far Arma 3 (even mission files for altis servers are technically modding), GTA San andreas SA:MP was a mod....Going to other none roleplay games but still got saved by mods Fallout 3 and New Vegas and Fallout 4... I could list more but really no point in the end mods don't ruin games they can improve them. Yes i know there are some bad mod's out there but there is allot of good ones also. Incase i will Backup my own claim on that also... So Arma 3 mission files still are modified data to work for the client and server, like altis life would not be around if mission files could not be made/edited. And then there is bigger Arma mods where you need to download secondary content which a mission file cannot provide. SA:MP is a mod to play on multiplayer admittedly i never played SA:MP however i know allot of servers still run for it and has quite allot of players still (google search) and even looking up on youtube i do see allot of good roleplay servers there. Now onto the none roleplay games again, Fallout 3 does not work for windows 10 anymore unless you mod it and after that it has tons of mods which are great, Fallout New Vegas has tons of great mods, Fallout 4 well has quite afew good one's but its has allot of limitations so i give fallout 4 a meh. My point being mods don't ruin games there are a ton of good ones out there just sadly sometimes there are bad ones too. Same as games there are good games and bad games just like the rest of the things on this planet.
The_Devils_Son started following Modding
You must of been on allot of bad mods in the past. Because almost every single one i came across on arma 3 is good and realistic, Then again i always do deep research on any mods i am going to install or any servers i join to see if they really are good. And like it was said above bad ones usually die out. So why not add modding support? if someone does not wish to mod they don't have to, but the people who do can if they so wish.
Another thing is mods can make the game last longer look at Arma 3 do you really think arma would of lasted so long without mods. Like Dimin89 said if people wish to play unmodded they can but if people want to mod why stop them, because Just like GTA V and Arma 3 allot of people buy those games to mod nowadays that equals more profit. Another thing to note what happens if a private server wishes to have there own police car skins or ambulance skins or even undercover cars because to be honest they should at-least be able todo that.
Hey there do any of you guys know if this game will be modifiable lets say a private server wish to add in some new cars or buildings or even jobs ect will that be possible or not? I'm hoping it will be because mods can bring out even more roleplay.